Brother Babi testimony
the whole world is under the power of the evil one, for our struggle is not
against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil
in the heavenly realms.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 LOVE
Though I speak with the tongues (languages) of men and of angels, and have not compassion,
I am become [as] sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
And though I have [the gift of] prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all
knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove
"mountains", and have not compassion, I am nothing.
And though I bestow all my goods to feed [the poor], and though I give my body
to be burned, and have not
compassion, it profiteth me nothing.
13:4 Compassion suffereth
long, [and] is kind; compassion envieth not; compassion vaunteth not itself, is
not puffed up,
13:5 Doth not
behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh
no evil;
13:6 Rejoiceth not
in inequity, but rejoiceth in the Truth;
13:7 Beareth all
things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
13:8 Compassion
never faileth:
HOWEVER; those who serve satan faithfully
There is no love or
compassion; or kindness there, in his kingdom.
You are forbidden on
this planet of hell to show mercy and compassion, for satan has murder in his
heart, death, and pain forever.
Through this satanic training we were deprived of human feelings of empathy and mercy.
Satan promoted us
when we murder and drink human blood. Our job is to get many souls to bow your knee to satan through music, movies, games, sports, the love of money and work
themselves silly to gain useless worldly treasures.
i.e.; gold,
girls and the glory.
Also cars and
brothers and sisters, I want to testify about a church of satan located in the centre
of our city, for the devil has established his throne in
many churches where he is ruling.
The bible says, Revelation 2:12-17
King of kings' Bible
And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; these
things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;
I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, [even] where Satan's seat [is]: and
thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days
wherein Antipas [was] my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan
But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold
the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast a stumbling block before the
children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.
So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the followers of St.
[Ni]-Claus (Yuletide), which thing I hate.
Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with
the sword of my mouth.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To
him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a
white stone, and
in the stone a NEW name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth [it].
Brother I was invited to a church for I had problems;
I never knew that satan had built many churches in the end of time, whose
purpose is to
capture the stars (THERE SOUL) and destiny of the innocent.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and
destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full, when I
joined this church of satan, quickly I saw celebrity, politician and notorious
men of god, who came to the prince of this world for power, money and the goods
of this world.
I saw thousands of men and women coming to the
ancient serpent the archenemy of god for wealth and power, they are willing to sell their souls for money.
in this churches I saw ancient gods, I saw the fallen angels the former
residents of heaven. I saw the watchers,
the giants and the nephilim. When I got initiated in this
satanic church, the archenemy of god Lucifer assign dwarves demon, mythological
dragon and monsters to work with me in order to destroy humanity.
I saw the army of titans and Olympians under
the leadership of the devil, these were the adversary of god and humanity, and
they were tremendous and breath-taking. When I saw the giants, the titan and
the ancient’s gods behind Lucifer in this church, I was
amazed by this ancient army of the dragon.
the bible says, therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! But
woe to the earth and the sea; with great fury the devil has come down to you,
knowing he has only a short time.
12:13 and when the dragon saw that he was cast onto the earth, he persecuted
the woman which brought forth the man [child].
And to the woman
(Israel) were given two wings of
a great eagle (Ex. 19:4), that she might fly into the wilderness (Britain),
into her place, where she is nourished for a Time, and Times (2), and half a
Time (1260 "days") (Dan. 12:7), from the face of the serpent.
And the serpent cast out of his mouth "water" (ch. 17:15) as a flood
after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away (destroyed) by the
And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed
up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant
of her seed, which KEEP the Commandments of God, and have the Testimony of
Christ Jesus (the Bible).
The death
of my father
brothers, I am the fifth or the last of my family, I could never predict what
would happen in my life for everything was fine in my father house, indeed we
were living a normal life and things seems perfect and going well, my father
was working hard to raise his family as a result we did not lack of anything. My
father was the corner stone of the family financing our study and supporting us,
we really had a good life until something unexpected and dramatic happen.
