Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Monday 23 March 2020

US cities would be locked down under quarantine

A high-level government source warned me TWO YEARS AGO that US cities would be locked down under quarantine… here’s the stunning proof this was all planned years ago

Saturday, March 21, 2020 by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) In late November of 2017, a high-level government-connected source described to me almost the exact scenario that is unfolding now across America: Quarantined cities, the collapse of food supplies, the acceleration of martial law and other shocking details you may have forgotten you read here on this website over two years ago.
I published all the details on December 2, 2017 in a Natural News article entitled, “Nationwide civil unrest coming… and city dwellers are the LEAST prepared to survive.”
The article, with selected quotes republished here, is so incredibly accurate in describing what’s happening right now that it’s practically a roadmap for 2020. Although at the time, I believed the context for this was a left-wing uprising. Little did I know the real plan was something far more sinister and deadly on a global scale?
Indeed, the fact that I was told all this two years ago — by a source I haven’t heard from since, by the way — is yet more proof that everything you are seeing unfold right now was pre-planned, engineered and initiated to achieve exactly what’s unfolding now.
Here are some of the quotes and points from the 2017 article, which are now almost unbelievably accurate:
  • How military contractors are being told to prepare for domestic deployment inside the United States to prevent cities from being burned to the ground by raging, lunatic mobs.
  • “In much the same way that a viral pandemic must be contained to avoid it spreading, civil unrest will also be “firewalled” off to prevent its spread.” – My actual words from 2017.
  • The military manning key transportation checkpoints such as those leading in and out of cities.
  • Destroying supply hubs (ammunition depots, fuel depots, etc.) of domestic enemies.
  • “Large sections of many U.S. cities will be transformed into “war zones,” complete with arson, looting, gunfire and dead bodies.”
  • Severe disruptions in food deliveries, fuel supplies, transportation and emergency services, “including hospitals.”
  • “Disruptions in all these services and supplies will only worsen the degree of panic and desperation among city dwellers. As I point out in the following podcast, city people tend to be the least prepared of all. This will add to the panic and cause the situation to escalate rapidly…”
  • “Local law enforcement units have been told over the last year or so that when inner cities collapse into chaos and rioting, police units will NOT be sent in to deal with many situations. Instead, in some cases the strategy will simply be to “contain” the chaos and prevent it from spreading. This means manning roadblock checkpoints while allowing certain sectors of some cities to burn to the ground.”
  • “If you’re stuck in a war zone section of the city, you may very well be on your own for some time, unable to exit the city because all the egress routes are blocked as part of the containment strategy.”
  • “If you don’t have this special permission, you may find yourself literally trapped in your own city zone, unable to receive any help from calling 9/11…”
  • “The No. 1 thing you need to be working on right now is getting out of the city. The most dangerous scenario in these potential events is being trapped in the city with no escape, no supplies and no means of self-defence.”
In fact, I even recorded a podcast that was posted in late 2017 which covered all this. Remember: At the time, I believed the context of this would be an Antifa uprising and an attempted violent Leftist revolution. Little did I know the real plan was something much, much bigger? And by releasing a pandemic, globalists have managed to convince all the mobs to stay home.
The big realization in all this is that globalists have planned to exterminate humanity for many years, and they built the weapons to achieve that, and then caused those weapons to be released. Now, it’s all proceeding like clockwork to line everybody up and euthanize the clueless masses with the coronavirus vaccine. From a globalist point of view, it’s so much Easier to exterminate people when they’re begging for the vaccine, isn’t it? Hence the coordinated censorship of all voices that oppose mandatory vaccines…
Here’s the podcast from 2017 which explains more:
The battle for Los Angeles is LOST… LA County announces NO MORE TESTING for coronavirus, containment now impossible, 100,000+ may die in LA… prepare for chaos
Saturday, March 21, 2020 by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) In a stunning admission that the speed of the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus has overwhelmed government officials and health care providers in California, Los Angeles County has now surrendered to the coronavirus. According to the LA Times, “Los Angeles County health officials advised doctors to give up on testing patients in the hope of containing the coronavirus outbreak, instructing them to test patients only if a positive result could change how they would be treated.”

The paper goes on to report the cause behind this catastrophic abandonment of any last hope of containment:

The guidance, sent by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to doctors on Thursday, was prompted by a crush of patients and shortage of tests, and could make it difficult to ever know precisely how many people in L.A. County contracted the virus.

