Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Friday 20 March 2020

“Trump Storm” Gathers Strength On Horizon

Ten Days Of Darkness” Warning Issued For America As Feared “Trump Storm” Gathers Strength On Horizon
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A gobsmacking highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service(SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the war of words that’s erupted as the world’s superpowers blame each other for the COVID-19 bioweapon states in its examination of this issue that the just declared “Human Biosecurity Emergency” in Australia may hold critical clues as to if the coronavirus pandemic is, indeed, a manufactured crisis—most particularly because this human biosecurity emergency was approved by the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS)—the same Australian spy agency that a fortnight ago effectively threw the Australian Associated Press out of business after 85-years of publishing by its secretly ordering banks not lend it any money—and whose reason for doing so revolves around a psychiatrist named Dr. Russell McGregor and his Northern Beaches Psychiatrist and Psychologist Family Medical Practice located in Dee Why-New South Wales located about 18-kilometers (11 miles) from ASIS headquarters in downtown Sydney—a Dr. McGregor whose medical practice specialized in providing mental health treatment to ASIS personal—but whom the leftist Australian Associated Press waged a war against resulting in one of their final headlines before going out of business being “Psychiatrist Struck Off For Posting ‘Bizarre’ QAnon Conspiracy Theories”—and yesterday stunningly saw Dr. McGregor retaliating against the injustice done to him with a series of Tweets [more readable form] among whose breathtaking revelations include his saying that

—and saw him warning the Americanpeople that “The Storm Is Upon Us” while alerting them to the coming “10 Days Of Darkness” about to strike them as Trump brings this war to a close—beyond stunning revelations made by Dr. McGregor that were near immediately followed by radical leftist anti-Trump top CNN news anchor Dana Bash shocking the world by saying about Trump on live television: “He is being the kind of leader that people need, at least in tone, today and yesterday, in tone that people need, and want, and yearn for in times of crisis and uncertainty”—a remarkable admission of truth made by a Dana Bash whose former husband is Deep State leader and former CIA Chief of Staff turned national security analyst for NBC News and its cable division, MSNBC, Jeremy Bash—and proves she knows that prisoners won’t be taken by Trump [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] 

 According to the very limited portions of this highly-classified SVR report permitted to discussed upon by various ministries, an unbiased intelligence analysis as to the truth of the claims being made by Dr. Russell McGregor rests on who most benefits from this coronavirus pandemic in the long run—and without any doubt is President Trump—as for years Trump has been unrelentingly attacked as being a racist for the war he has waged against globalist-socialist ideology with his America First agenda—but who now stands astride a world where every nation is so rapidly retreating from globalist-socialist ideology, these nations can’t close their borders fast enough—and sees today it being correctly observed the Continent's response to coronavirus proves that European “solidarity” has always been a sham.

What history will most remember about this coronavirus pandemic, this report notes, is that in but a few short months, it’s upended the entire globalist-socialist world and its followers by shining the glaring light of truth and facts on their dangerous and deadly to humanity hypocrisies—hypocrisies many American people are now belatedly awakening to as evidenced by remarkable headlines now being published by major US news outlets such as “Yes, Mom, The CDC Is Part Of The Deep State, Too”—and are, also, hypocrisies being slammed into the faces of the communist Chinese loving US mainstream propaganda media—nearly all of whose reporters have now been thrown out of China—which led the leftist Washington Post to publish their nearly first in history anti-China article titled “China Dangerously Expels More U.S. Journalists As The World Seeks Credible Coronavirus Reporting”—as well as the leftist New York Times doing the same with their anti-China article titled  China’s Ill-Timed Attack On The Free Press”.

While the leftist rabidly anti-Trump propaganda media organs Washington Post and New York Times are slowly awakening to the reality about what President Trump is doing as revealed by Dr. McGregor, however, this report continues, the same cannot be said about other leftist factions in America—such as the socialist brainwashed American youths who are encouraging mobs to loot stores during the coronavirus panic, as well as losing their minds to invent a new game they call they’re calling Coronavirus Challengewhich sees them licking toilet seats to prove how unafraid they are—insanity being matched by the City of Philadelphia that’s stopped arresting criminals because of coronavirus fears, and the socialist Democrat Party Mayor of New Orleans upending the US Constitution with her order banning all gun sales so her citizens can’t protect themselves from criminals being freed—all of which arises from a deranged socialist mindset that now sees elite leftist Hollywood actress Rosanna Arquette vilely proclaiming that Jewish conspiracy is behind the coronavirus pandemic, and who exactly said: “If there is anything bad in the world then, ipso facto, Jews and Israel are behind it”—but whose top prize for socialist lunacy must go to former US Attorney turned top leftist MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner, who yesterday declared on live television that Trump could be charged with murder over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic—coronavirus deaths, though, that remain but a blip on the historical timeline of global pandemics.  