As a result our life changed forever, actually
my father used to travel to different province of the country in relation with
his work; he never had a health issue and was in good health. I remember as my
father was on a work journey in the south east of the country, we got the
unexpected and shocking news of his death, we never expected this to happen.
This news was a shock to the family, for our
father did not have health problem and we never even think that something like
this could happen, when this news reach my ears I was shaken, and I could not
accept my dad was dead, it sounded unreal.
Very quickly I became suspicious, I said in my
heart dad was in good health and he was prosperous, someone must be responsible
for this, and he must pay, I was confused and angry in my heart, and I made up
my mind to uncover the truth about the death of my father for I had no peace
and I could not sleep in the night, my heart was trouble and I was in a wonderland,
in that moment of anger the devil saw the opportunity to get closer to me.
Invitation to the church
remember I was sitting in front of the gate of our place pondering, when
suddenly I saw a friend, who handed me an invitation to his church. I did not
mind reading the invitation, I just put it in my pocket, later I got in the
house and I opened it. When I look, I saw that it was a church invitation. This
was a church that was located in the city centre.
Many days later I felt a need to visit this
church. on that day when I got to the church I saw that there was nothing
appealing about this place, but I got inside anyway, when I got in this church I
saw a number of people waiting in the reception, I notice that these people in
the reception had removed their shoes: therefore I had to remove my shoes.
Sometime later I got inside the main hall;
these people welcome me and asked me, can you tell us what people say about our
church. I found this question really strange, I said “it’s just a church like
other church; I was given an invitation that is why I came”.
I could not understand that this was a church
opened by the order of Satan, I was actually in a church of satan, when they
asked me about my problem I began to tell them about the tragic and unexpected
death of my father. I said to them, “I have just lost my father, but I do not
believe that the death of my father was natural, I want to know who has killed
my father”
hearing my concern these people took my name, and they asked me, brother, we
need your permission to transmit you light. I found this strange when they talk
to me about light, what is certain is that this light was not from Jesus + Christ.
When I agree to receive the so called light
they laid hand on me. quickly I was introduced to a strange god called, TSU, who
is the god of union and gathering, in spite of the fact that I saw strange
things in this church, none the less my determination was to uncover the killer
of my father, in truth I was already enchanted, and in a strange ritual I was
transmitted the mysterious light.
was require to attend the church in order to learn and to be initiated, brother,
this church was really huge and there was a countless crowds of peopled, the
church was called the paradise on the earth, there were the elite of the
country in this church, even pastors, these pastor that were attending the
church of satan are popular in the country and their churches have symbol of
satan, given that I came under manipulation and enchantment I became attached
to this satanic church.
I come from a Christian family where we
knew men who served FATHER faithfully.
after joining this church I began to experience paranormal phenomena, for my
spiritual eyes were being opened, in order to operate in the spirit world with
spiritual entity, they were strange manifestation happening to me, and these
paranormal phenomena were our preparation to the spirit world.
This was necessary in order to remove fear and mercy in us,
through this training we were deprived of human feeling
of empathy and mercy.
I joined this satanic place; first teaching that I receive in this church was
about the angle of the pyramid, in fact the pyramid is the symbol of men rising
to god and god descending to men, when the pyramid is reverse in this teaching
it was called the star, the priest explain that the world is ruled and function
according to the law of the pyramid.
when Jesus ran away from the roman official he went to Egypt the land of pyramid,
the world elite travelled to Egypt to get hidden mystery from the pyramid. the
priest said; “the newly initiated members were supposed to mount the heaven to
god through the pyramid, and god was supposed to come down to them thanks to
their offering and sacrifice, given that the Maggi were following stars in
heaven and given that the pyramid is upward our god has saw your star and he
must now take over your star, the star is the wealth and goodness that god gave
men to enjoy life on the earth, it is the star of men that the devil is after”.