As the LA Times openly says, the tipping point of containment has long since passed. That’s not even the goal anymore, and the number of infections being reported out of LA will no longer even come close to describing the real situation on the ground there:

The department “is shifting from a strategy of case containment to slowing disease transmission and averting excess morbidity and mortality,” according to the letter. Doctors should test symptomatic patients only when “a diagnostic result will change clinical management or inform public health response.”

The guidance sets in writing what has been a reality all along. The shortage of tests nationwide has meant that many patients suspected of having COVID-19 have not had the diagnosis confirmed by a laboratory.
We can thank the CDC for that shortage, of course, and the “Don’t test, don’t tell” policy that brought us to this catastrophe.
Expect 140,000+ deaths in LA County alone, over the next 18 months
There are over 10 million people in LA County. Thanks to this new policy of abandoning any attempt to test people or contain the virus, we can now expect the Wuhan coronavirus to burn though the greater Los Angeles area with incredible speed.
Sooner or later, the infections will likely reach something on the order of 70% of the population, even with attempted social distancing measures in place. That’s around 7 million people becoming infected. Here’s how this breaks down based on current conservative numbers:
For LA County alone:

7 million infected
1 million requiring hospitalization
140,000 – 420,000 dead (2% – 6% case fatality rate)
Widespread collapse of health care infrastructure
Collapse of law enforcement, emergency responders and anyone attempting to “police” the region (including National Guard troops)
Expect chaos. Expect looting and violence. It’s LA, after all, and the gangs are barely kept in check even during good times.
Oh, and on top of all that, it’s going to be difficult to get food, too, since food production is cratering and food supply lines have largely collapsed.

This is the SWAMP: Four senators sold millions in stocks ahead of Wall Street’s coronavirus crash after being briefed about what was coming
Saturday, March 21, 2020 by: JD Heyes

(Natural News) President Trump swept into office three years ago on a pledge to, among other things, “drain the swamp.”

It was a bipartisan promise, of course, because it had to be.

Washington, D.C., is a Democrat-run city, but the Donkey Party is far from alone when it comes to corruption. Over the years, Republicans have had their share of scandals as well.

And we’re seeing that bipartisan scandal again.

Without proclaiming that anyone is guilty, it sure seems ‘odd’ that four senators were just outed for having sold millions of dollars in stock before the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak caused the markets to tank in recent weeks.

Coincidence? Perhaps. And perhaps not; the sales were made after senators were briefed about the coming tsunami of coronavirus cases.

Two of them — Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California and GOP Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina sit on the Senate Intelligence Committee, where members have top clearances so they can hear the highest-classified secrets known only to our various intelligence agencies. (Related: Flashback: China shills at WHO served as propagandists for Beijing by repeating lie that coronavirus wasn’t “contagious”.)

As the UK’s Daily Mail reports:

Four senators dumped millions of dollars’ worth of stock while Capitol Hill was being briefed on the threat of coronavirus but before the markets tanked as infections soared, disclosure records have revealed.

Republicans Richard Burr, Kelly Loeffler and James Inhofe and Democrat Dianne Feinstein collectively offloaded up to $11 million in stock between late January and early February, according to records seen by The Daily Beast, New York Times and ProPublica.

This is a big deal if true

According to reports:

— Burr sold $1.7 million worth of stock including investments in hotels; the hospitality industry is being hit hard by coronavirus-related orders from the federal government, governors and mayors to self-quarantine and avoid travel, leaving them empty.

— Feinstein sold up to $6 million including a biotech firm that stood to lose from the outbreak.

— Loeffler got rid of $3.1 million the day the Senate Health Committee, which she is on, was briefed about the virus outbreak by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

— Inhofe ditched $400,000 in stock including real estate that may have stood to lose value in a virus-induced recession.

Both Loeffler and Feinstein used the excuse that their stocks are invested in blind trusts and portfolios and they have no personal control over them (right; because you just give money to strangers and say, ‘Do with it what you please!’).

A spokeswoman for Burr said that he filed his financial disclosure forms several weeks before markets showed any “volatility.” But of course, that’s the purpose of dumping stocks you know will be hard-hit long before an event like a pandemic takes root.

It’s called “insider trading” and it’s very illegal.

