Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Sunday 11 September 2016

The Zika Virus Threat – Another Hoax

The Zika Virus Threat – Another Hoax
Disregard the media hysteria over mosquitoes carrying a virus that causes pregnant woman to have deformed children. It’s not merely an overreaction; it’s a prefabrication. Be patient, read on, and I’ll explain why with at least one perspective that differs from public perception.

First of all, the phrase problem, reaction, is used to describe external events and their patterns that can be used to increase or exploit control over whole populations. It’s the always use a tragedy or crisis to further agendas of control or profit syndrome.

But the problem can be manufactured to get a public reaction that would clamour, even beg for a solution that the creators of the problem would benefit from greatly.

Meanwhile, the Zika virus has been around since the 1940s and had never been linked to microcephaly until now. And there have been around 25,000 cases of microcephaly in the United States annually. -Jon Rappoport
Published on Jan 29, 2016
 Medical Mafia Use of Problem, Reaction, Solution
Just since the turn of this century, we have witnessed: the West Nile Virus scare; SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) threats; the Swine Flu falsely contrived “epidemic” during which the CDC lied about statistics; Ebola (where did that crisis go?); and recently the greatly hyped and exaggerated Disney World measles epidemic.

All of them generated media fear porn and controversy for the benefit of the government and Big Pharma. All of them were based on lies – contrived problems.

They produced public, media, and official reactions that benefited Big Pharma. Contrived hoaxes are an integral part of Big Pharma’s business model. As Jon Rappoport stated, “If you want to hide anything on this planet, twist it into a (fake) story about a virus. You’re home free.”

That’s because almost everyone is convinced that we are all threatened by germs, especially viruses. That itself is a big lie. Our biggest health threats are from weakened immune systems and low pH bodily inner terrains caused from modern lifestyles, including: Terrible fake food diets, toxic medicines, vaccines, and thousands of toxic chemicals that have  infected agriculture, water, air, and household products.

All infectious disease improvements that are used to justify pharmaceutical antibiotics and vaccines can be attributed to better waste management and modern plumbing. Infectious diseases spread more frequently in areas with no or poor sewage, which often seeps into common area well water sources.

Connecting the Dots for a Plausible Picture

The Zika virus carried by mosquitoes is being blamed for babies being born with damaged brains from shrunken skulls in Brazil. This hypothesis is based on discovering the Zika virus in one baby’s brain who died and the amniotic fluid of two women who gave birth to babies with that condition.

And the few tests that determined the Zika virus at fault for the birth defects are not so accurate themselves, according to Jon Rappoport. Here are a handful of factual dots.

(1) The Zika virus has been around for decades, infecting inhabitants of parts of Southeast Asia and Africa since 1948. No incidents of brain damage from shrunken skulls or even birth defects from the Zika virus have been associated until now.

According to a CDC report updated January 27, 2016 Zika virus infection symptoms are flu-like with extremely low morbidity. Often those infected are without symptoms.

(2) The number of cases of microcephaly (skulls too small) in Brazil has grown to over 4,000 babies since October of 2015. This is an increase of around 13,000 percent over the normal annual rate of microcephaly of 150. [2]

(3) According to an analysis by internet journalist Jim Stone, thousands of mosquitoes from Africa or Southeast Asia couldn’t have arrived into South America and caused a sudden spike that took place in a few short months with a strange birth malady that those mosquitoes are bound to bring throughout Mexico and North America.

(4) The sudden surge of microcephaly incidents are obviously among pregnant women. Why are there no cases reported of Zika infections among women who are not pregnant and men if this surge is from mosquito bites?

(5) Here’s the smoking gun: “In late 2014, the Brazilian minister of health announced that a new Tdap (tetanus, diptheria, perutsis) shot would be mandatory for all expectant mothers starting in 2015. (…) The timeliness of the Tdap vaccine and the sudden rise in birth defects is more than just a little coincidental.” [2]

(6) ‘According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adequate testing has not been done in humans to demonstrate safety for pregnant women and it is not known whether the vaccines can cause fetal harm or affect reproduction capacity.

Even the manufacturers of the Tdap vaccine state that human toxicity and fertility studies are inadequate and warn that Tdap should “be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed”.’ [1]

(7) Injuries and deaths from pertussis-containing vaccines are the most compensated claims in the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) while flu vaccine injuries and deaths are the second most compensated claim. [1] Most of those claims involve infant brain damages.