During this ritual the priest said to
the newly initiate, you must wear the symbol of our god
for you belong to our god,
the symbol of this strange god was called Omitama; the
priest said “there are many gods that we should know, and there are many Jesus, on
that day the priest introduced to us many Jesus, such as
the Jesus of the sun, the Jesus of love and
so on, everyone of this Jesus!!!
had an attribute and specific power, on that day I was transmitted light and I
was assigned to work in the hospital and cause destruction, many days later I
was made know that I was to be initiated in a ritual in the church.
On that day at midnight I went to church and
join other newly initiated member, we all came with candle, oil and other object,
when we all enter the church the priest closed the gate of the church, it was
really dark. Quickly I began to hear sound demonic birds. I heard noises of
demonic beast and I felt a wind that was not of the earth, during the
initiation 3 finger were pointed on my back head, in order to mark me with the number 666.
Make no mistake the devil is already marking the population of the
earth with the number 666, on
that day interdimensional ability to communicate with the spirit world was
activated, during this initiation I felt like horns coming out of my head, the
feeling of fear was gone I felt embolden and empowered, from that day onward I
began to control people and dominate them through my eyes.
was then require to attend the church to meet the priest for new assignment
when I went to the temple I entered the holy place to meet the priest., we were
a number of newly initiated member; the priest told me, “in view of the assignment
ahead you need more angels, that would empower you, each one of you is supposed
to receive spiritual entities that would support you”.
I was given demons, among them were demon that
were of short size, these short demon were dwarves, old people of short size, I
was also given an extremely beautiful lady, having hair going down to her
bottom, she was a goddess, this diva was the siren Elisabeth. I was given another demon that was hybrid, for
he was half human and half animal. There was also a demon that had no hand,
this demon had the wing of a bird, and these evil spirits were my companion. Wherever
I went, I was accompanied by them. These demons were my messengers.
Finally the priest told me, “Now you need a
permanent companion, a spirit that will always be with you”. The priest gave me
a demon that was a crow, which was always with me, this crow used to bring me
meat to eat, the meat were animal and fish meat in the eyes of the flesh, in truth this meat was
human flesh that I was consuming.
when I went through initiation, I had to find
my own place, where I was supposed to leave an opening at the ceiling for the
crow, who was physical and spiritual, the crow was dropping juice for me, which is human blood;
finally the priest assigned me to my first mission of destruction, during my
initiation in was handed an eagle that was my eyes, I mean whenever the eagle
was flying whatever he saw while flying was broadcaster in the magic mirror.
terms of my activity in the hospital.
I would advise god children to always pray before taking
a love one to hospital.
This is a place of demonic activity
given that I was able to operate interdenominational movement physically and
spiritually. I could come to the hospital in the shape of a doctor and administer
treatment in the appearance of a doctor in order to cause death.
in fact we were administering fake treatment that would aggravate the patient condition and kill him.
I destroy a lot of children because I was
working in paediatric department, brother learns to pray before taking the
child to the hospital. When people came with sickness of witchcraft origin I
had to overpower the spirit of sickness. we work in a way that people would not
suspect the hospital, there came a time I wanted to rise in level and become leader,
therefore I needed more sacrifice.
that day when the first victim came to the hospital, he had hyper tension issue,
immediately I did invocation and I called the spirit of confusion, when this
demon came he told me that he was in hurry because he was busy performing an
urgent task that he had to finish. I asked him to enter the lady nurse that was
treating the hyper tension patient and confuse her, so that she would
administer the wrong medication.
Actually this patient came in good condition
for he was walking by himself there was nothing wrong except high blood pressure,
however, when the demon of confusion enter the nurse, the latter went on to
administer a medication that was used in reanimation in order to increase blood
pressure, when the nurse injected this medication to this patient his blood
pressure increase dramatically. straight away I saw the demon of confusion that
had enter the nurse leaving her body and telling me good by for he was in a hurry,
in the meantime the patient that was administer the wrong medication was in convulsion,
and the nurse began to
panic, in that moment of panicky I came and I began to do
invocation, in order to capture the soul of this patient.
children in hospital must learn to deal with medical problem in prayer, even if your
loved one is not breathing any more in the hospital, when you pray with determination he will
come back because his soul is just around, he will return to the body if you
really pray with faith and determination, actually when witches capture human
soul in order to kill to cause death, they encounter a strong wind of
resistance and opposition, this wind is a natural defines system, and in this
circumstance if you pray for your loved one who is dead and not breathing his
soul is likely to come back to the body, and he will regain consciousness.