What’s more, while insider trading is illegal for everyone, there is a special law called the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act which specifically prohibits lawmakers from engaging in trading based on classified information they get in briefings.

6 Natural ways to strengthen the immune system amid the coronavirus outbreak
Saturday, March 21, 2020 by: Divina Ramirez

(Natural News) The immune system is the body’s first line of defence against infection and disease. A healthy immune system can identify pathogens and distinguish these from the body’s cells. However, a weak immune system caused by poor nutrition and lifestyle choices can make the body susceptible to infections, like the coronavirus that is currently ravaging the world.

Fortunately, there is a way to fortify your immune system, by observing the following preventive measures against infection and disease.

Eat superfoods
A good way to super-charge the immune system is to eat nutrient-dense superfoods. Many fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins and minerals that aid bodily functions including immunity and metabolism.


Garlic contains powerful plant compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, such as allicin, alliin and ajoene. As an antiseptic, garlic can treat mild viral and bacterial infections including colds and flu. It is a known remedy for toothaches, coughs and constipation, but it is also used to treat cardiovascular conditions including hypertension, coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. (Related: Garlic can protect against heart tissue damage caused by deoxygenation.)


Ginger is widely considered a superfood due to its vitamin and mineral content, which Ginger is widely considered a superfood due to its vitamin and mineral content, which includes potassium, manganese, phosphorus, iron and vitamin C. It also contains bioactive components that have antioxidant effects against disease-causing pathogens. Ginger is a known remedy for nausea, constipation and joint pain caused by osteoarthritis.

Blueberries are excellent sources of vitamin C and potassium, which stimulate the body’s immune functions including white blood cell production and pathogen recognition. Blueberries also contain high amounts of antioxidants that prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals.


Like most citrus fruits, oranges contain high amounts of vitamin C that play an important role in immunity enhancement. Oranges also contain antioxidants, such as flavonoids and carotenes, which boost immune responses.

Practice good hygiene

Hygiene may not directly contribute to the body’s immune functions, but it does lower the risk of bacterial and viral infections. For instance, washing your hands and observing cough and sneeze etiquette can prevent the transmission of pathogens. Although proper hygiene is important regardless of the circumstances, it should be strictly followed especially during flu season or viral outbreaks when the rate of transmission is high.


Exercise helps decrease your chances of developing cardiovascular conditions, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease and stroke. Exercise also keeps bones sturdy and prevents muscle atrophy. That being said, over-exercising does not amplify these benefits. On the contrary, over-exercising can cause muscle strain, restlessness and dehydration.

Stop smoking

Toxins in cigarette smoke can also significantly weaken the immune system and various bodily functions including respiration and blood circulation. Often, the body can take years to restore damaged lungs, blood vessels and arteries due to smoking, so it is best to quit as soon as possible.

Get quality sleep

Poor sleep quality can increase the risk of bacterial and viral infections. During sleep, the immune system replenishes proteins known as cytokines that regulate inflammatory responses. The immune system also produces infection-fighting antibodies during this period. Individuals who do not get adequate, quality sleep risk inhibiting the production of these compounds, which can lead to a weaker immune system.

Spend some time under the sun
Adequate sun exposure can boost vitamin D production in the skin. According to a recent study published in the Journal of Investigative Medicine, vitamin D plays an important role in the immune system’s antimicrobial response. The study also revealed that vitamin D can stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory receptors.
Personal hygiene and a strong immune system are the best defences against the new coronavirus disease. Maintain a healthy immune system by consuming superfoods, avoiding poor habits and exercising regularly.

Hyperthermic Coronavirus Treatments
High temperatures have been used to destroy tumour cells through a treatment known as Hypothermic Oncology. Hyperthermia is an old treatment yet new tools and more precise delivery of heat has allowed hypothermia to be used for cancer treatment. Though rarely used, recent research is suggesting it be used by oncologists with every patient because of its immune stimulating effect.

Another reason for traditional oncologists to pay attention to heat is that hyperthermia provides synergies with most conventional treatment modalities, boosts their efficacy helping to re-sensitize previously non-effective treatments.

When suffering from a viral infection nothing in the world will give more comfort and keep you warm (which is essential for immune system strength) than a far-infrared mattress. People are getting sick, as they have been for years, except now they sound alarms for every new case of flu/cold/bronchitis/pneumonia and tally it up on the coronavirus scoreboard to fan the flame of panic.

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