Never in recorded history have so many Americans gone hysterically insane because of an actually mild virus pandemic.

 Most critically not being noticed by the American people about this coronavirus pandemic, this report explains, is that it’s masterfully being used by President Trump to wipe out all of his Deep State enemies—best evidenced in the actions taken by Trump’s central bank called the Federal Reserve whose signs point to their purposely trying to crash the US stock markets—a stock market crashing coinciding with what is being called “the crazy moves made by the US Treasury nobody can explain”—but whose full explanation, though, can be understood when knowing that this coronavirus pandemic is being marched side-by-side with a global oil war that’s now crashed its price per barrel to an 18-year low—which means that when Trump orders both the Federal Reserve and US Treasury to re-inflate the American economy when the coronavirus pandemic ends, for the first time in modern history it can be done without a money destroying inflations monster rising like occurred in the 1970’s and brought the US to its economic knees.
Being crushed into oblivion by the economic moves being made by President Trump in this coronavirus panic, this report details, are the socialist Democrat Party controlled stronghold US States in rebellion Trump immediately targeted upon taking power with his crushing SALT tax—and are, also, Democrat Party controlled States whose socialist pension funds have for decades robbed the 
American citizens living in them of wealth to such an extent top economic experts warned last year that “The Coming Pension Crisis Is So Big That It's A Problem For Everyone”—best example by the socialist Democrat Party stronghold State of Illinois that since 2000 has increased its socialist pension spending by more than 500% while the vast majority of citizens were crushed by ever increasing taxes

—and today is an Illinois just weeks away from its having to declare bankruptcy—a bankruptcy soon to be followed by the socialist Democrat Party stronghold State of California—as well as the socialist Democrat Party stronghold State of New York, most particularly New York City that’s now just weeks from bankruptcy, tooand all of whom have just watched in terror as the coronavirus has turned their trillions-of-dollars’ worth of US stock market holdings held in their socialist pension funds into worthless pieces of paper. 

The evidence showing that President Trump has turned this coronavirus pandemic plot against his enemies who perpetrated it, this report concludes, can be best understood by ones knowing that the individual States in America (who are self-governing entities and powers unto themselves) have massive numbers of unemployment offices to provide for their citizens who’ve lost jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic—unemployment offices that today are overwhelmed by those who have lost their jobs, and whose numbers of unemployed are said could rise to over 4.6 million—but are States which Trump is in no way going to bail out of their socialist economic mess, as, instead, he is preparing to have his US federal government send at least two $1,000 checks directly to every American citizen in a bold move even his socialist Democrat Party enemies can’t oppose—while at the same time, the warning issued yesterday by Dr. Russell McGregor to the American people for them to prepare for “10 Days Of Darkness” has just been met by top US economic experts advising Trump to immediately “Shut Down The Country”—but in whose final end game conclusion of, sees Vice President Mike Pence assuring the American people that when this coronavirus pandemic is over, 

Our Economy Will Come Roaring Back”—a welcome assurance of hope supported by the vast numbers of the American people who growing more disgusted by the hour at the leftist mainstream media’s politicization of this crisis—but viewed in dread by socialist Democrats who worry the coronavirus could help Trump win re-election—and for Christian peoples not only in America, but the world over who know true things, is a coronavirus pandemic crisis they knew was coming to aid President Trump against all of his vile enemies—as what is occurring now is an exact match of what occurred a little over 2,000 years ago when a small group of people who put their faith in Jesus came up against the powerful might of the demonic Roman Empire—a Roman Empire standing opposed to Gods will as those who stand against Trump today—but who then had to deal with two historic plagues that ravaged the entire Roman Empirethe Antonine Plague, 165-180 A.D. and the Cyprian Plague, 249-262 A.D.plagues that killed roughly a quarter to a third of their population, striking down emperors Marcus Aurelius, Hostilian, and Claudius II Gothicus while ravaging their empire—and as in the case of the coronavirus today, saw panic spreading because the society did not understand the disease—panic, however, not affecting Christian peoples who when these plagues ended saw Christianity being the main religion of the Roman Empire—thus proving that when enemies arise against God’s chosen leaders like President Trump, they always meet their doom.   

