Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

I saw The Reformer Martin Luther in Heaven,

I saw The Reformer Martin Luther in Heaven,

All the Popes are in hell, in this encounter with Jesus + Christ is alerting and warning the member of the catholic religion to leave this religion. Jesus + Christ said “this church is the seat of Satan throne, for people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, we are living in the end of time these are dangerous days, this is a defining moment for humanity.” 
I saw The Reformer Martin Luther in Heaven 

 Exiled Preacher: The Word of God did it?
 “Here I stand; I can do no other,”
 Luther burns the papal bull. 

 The Excommunication of Luther
 95 Theses that Martin Luther nailed to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517. This Date 1517 became the birth of the Protestant

But All the Popes are in hell, in this encounter with Jesus +
Christ is alerting and warning the member of the catholic religion to leave this religion. Jesus + Christ said “this church is the seat of Satan throne, for people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, we are living in the end of time these are dangerous days, this is a defining moment for humanity.”

Jesus + Christ is trying to save as many as he can before He returns

"What would Christ do if He could see? What would He, who rode on a donkey, think about the luxurious car, with the ornate throne as a seat? What would He say, if He saw the portfolio of the Vatican (stock-market) shares? What would He do if He saw all the treasures of the Vatican, treasures which could be used to alleviate ignorance by improving education? What would be His reaction to the comfortable lives of the members of the Curia? If Christ suddenly appeared in the middle of St. Peter's Square and said: "Leave your riches and follow me," I wonder how many would. I'd like to know what would happen to Him if He knocked on the Vatican door saying: "You speak in my name. You invoke me. I have come to tell you that you are misinterpreting my teachings." But I know exactly what would happen. The authorities would instantly call the Roman police, in accordance with the Lateran Agreements of 1929, and accuse Him of being anti-establishment, and of disturbing the peace. He would not be judged as before, however, but sent to a mental ward and classified as a maniac impersonator of Jesus Christ.'- Monsignor Semprione

My catholic back ground
I grew up in a catholic family, back then when I was still a child my mother used to take the whole family to the mass every Sunday, very often, people were telling us that there was no truth in the Catholic Church, but we never took them seriously.

I know I didn't consider myself a "seeker" (and what is it we seek? self-gratification, or God gratification?). I'll explain. My soul was born into a body that was number six out of eight children, in New England, in a "catholic, democratic" family. By the time I arrived, my dad was a full-blown, out-of-control drunk and my mom "ruled the roost".
Intuitively I KNEW that couldn't be right. By Roland Croteau

I came to understand that it require FATHERS grace in order to leave this religion for we were veiled and blinded by the devil. Back then my mother was selling beers to raise her family. my mother often told us if we leave the catholic church we will not survive, indeed evangelical were opposed to Alcoholic beers, which was our only source of revenue we could not leave the catholic church, basically there were strange things that I saw in our local parish, we use to attend the mass of the dead where the priest did strange ritual with the corpse.

One day in the mass I saw the priest giving the pulpit to a charlatan.
I was upset for the fetishist was allowed to stand in the pulpit and work together with the local priest, yet this man was a notorious witch in the neighbourhood and everybody knew the man was in occultism. 

The whole church was scandalized on that day, our local priest who was a missionary often took food to the cemetery for the dead, telling us that the dead also are in need of food like the living, over time, my senior brother converted, and joined an evangelical church, and thanks to him the light of Jesus began to enter in the family that was in darkness. never the less my mother continue to take us to the parish.

As soon as my brother was born again in the evangelical church, there were evangelist from his congregation that were coming to preach the good news to my mother, telling her to come out of the catholic religion.

In spite of this, my mother was unfazed. It was when she was struck by a strong sickness that she began to accept the words of the evangelist. Her sickness was so grave that all medical attempts were not working.
It is when these evangelists pray for her that she was healed. miraculously when the holy spirit came in her heart she was transformed and she decided to stop selling beers and it was an instant decision, for she felt that she could not continue, my mother joined the
“Pentecostal church of God is Good”.

Since my mother gave up selling beer, we were worried and wondering how we going to survive, but Jesus + Christ provided miraculously, we suffered mockery for leaving the catholic religion but Jesus is wonderful, it is this way that we were saved from the catholic religion.

Jesus + Christ took me to heaven and hell more than 25 times, in order to remind his people about the realities of heaven and hell, recently,

Jesus + Christ gave me a message and warning to the members of the Catholic Church.