(8) “The FDA has licensed Tdap vaccines to be given once as a single dose pertussis booster shot to individuals over 10 or 11 years old. The CDC’s recommendation that doctors give every pregnant woman a Tdap vaccination during every pregnancy—regardless of whether a woman has already received one dose of Tdap—is an off-label use of the vaccine.” [1]

My Conclusion

The factual dots lead to the Tdap vaccinations as causal for this latest viral threat hoax.  Blaming it on the mosquito carrying virus that’s benign hides the Tdap vaccine dangers and allows continued vaccine attempts to induce childlessness among the poor in third world and developing countries. Many women in Brazil are now avoiding pregnancy.

So who benefits from this apparent hoax? The manufacturers of the “new” Tdap obviously. Sure, it may have been a bad or tainted batch this time. But dots (7) and (8) indicate they were playing with fire by mandating the Tdap for pregnant women to begin with.

This created crisis gives rise to creating yet another vaccine, this time for the prior to now benign Zika virus and insisting all women who are even contemplating pregnancy receive it.

And it encourages a more favorable acceptance for those partially Gates Foundation funded genetically engineered mosquitoes that are supposed to create infertility among mosquitoes, which carry Dengue fever and Zika viruses from infected hosts.

Move on folks. Nothing really happening here except a further warning for pregnant women to avoid vaccinations.

Sound off in the comments and let us know what you think about this discovery.
These are eye-opening facts about vaccines which discuss profits that vaccine manufacturers gain. Also the fact that vaccines are not natural. They are are a pharmaceutical drug. They contain toxic chemicals like thimerosol (mercury), aluminum, formaldehyde, and live viruses. These ingredients may be unsafe and cause dangerous and even deadly side-effects.

I also discuss the fact that you can't sue vaccine manufacturers for damages their vaccines may have caused to you or your baby's health. You have to go through vaccine court. I also mention how vaccine research is completely bias. And it is the vaccine companies themselves who provide safety research for their products.

Some say there is a connection between vaccines and autism, SIDS, and brain damage. I discuss that. I mention how a leading official in debunking the autism vaccine connection, named Poul Thorsen, was convicted of fraud against the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in 2011.

I talk about how there is actually no evidence to prove that vaccines actually work. There has also been a huge increase in the number of shots kids received since 1950. Also, according to an ongoing report, unvaccinated children heave better overall health than vaccinated children. This all comes on the heels of a measles outbreak which started in Disneyland. There's a big debate about the MMR vaccine. Mini-documentary.

Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia’s control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies’ corruption. Paul’s contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are well received by truth seekers. Visit his blog by following this link and follow him on Twitter here

Sources for More Information:
[4] ttp://
Image: Adapted from Wikimedia Commons

The recent outbreak of Zika virus in Brazil is now being linked to genetically modified mosquitoes developed by the British biotech company Oxitec, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Oxitec has been releasing the genetically modified Aedes mosquitoes into the wild in Brazil since 2011 to battle dengue fever. The company produces up two million genetically modified mosquitoes a week in its factory in Campinas, Brazil.

The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the world’s most dominant variety of mosquito, and the only two countries in the Americas that don’t have this mosquito are Chile and Canada. The Zika virus, which has been detected in 18 of the 26 states in Brazil, is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito.

Over 4,000 babies have now been born in Brazil with shrunken brains since November 1, 2015. Brazil normally gets approximately 150 cases of this type of birth defect each year, which means abnormal births of this type have increased by approximately 13,000 percent. (New reports from NBC news state these counts have been exaggerated and are far less.)

While the Brazilian government rushes to blame the Zika virus for this huge rise in abnormal birth defects, causation remains unclear. Only a small number of babies with birth defects, who died, had the virus in their brain or in the mother’s placenta. This means a large number of the babies who died had no Zika virus in their brain. Hard to blame Zika then, which has been around since before 1948 and has never been known to cause birth defects and/or death. In fact, Zika makes only one in five people get “mildly” sick with flu-like symptoms, with no symptoms at all in 4 out of 5 people. So why are they quick to blame a generally benign Zika virus?