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”                   Book of Isaiah--Chapter 41, Verse10 
March 18, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved.                                                                                 
As part of Bill Gate’s preparation for the pandemic war he predicted in 2018 making him further open to suspicion as to his possible involvement in this present coronavirus pandemic, this report notes, were his actions at this year’s World Economic Forum Annual Meeting held in Davos-Switzerland between 21-24 January 2020—a meeting where Gates urged world leaders to immediately adopt the strategic global initiative launched by the United Nations on 20 May 2016—a strategic global initiative known as ID 2020 whose goal is to give every person on Earth a “digital identity” by 2030—a “digital identity”, however, Gates, and those powerful globalist elites supporting him, plan to force on people with “nano-chip vaccinations” administered against their wills by police and soldiers—and makes explainable why this past fortnight, on 2 March, an urgent message was sent to the World Economic Forum from Gates wherein he basically said this current coronavirus pandemic is a perfect time to begin this forced vaccination masterplan—but wherein Gates also lied with his absurd statement that: “There are two reasons that COVID-19 is such a threat. First, it can kill healthy adults in addition to elderly people with existing health problems”—as absolutely no “healthy adults” have died from this coronavirus anywhere in the world. 
 With President Trump being a Christian having full Biblical knowledge that this Bill Gates forced Nano-chip forced vaccination ID2020 masterplan for every human being alive was ripped straight out the prophetic Book of Revelations, that warned over two-thousand years ago: “And he caused all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads...And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”, this report concludes, left unknown to the American people is that what is occurring now in their lives is about to get even more chaotic—as though Trump used both Anne Tatlock and Warren Buffett to sideline Gates, as they both had done in 2001 with President Bush to stop his We’re Going to Take out 7 Countries in 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran insanity—and whose, perhaps, best advice to follow was just given by the rogue American journalist Caitlin Johnstone in her article “The Great Unpatterning Continues. Make Sure You Take Advantage Of It”, and who correctly warns: 
We’re coming to a point in history where the only reliable pattern is the disintegration of patterns, and 2020 has come storming out of its corner swinging for the fences working to establish this pattern with extreme aggression.
We’re not going to hit a point of stability or normality this year; we’re going to see things get crazier and crazier and crazier.
I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know it’s going to be nuts. 

March 14, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved.

With President Trump having already authorized the deployment of thousands of US Army National Guard troops to various States to aid with the coronavirus pandemic, all of whom are now under his direct command due to the national emergency he declared, this report notes, the leftist attacks on him have now escalated to the point it’s now being declared that “The Trump Presidency Is Over Due To Coronavirus” and calls being made to invoke the 25th Amendment to throw him from power—a call to throw Trump from power immediately because he hadn’t been tested for the coronavirus—that Trump quickly answered by his allowing a test to be made, which turned out negative—but instead of being cheered, was a negative coronavirus test finding for Trump met by these deranged leftists screaming that the White House physician who gave this test isn’t a real doctor. 
Not being fully understood by the deranged socialist Democrat Party and their demented leftist mainstream propaganda media sycophants, this report explains, is that whatever military actions President Trump plans on taking against his nation’s domestic enemies tearing their country to shreds, and as history has long proved, must be supported by a large majority of the American people—and comes at the same time it’s now being reported that “More and More Americans Are Realizing How Dangerously Manipulative Modern Media Has Become”—a realization among these peoples coming at the same time “brawls and screaming matches are breaking out at stores across their country as coronavirus panic buying intensifies” and “the companies that feed America are bracing for labor shortages amid worry about restocking stores”—all of whose socialist-leftist political and media driven hysteria has alarmingly accelerated to the point that:

President Trump is now under vicious attack because he wore a hat with the letters USA during yesterday’s White House coronavirus press conference update, and whose world-class disease experts standing with him were attacked for being “Old, Male, White and Straight”.

The socialist brainwashed youth in America are gleefully cheering the coronavirus pandemic killing mostly elderly peoples, and they’ve now branded the “Boomer Remover”.
NBC News going into full communist fluffer mode and declare it’s better to be in China than America, while at the same time lying to the American people about Google aiding Trump’s fight against the coronavirus—that left Google having to put out the truth themselves of what they are doing before any other Americans could be deceived.