When I joined this dark church I initiated 4
people and we began to work in a team, by FATHERS grace, JESUS + CHRIST saved me from this
satanic church, however 4 of my colleague that I initiated in
this evil church are dead, therefore I am here testifying by FATHERS
grace, while I continue to cause death in hospital, afterward I was assigned to
capture the stars of 5 women, I and my colleague were able to find 5 woman
thanks to the power of domination and control.
I bought many beers and I placed them on the
table before my compound, this in order to attract the attention of ladies in
the street, it was not long before I catch a victim, suddenly a lady that was
passing turn up and asked to join us in order to drink with us, when she came
we began to chat and I gave her a lot of money to cook me some food, and I told
her to invite her friend and I lied to her that it was my friend birthday, the
lady took the money and call her friend and they cooked the food for us, later
on when we went all together to a popular bar of our borough, I want to warn
woman that are after men for money, you are likely to fall prey of Satanist.
we arrive at the bar we began to spend the money that was made available to us
by the satanic world, we bought a lot of beers in order to capture the mind and
heart of these ladies, my friend look deep in the eyes of one of the lady and
he enter the mind of the lady through telepathic power, and he was able to
manipulate the mind and emotion of the lady, and finally he establish a
connection of love between him and the lady. I was able to
enter the mind of one of this lady through telepathic power in order to
manipulate her thought.
Brother, you can be singing a
song in your heart; I reached a level where I could penetrate your mind and
become aware of the fact that you are singing that particular song, unless you
are a new creation.
the Inhabitants of The Rock sing the 'New Song'.
The Song of Moses and the Lamb. by JAH
We were in this bar with these ladies and we
were drinking, our purpose was to capture their stars (THERE SOUL) which is their destines.
Let me inform you FATHERS people that they
are a numbers of notorious and popular bars in the city where they are intense demonic activity;
these bars have logo of lion,Rhinoceros and animals that are demons,
Theses demonic animals intensify their
activity from
midnight to 4 am, we were drinking with these ladies and when
they saw that it was 9pm they wanted to leave. I could not let that happen for
our mission was to capture their star which is god potentiality and wealth in
their lives, when it was 9 pm. I block the clock through magic prayer, and we
put it in the spirit of these ladies that it was at 9 pm, when it was 11pm in
their mind they still thought that it was 9pm, thanks to manipulation they were
under the impression that it was 9 pm, yet it was already 11 pm, whenever they
watch the clock they saw that it was 9 yet they were under manipulation.
then we realise that the money that was
provided to us by the dark world had ended, quickly we
invoke the angel of robbery, that is responsible for the disappearance
of money everywhere in company and enterprise, so that he will steal money for us,
and while we were dancing with these young ladies in the bar.
I saw
that they came under the control of the angel that control bars, this angel
that is a goddess, dwell in the mirrors of bars, night club and disco.
there is a woman, a goddess who sit in the mirrors of bars, night club and discos,
this goddess influence and enchant people drinking and dancing in bars and
night club, brother you must note that in all the bars and night club there are
demons at the gates,
There are also demons standing around people
that are drinking and talking, there are also demons that stand in the toilet,
finally they are demon that follow people at home when they leave the bars,
these are monitoring demons.