I want to tell you brothers and sisters the final stage of everything in this life is either the eternal life in the paradise of God or the place of torment that is hell, yet the paradise of FATHERS KINGDOM and the place of torment are not the final stage and destination of humanity, for we are either going to the lake of fire and brimstone or the new Jerusalem, which is the dwelling of God and his people.

Jesus + Christ took me to his throne, where I saw the 4 living creatures and the 24 elders, I saw Jesus seated on his throne in the midst of the 4 living creatures, I saw that these creatures had eyes all over their body.,
 I saw that these beast were 6 wings seraphim having the face of a lion, an eagle, a lamb and a man, Jesus + Christ told me, you can see that the 4 seraphim have 6 wings, when you multiply 4 by 6, it is equal to 24,
 I mean 24 elders, the elders came after the 4 living being, they were enthroned in the new covenant, and these are my 12 apostles and the 12 elders of Israel.

In Isaiah 6 verse 1 there are only 4 seraphim before the throne, for the elders were not in their throne yet, the bible say, In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw "I AM" Lord of hosts:, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying.

 And they were calling to one another, “Holy, holy, is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory. At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. Jesus + Christ said, you can see that the living beast have eyes all over their body, in order to know the numbers of eyes in the body of the living creatures, you should multiply the number of the 24 elders by 2,which is 48,thus there are 48 eyes on the body of each living creature, now consider the number forty eight, because 4 plus 8 equal to twelve, which is the number of FATHER, for 1 plus 2 equal to three, which is the Godhead.

In order that we may understand this great Plan, the Bible narrative, first of all, takes us away back in thought to the remote past before ever the Earth or the Universe existed. The opening words of the Bible simply state, "In the beginning God..."
Logical thinking demands that there must have been what is known as a ‘first cause’ as the beginning of all things that now are. It is believed that this ‘first cause’ had the power of thought and that it was capable of transmuting thought into action; and, in fact, the power of turning thought into substance. The Bible makes the claim that this ‘first cause’ is the mysterious Personality of God, Who Himself is uncreated and eternal, complete within Himself (self-existing - YHWH - "I AM") and possessing all wisdom. David the Psalmist declared, "Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God" (Ps. 90:2).

Of the substance of His Own Being (Spirit - energy), and from His Own Being, the Father created the Son, who himself is spirit, being of one substance with the Father. There also proceeded forth from the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth. Thus was the Godhead constituted, still one in spirit and unity, but manifested as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The human mind is surely incapable of comprehending the infinite nature of God. Zophar, in the Old Testament - Covenant story, wished to emphasise this fact to Job when he said, "Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? Deeper than hell; what canst thou know?" (Job 11:7-8). We can but behold the glory of His handiwork in nature and accept, by faith, the Divine revelation which we have been granted, realising that we may spend all eternity still discovering more of His greatness.

"In the Beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Now follows what the Bible calls ‘Heaven’, which became the abode of God, Who created the angelic host, spiritual beings (of light - energy) whose chief attributes are wisdom and strength (2 Sam. 14:20; Ps. 103:20). They also inhabited Heaven. Among the angels there was a higher order of archangels, amongst whom were Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer. Further creative activity by the Godhead followed, in which the Heavens (Universe) and the Earth were made (Gen. 1:1, John 1:1-5, Heb. 1:1-3). This seems to be the divine order, and the Book of Job declares that the angelic host rejoiced greatly at the creation of the Earth, "When the Morning Star’s inhabitants sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy" (Job 38:7).

  I mean the FATHER the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT.  This means that the eyes in the body of the living creatures are the eyes of FATHER, Guardian Of Divinity, King, Ruler and Guardian of the Universe.
 Jesus + Christ said the eye in the dollar bill is the eye of satan, an imitation of the eye of the devil monitoring the whole universe, it is his controlling power, an imitation of the ruling power of a little god; the revelation of the rise of the antichrist in the Vatican.

I was with Jesus + Christ as we were moving in the kingdom of heaven, Jesus + Christ revealed to me that he is angry against what is happening in the catholic religion. Jesus + Christ said he is opposed to idolatry, the worship of statues, the worship of angels, the practice of talking to the dead, and the prayer to the saint. Jesus + Christ said, I am a jealous God, and I will not share my glory with anyone.

Brother, I am going to alert people about the practice of idolatry for many are going to hell the place of torment, and those who will ignore the warning of Jesus + Christ by attending idolatry in the catholic church are going to hell. Brother let it be clear, unless you leave the catholic religion you are not going to heaven. The bible say none [practicing idolatry will enter the kingdom of heaven, it is written in the scripture,

Come out my people do not partake their iniquity.