Socialist Democrat Party Mayor of New York City Bill De Blasio melting down in panic and demanding that all factories and industries in America be immediately nationalized.
Socialist Democrat Party darling US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez advising people to eat at home just days after calling people who eat at home racist.

Top socialist Democrat Party presidential leader Joe Biden calling for the US to open the Mexican border while the coronavirus rampages across the world—the same US-Mexican border where security officials have stopped 1,657 illegal Chinese nationals from crossing since October-2019—and is the same border Mexico itself is considering closing to keep the coronavirus out of their country—which then led Biden to declare his opposition to the travel bans advised by every expert in the world to be kept in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus—and while watching all of his insanities being shot down, then saw Biden outrageously plagiarizing Trump’s coronavirus plan and calling it his own—none of which the lying leftist media in America has bothered to tell the American people about—which left top Australian news host Rita Panahi of Sky News being one of the only sound minds left in the English speaking world to tell the truth that Biden is a sick old man who’s lost his mind. 
Now joining this socialist-leftist driven coronavirus hysteria in America, this report concludes, is new evidence showing that Satanic groups across the US are mutilating cattle for sexual organs and its now being shockingly discovered that former President Barack Obama is following a hard-core porn star on his Twitter account—who at least was a woman hard-core porn star, as opposed to top socialist Democrat Party leader and close Obama friend Andrew Gillum, who was found by police in Florida this week drugged out in a hotel with his gay male escort lover—thus making it more than understandable why President Trump declared today to be a National Day of Prayer—a declaration, however, that was immediately met by triggered leftists shouting “Separation of Church and State!”

Trump War Power Move Shows Coronavirus “Catalyst Event” Has Now Unleashed “Massive Reckoning”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A sombrely worded new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that President Putin has now called on all Russian officials “to be ready for any scenario” due to the spreading of the global coronavirus pandemic, states this immediate action is needed because of the war made by President Donald Trump—war powers Trump invoked by his signing an Executive Order on 18 March 2020 titled “Executive Order on Prioritizing and Allocating Health and Medical Resources to Respond to the Spread of Covid-19” which gives to him near unlimited powers as outlined in the Defence Production Act he activated into full force and national law—powers most specially over the entire United States economy Trump is now able to deal with any way he deems necessary to protect his nation and its peoples—and after invoking these war powers, saw Trump then issuing another Executive Order titled “President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts” to expand his economic war council—all of which was followed by Trump going to the White House press room where he declared himself “a wartime president” to the American people—but most fearsomely, are war actions taken by Trump previously predicted to come by his top strategist Steve Bannon—who over three years ago, in early February-2017, gave a wherein he explained how Trump was being guided by a theory about America’s future laid out in a book called “The Fourth Turning: What Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny”—is a theory that warns of a coming “cataclysmic event” like the coronavirus pandemic that destroys the old order and brings in a new one in “a trial of fire”—but before this new world order rises, there must first be a “massive reckoning”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] 

According to this report, as hundreds-of-millions of people face an “at war world” turned upside down today due to the unprecedented emergency measures against the coronavirus pandemic, that some are now calling “World War Flu”, those knowing exactly what President Trump is doing includes German Chancellor Angela Merkel—who yesterday gave a rare televised message to her nation’s peoples warning that the coronavirus pandemic presents the gravest crisis they’ve seen since World War II.
As to why Chancellor Merkel threw aside the grim and all too real fears Germany faced during the Cold War, when thousands of Soviet nuclear weapons were poised an a knife’s edge to annihilate them, to her now declaring the coronavirus pandemic is the greatest modern day threat to face their nation, this report explains, rests on the Fourth Turning theory President Trump is being guided by showing that United States history has been  marked by periods of dread and decay in which the American people were forced to unite to rebuild a new future—but only after a massive conflict in which many lives were lost—all of which starts with a catalyst event like the coronavirus pandemic—after which there's a period of regeneracy followed by a defining climax in which a war for the old order is fought, and then finally there is a resolution in which a new world order is stabilized—and which this time around won’t include Merkel or any other of her globalist-socialists elites.