In late 2014, the Brazilian minister of health announced that a new Tdap shot would be mandatory for alltdap-ryan-gossling-meme expectant mothers starting in 2015. Since it’s mandatory, mothers with birth defect babies received this newly formulated vaccine while pregnant. The timeliness of the Tdap vaccine and the sudden rise in birth defects is more than just a little coincidental. The consequences of this untested vaccine is being swept under the rug. Which brings us once again to Bill Gates, the King of Eugenics and Vaccines.

In 2015 the Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program, received a $307,000 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to study the immune responses of pregnant women who receive the Tdap (reduced-dose acellular pertussis vaccines combined with tetanus and diphtheria toxoids) vaccine. One cannot find the raw results.

In 2011, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) issued a recommendation that pregnant women receive the Tdap shot at 20 weeks gestation. Tdap combines the Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (whooping-cough) vaccines into a single jab. The Tdap shot has never been proven safe for use during pregnancy. In fact, Tdap is classified by the FDA as a Class C drug indicating it is NOT A SAFE CHOICE during pregnancy.

tdapFACT: Drug companies did not test the safety and effectiveness of giving influenza or Tdap vaccine to pregnant women before the vaccines were licensed in the U.S. and there is almost no data on inflammatory or other biological responses to these vaccines that could affect pregnancy and birth outcomes. There are ingredients in influenza and pertussis containing Tdap vaccines that have not been fully evaluated for potential genotoxic or other adverse effects on the human fetus developing in the womb that may negatively affect health after birth, including aluminum adjuvants, mercury containing (Thimerosal) preservatives and many more bioactive and potentially toxic ingredients.

Is it any wonder there was a rush to place the birth defect epidemic blame elsewhere? The fact that Brazil subjected its pregnant women to such a mandatory untested vaccine is genocidal, and now they know it. They bought the kool-aid without doing the precautionary research. Or perhaps they received enough money to look the other way. Consequently, the United States is now pushing to develop a vaccine for the Zika virus. Haven’t we been down this road before with mainstream media’s Ebola scares and the predictable rush to capitalize on a lucrative vaccine for all those in fear for their life (which they already had waiting in the wings)?

To make matters worse, Brazil says they will mobilize 220,000 soldiers to fight the Zika virus. Soldiers are being ordered to go door-to-door to spray insecticides in neighborhoods to help kill mosquitoes. Toxic insecticide spraying around pregnant women and children? Are they insane? To compound the insanity further… The government says it will distribute mosquito repellent to some 400,000 pregnant women who receive cash-transfer benefits. Officials in El Salvador, Colombia and Brazil have also suggested women stop getting pregnant until the crisis has passed. Now, there’s a definite win for Bill Gates’ population control agenda. Just scare people into avoiding sex and getting pregnant. In fact, recently they suggested that the Zika virus “might be” a sexually transmitted disease, just because it was found in one man’s semen who had the Zika virus. They can try to plant the seeds of deadly fear once again, but don’t you believe a word of such nonsense.

Pressure is building on the World Health Organization to declare Zika an emergency of international concern. Under the International Health Regulations, Director General Dr. Margaret Chan can establish an emergency committee, which can green light global vaccination campaigns with experimental vaccines. Are you getting the picture?

There’s more to this story… Now, scientists in Brazil are studying genetic sequences of mosquitoesBill-Gates-vaccine allegedly transmitting the Zika virus and other diseases to see whether changes have occurred that could have generated mutant mosquitoes. The mosquito Gates released was likely to be a long-term dream of his he had for forced birth control and forced vaccinations, which he has been working on since 2003.

In the forced vaccination scenario, the mosquitoes are genetically programmed to produce the “vaccine” permanently once released into the environment, so they would not have to release new mosquitoes EVER again. Their effects would simply become part of nature.

This means that at some time in your life you and everyone else is bound to be bitten by a mosquito created by Bill Gates. God help us all!


Top Bioweapons Expert Says Zika was Engineered:

The laboratory selling of the Zika Virus with year of origin as 1947 by The Rockefeller Fundation…

Suggestions this virus could be used to change harsh anti-abortion laws in Brazil…

Scientific Opinion against release of GM mosquitoes…

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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God

Tags: abnormal birth defects, aedes mosquito, bill and melinda gates foundation, bill gates, Brazilian minister of health, center for disease control, ebola scare, genetically engineered mosquitos, kathy forti, Oxitec, Tdap vaccine, trinfinity8, vaccine coverups, vaccines during pregnancy, vanderbilt vaccine research program, world health organization on vaccines, Zika birth defects, zika virus

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