Brother the time is short, I am going from one church to another with this message for we are living in the end of time, many people don’t realize that time is finished; they think we have many years before us. Brother it is a mistake to think that you have more time to continue sinning; you will be surprise by death just when you thought you had many years before you, and then it will be too late. rother and sister, as
Jesus + Christ were reprimanding the catholic religion he said, servant, and the antichrist who will be a Jew.

He will first appear in the Vatican and he will be introduce in the world by the pope, for the papacy is of satan, woe to the one who put his trust in the pope. Jesus + Christ said, “the catholic religion is not a church but a kingdom of satan working to unveil the antichrist to the world, this is the power of the great Babylon, this religion is not part of my body, servant, you will warn the world, for there is no pope in heaven, all of them are in hell the place of torment suffering, and those who persist in the catholic church are going to hell”. Brother this was a terrifying revelation to learn that none of these Roman Catholic popes were in heaven for they were all tormented in hell.

The papacy is the wealthiest business EMPIRE on earth. They obtain money by deception, from the poor, to buy shares; property; paintings; gold; precious stones and pearls (Rev./Apoc. 17 v 4). What did God say about NOT storing up treasures on earth (Matt. 6 v 19-21) and about Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16 v 19-26), dressed in purple (like a bishop) and fine clothes and who lived sumptuously every day (like a bishop); and about a camel going through the eye of a needle before a rich man can enter heaven? Which means that a rich man can NEVER go to heaven (it is impossible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle).Christ told the rich man to give his riches to the "poor", which was the disciples' collective purse or "kitty" and to follow Him; His teaching and example.

What do the popes do? They take money from the poor and give it to the rich; hoarding it in the Vatican's vaults (creating mass poverty) - the OPPOSITE of what Christ said His followers must do. IF the popes work for Christ, why do they do the OPPOSITE of what they were commanded to do?

Jesus + Christ said, I am giving time to the member of the Catholic Church to come out and repent, but many are unrepentant. There are doctrines of demons encouraging them to live the way they want, for when they died their families will pay for the fee of the mass of the dead so that their soul will rest in peace, the requiem mass is a doctrine of demon encouraging the mass to live in sin, hoping that their soul will rest in peace when the requiem mass is done in their favour.

(Especially in the Roman Catholic Church)
a Mass for the repose of the souls of the dead.

Purgatory is also a doctrine of demon opposed by Jesus + Christ for catholic members are encourage to live the way they want in sin, and when they die money will be paid to the priest to pray for their soul to be transfer to purgatory and heaven. In truth purgatory is a doctrine of demons, it is a teaching design and conceive by demon in hell to lead the mass to hell, many are going to hell hoping that the mass of the dead will help their souls to rest in peace.

Jesus warning and anger about Pope Francis, Jesus + Christ said, “I am angry against this pope Francis, this is one of the worst pope to rise in the Vatican, he is far more evil then his predecessors, for he is eager to carry out the agenda of satan in a meticulous way”.

You must expose this religion tell the world to come out in their midst, for Jesus + Christ is angry against this pope. Jesus + Christ told me that the devil is very happy about Pope Francis for he is keen to execute his formula and advanced his agenda more quickly”.

He is working for the antichrist to take over the world by pushing gay marriage and sodomy, he is working to destroy the traditional marriage, yet the practice of sodomy caused the destruction of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Father said, servant, in this end time there is an Islamic antichrist spirit and the western antichrist spirit, the antichrist spirit of the east is operational in the Islamic religion that is oppose to the gospel.
Christ also said, repeatedly,
(John 17:16).
the one who is worship in the name of Allah is a demon, leading millions to hell, the western antichrist spirit is operational within the Vatican, tell my people I am not in the gathering of churches and denomination, I am not in ecumenism and the gathering religion and denomination, tell my people to separate and keep away of ecumenism.

Jesus + Christ said the time is critical; my children should not be distracted. this is not the time for to be double heart and relaxat, my children must be on the alert and prudent, tell my children to press on they should not slacken, they should surrender completely . 

Sura 32:23. We did indeed a foretime give the Book (Torah) to Moses: be then NOT IN DOUBT of its (The Torah) reaching (THEE): and We made it a Guide to the Children of Israel.