Further to know about the Fourth Turning theory that’s guiding President Trump, this report notes, are the previous Fourth Turnings that America experienced, which were the Revolutionary WarCivil War-Reconstruction, and the Great Depression-World War II—all of which were historic paradigm shifting epochs completely remaking the United States—all of which were followed by a “High Generation” of citizens whose institutions are strong, while individualism is weak, and whose society is confident about where it wants to go collectively—who are then followed by the “Awakening Generation” who attack their institutions in the name of personal and spiritual autonomy, and just when society is reaching its high tide of public progress, they suddenly tire of social discipline and want to recapture a sense of “self-awareness”, “spirituality” and “personal authenticity”—that is then followed by the “Unravelling” whose mood of this era is in many ways the opposite of a High Generation with institutions being weak and distrusted, while individualism is strong and flourishing—and culminates with the “Crisis Generation” that is an era of destruction, often involving war or revolution, in which institutional life is destroyed and rebuilt in response to a perceived threat to the nation's survival—but after the crisis, civic authority revives, cultural expression redirects towards community purpose, and people begin to locate themselves as members of a larger group.

With these four American “generations” having an average 80-year-cycle to complete their Fourth Turning, such as it being about 80-years between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War-Reconstruction Era80-years between the Civil War-Reconstruction Era and the Great Depression-World War II Era, this report grimly points out, this year of 2020 shows it being exactly 80-years removed from the Great Depression-World War II Era—thus meaning that like President George WashingtonPresident Abraham Lincoln and President Franklin Roosevelt before him, President Donald Trump is leading a “Crisis Generation” into an era of destruction. 
Exactly as the Fourth Turning theory being followed by President Trump predicts, this report details, a “catalyst event” is needed to throw this current “Crisis Generation” into their era of destruction—such as British troops firing on American patriots to ignite the Revolutionary War, the rebellious Confederate States firing on Fort Sumter to ignite the Civil War, and the Empire of Japan bombing Pearl Harbor to ignite World War II—and today sees this “catalyst event” being the global coronavirus pandemic that’s not only thrown America to its economic knees—also sees.
With Communist China now openly supporting socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate Joe Biden, this report further notes, the socialist Democrats in the US Congress are now even proposing that the trade war tariffs President Trump placed on China be immediately lifted—the same Communist China whose government claims “It Might Be US Army Who Brought The Epidemic To Wuhan”—is now attacking the US Dollar and blaming the United States for starting a global depression—is threatening to withhold lifesaving drugs from the American people—and whose  Chinese state media yesterday rather unsubtly decided this would be a good time to chat with a panel of “experts” about the possibility of using an electromagnetic pulse weapon (EMP) against American ships that enter portions of the South China Sea illegally claimed by Beijing—all of whose war actions further shows how very close this “Crisis Generation” is to the era of destruction long predicted they’d be living through.    
 Left unanswered at this moment about the coronavirus pandemic “catalyst event” being used by a President Trump presiding over a feared “Crisis Generation” rushing headlong into their era of destruction, this report says, is exactly “whom is manipulating whom”—a question needing urgently to be answered as top German medical scientist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg has exhaustively detailed the fact that this novel coronavirus is a normal occurrence happening in China every year for decades, and has him telling everyone in panic
Stop there is nothing going on”—a finding confirmed by one of the world’s top virus experts Professor Jihad Bishara, the director of the Infectious Disease Unit at Petah Tikva’s Beilinson Hospital in Israel, who is now telling every world leader to calm the hysteria over this exaggerated” coronavirus most people won’t even know they’re infected with—and if infected with this coronavirus, sees 100% of its patients being cured within 6-days after they take a simple malaria drug called Hydroxychloroquine—and is a drug first approved for use in the United States 65-years-ago in 1955.

65-year-old malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine sold as Plaquenil (above) cures 100% of patients infected by a COVID-19 coronavirus world’s top scientists say isn’t even all that dangerous.   
As history has long proven that “In war, truth is the first casualty”, this report concludes, it remains absurdly astonishing that the United Nations is warning that coronavirus-related unemployment could be greater than what was seen in the 2008 global economic collapse—an absurdity matched by US stock markets wiping out all nearly all of its gains since President Trump was elected—but when looked at logically and scientifically, sees this global coronavirus pandemic hysteria being the type of ploy globalist-socialist forces and their leftist mainstream media lapdogs would try to use to destroy Trump—but who haven’t factored into their demented equation the fact of Trump’s presiding over a “Crisis Generation” nation of peoples primed and ready for an era of destruction such is now upon them—and whom, with his war powers, Trump is now able to direct and point towards every enemy he has and they won’t even ask why—and explains why even as the US sinks deeper into the abyss, their confidence in Trump’s economic prowess remains unchanged

March 19, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved.

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