Sura 10:94. If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee (the Bible): the Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord: so be in no way one of those in doubt.
10:95. Nor be of those who reject the Signs of "I AM" (the Bible), or thou shalt be of those who perish.

15:9. We have, without doubt, sent down the Message (to all of the Messengers); and we will assuredly guard it (from corruption).
(By showing how to correct it).

Idris/Enoch 102:7 now will I point out a mystery (Revelation 17:5): Many sinners shall turn and transgress against The Word of Uprightness (Isaiah 33:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12; Sura 32:23).
102:8 They shall speak evil things; they shall utter falsehood; create a great creation (false religions and religious traditions and technology); and compose books of their own words (books of man-made laws; books of the religious traditions of their fathers; novels; etc.; etc.; etc.).
But when they shall write correctly all My words in their own languages,
102:9 They shall neither change nor diminish (Mark 13:31; Matthew 5:17-19); but when all shall be written correctly; ALL, which from the first I have uttered concerning them [shall concur] (Sura 15:9).

I was with Jesus + Christ in the celestial world when he took me to the past and showed me when Martin Luther died, brother, there was a celebration and festivity in heaven on that day when the man of GOD died which was attended by the saints  of heaven and crowds of protestant believer, that came to know the truth through the reformation that he initiated, when Martin Luther died he was greeted by the saints of heaven in a festivity attended by protestant believer killed by the roman catholic church.

Jesus + Christ said, my servant Luther has worked really hard in tough times, he is not only the founder of the protestant church, for Protestantism gave birth to the Baptist church, the Methodist church and Pentecostal, the revival you see in the world today came from Protestantism that was initiated in the reformation that was started by my servant Luther.

Jesus + Christ said, throughout the ages in every period of humanity I raised servant on the scene to proclaim my word, and when they are gone out of the scene I make sure that new servant rise on the scene and throughout the ages I raised one servant after the other that were complementary, they operated in gradual revelation that were progressive.

Martin Luther noticed practices in the Catholic Church that were opposite to the scripture such as the worship of statues and of the saints. The priest are getting a lot of money paid to them for purgatory.
They were people paying the clergy money for their siblings that have died in sin so that their soul will go to purgatory and paradise, yet the bible say it is appointed unto men to die once then come judgement, the great tribulation and the man of sin.

Father show me when the rapture happened, I saw that the majority of the believers were left behind in the sound of the SHOFAR, only a minority were raptured.


The "Strait Gate" - is the ONLY "Boarding-Gate" by which you (your Being NOT the human body you are using) can leave hell/Earth, and then ONLY with The King's Permission, and travel back to heaven, on board the "New Jerusalem"(please see my "Close Encounters of the Gibraltar Kind" Booklet), IF you find "The Way" to obtain a "Boarding-Pass" (home).

Father said those who are left behind were hypocrites living a double life. I saw these people crying and in lamentation for they were left behind.
It was a global disaster, it was a time of persecution for those were left behind, and this is the event that will cause the rise of the man of sin.

Jesus + Christ said the Antichrist will have money and power, he will restore peace in the world when the rapture happens, he would be accepted by the world elite and he will emerge in Italy in the Vatican, there will be persecution and tribulation. When the Antichrist rise he will increase desolation, calamity and pain for those who oppose him it will become unbearable. In the great tribulation I saw that many pastors that were left behind were punished and beaten by the members of their church.

I saw that Christians will be mocked for being left behind, this rapture happen in a twinkling of an eyes and left the world in disaster. Father is delaying this event because he want more people to come to HIM. Father said judgement is coming to Europe because they have turned their back on me for they are in comfort and modernity. I will punish their incredulity fewer people in Europe are coming to me because of wealth and self-sufficiency, therefore I will allow natural disaster and continental catastrophe like the tsunami to hit the land as punishment and they will come back to me.

I was testifying in this very YouTube channel, many catholic watches my testimony, one of them was a nun, she heard the message and the warning of FATHER. She came to see me in secret for she was touched. She told me, I watch your testimony in YouTube, I like the message for I came to realise that I was in error, for I kneel before idols and statue and I prayed to the virgin Mary and the saints. I wonder whether this will prevent me from entering the kingdom of heaven, I was sure I will make it to heaven until I watched your video and the warning from Jesus+ Christ, now I have doubt and I came for clarification.

I was talking to the nun in secret, she was surprised and asked me in a serious tone, are you saying to me all the people attending the catholic religion are going to hell. I said to the nun, “When anyone attending the Catholic Church is converted and abandons idolatry they will be saved, for no idol worshiper will enter the kingdom of heaven”.

Father is angry because of the idolatry of the virgin Mary and the cult of the saints that is leading numerous to the pit of fire. In the end the catholic nun decided to repent and abandon the catholic religion, the nun kept secret her new faith, and began to attend our congregation, as she was still a new born I taught her the word and I was praying for her soul. 

At night Jesus + Christ spoke to me and told me the new convert is still doing invocation of the catholic saint, who are demon spirits, she must confess and hand over her rosary, candle, powder and others items.

Father revealed to me that demons were working to stop her from separating from the cult of the virgin, the worship of the saints and other practice. Quickly I called the nun and I talked to her, she confess that she was still praying with her rosary and doing incantation around the river and other practice. She repents of all these things.

Jesus + Christ told me that he accepted her confession, not long after renouncing and abandoning catholic practice the woman died, quickly Jesus + Christ showed me that the lady was in his presence in the eternal kingdom of heaven.

Father said devils were stopping her from separating from idolatry and the worship of the virgin, for they knew that she would soon die, she was nearing her death, demons “evil spirits” tried to manipulate her to hide rosary and items that she should have thrown away, knowing that the lady was in the end of the journey of her life demons “evil spirits”  were thirsty and battling to keep her connected to the items of the catholic religion in order to reap her soul, they have failed to capture her soul and she is in my presence.

Jesus + Christ showed me the lady in heaven I was full of rapture of joy to see her in heaven. I was with Jesus + Christ in heaven and he was telling me about mysteries.  I knew a friend who was a member of a catholic church. Jesus + Christ asked me to go preach to him the good news of the gospel, for his time on the earth was short, my friend Homer refused to hear the warning of Jesus+ Christ.

Jesus showed me that demons “evil spirits” were thirsty and battling for his soul while he was still alive. I warned him to come out of idolatry but he refused yet his time was short, and days after my warning this brother died. Jesus went on to show me my friend Homer in hell he was in torment crying in the fire.

Then Jesus + Christ took me to another lady who was a member of the Catholic Church. I evangelize her and she came to Jesus+ Christ.
I remember when I met her for the first time, she told me, I often go to the river with catholic priest, and these priest did magic prayer, as a result my late father was showing up, and I was able to talk to him, the lady said whenever the priest did magic prayer, late member of my family were appearing above the water and I was able to talk to them, yet these priest that were able to talk to the dead have never been able to get my mother to appear.

One day we went to the river with the catholic priest, we pray with perfume and powder, as a result the soul of my father appeared and we talk, my father told me, my daughter whatever you have been seeking in life you got it you will be fine, and then he disappear, but when we invoked the spirit of my mother she failed to appear.

 I told this lady if your mother did not come out of water, it’s because of she was a born again, the image of your father that you saw in the river was just a demon “evil spirits” who took his shape but in truth it’s not him, these demon “evil spirits” could not take the image of your mother because she was a daughter of FATHER, these priest that are talking to the dead led you in a wrong way.

On that day the lady converted and handed to me items that catholic priest gave her, I burned these items that were candle, rosary, powder and perfume. I got the lady to do repentance prayer, I exhorted the lady to stop talking to the dead, it’s forbidden and on that day the lady came to Jesus + Christ.

Few weeks later the woman died , when I saw her in heaven I was in great delight, I said, “my sister, you made it to heaven, how come, how did you do it”. She said, “Brother Isaac, thank you for the message and the advice you gave me, thanks to your exhortation I made it to the paradise of FATHERS KINGDOM.

Brother I saw this woman that I led to CHRIST in a wonderful place in the paradise of FATHERS KINGDOM, there were shining houses made in precious stone and blooming flower shining, everything was shining, breathtaking and beautiful, the lady told me, brother Isaac, I am grateful for your evangelism and your follow up that got me in the paradise of FATHERS KINGDOM.
Brother. I was happy to see that I have led a soul to Christ and she made it to heaven, it was joyful and memorable moment, I was talking to the lady as if we were on the earth.

Jesus + Christ said, there is errors and idolatry in the catholic church, that is why I am not in their midst, today many protestant servants are putting on garments and chains, items of cult similar to that of the catholic church, like the ornaments of the old covenant, tell them that grade and levels are not of the flesh and in these ornament, they come from me not these garment.

Jesus + Christ said, some member of the protestant church will be saved, you will tell them not to return to things that they left in the Catholic Church, they cannot return into the hole that Luther pulled them out from.

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