I was drinking with these young lady and when I
went to the toilet, quickly I saw an angel that
had a huge vase, this recipient was full of pee from people
attending the bar, actually, whenever people came to pee, this demonic angel
was collecting their pee in a cup and he was dropping them in the vase, these
pee that are collected in the toilet by this angel was turned it to beer, this
angel that operate in bars replace normal beers with these pee that he
transformed to beer that people drink in bars, these demons replace normal
beers with pee that he collect in the toilet, we were in bar drinking but when
it was 1 am, these girls realise that it was not 9 anymore and they began to
wonder how they would go home.

I suggested that we find a hotel to sleep ,
when they agree we left to the hotel at the 14th street, brother, in many bars and night club in the world demons stand in
the toilet in order to get the pee of people in the bars and turned them to
beers that people would drink, many things that people eat in the night in
those bars and night club were human flesh turned to animal meat, thus one of our mission was to
cause humanity to eat human flesh, for eating meat that is human flesh has
implication in many level.
I mean you will have health or mental issue,
the beer that is pee and the normal beers is the same in terms of taste, but
spiritually this beer from pee destroy capacity that FATHER has place in men, we were in the
hotel with these girls and we needed them to sleep deeply, therefore we blew
smoke of enchantment, as a result they slept deeply after inhaling the smoke of
soon as they slept we went on to operate astral travelling, I went out my body
and I travelled to the temple in order to summon the spirit of these girls and
capture their stars, when I left my body I travelled in the speed of thought to
the temple, immediately I summoned the spirit of these ladies in the temple in
order to capture their stars, 4 of these girls responded to the magic prayer,
but one of them resisted our magic formula that I was doing, given that one of
these girl was resisting magic formula I summoned more entities, such as the
transporter spirit, the charger spirit and the elevator spirit, we held each
other hand and we unified our strength in order to summon the spirit of this lady,
however, despite our efforts we were not successfully and they could do nothing.
I decided to abandon this operation though I
knew I would be punished by our priest. when I reported this failure to the priest,
I was ordered to undergo punishment for this failure, for in the world Satan there is no mercy,
when you are require to sacrifice your mother you either do it or you die in
her stead, because of violence with which we were treated, I began to
understand that there will be confrontation and misunderstanding with these
priest because of threat of violence.
When we were in the temple we began to seize
the star (THERE
SOUL) of these 4 ladies and all
the potentiality that FATHER has placed in them, for the devil
has nothing he only steal what FATHER give people. whenever he see people
potential and blessing in the crystal bole he is desperate to steal it, we were
reading people destiny and potentiality in Chrystal ball in order to determine
their blessing and steal their star, people potentiality are like ball of crystal
upon which you can read their blessing that FATHER gave them.
order to steal these ladies potentiality and star we began to speak word of accusation,
we said, given that you ate our food and you drank our beers and you enjoy our money,
we have legality to attack you, in fact, in order to attack believers they had to open doors.
The angels of death
Brother , Jesus + Christ showed me
the death of sinner, it’s terrible, I saw people dying in their sin, they heard good word “Fathers
Royal law” and they squander the opportunity to repent, they died in their sin,
and I saw when their souls left their body, immediately I saw demon coming to
capture their soul, I noticed that these unclean spirit that came for them were
skeleton, they were dressed in black garment, and these demons of death that
were skeleton were holding whip, I saw them capturing the soul of people who died in
sin, these souls were captured and taken in a dark road and dark tunnel leading
them to the pit of fire.
Dear friends,
Abba Father has revealed to me that
we all have two hands. Each hand we have represents the
Royal Law. The first hand is the one where we all must love Abba
Father with all our hearts “our spirit being”.
The second hand is the one where we
all must love our neighbour as thyself. Who is our neighbour; the one next
door, the one on the other side of this planet and every one in between?
Therefore, about 7.25 billion all up.
our hands are joined to our body, so is Abba Fathers
Royal Law joined to our spirit man and cannot be
separated. If I say I love Abba Father and hate my neighbour(s) for any reason.
It is not possible.
LOVE Abba Father and MY neighbour(s) IS THE Royal
Law OF LOVE, GRACE AND MERCY to all mankind
forever. AMEN
THE Royal Law is found ONLY in the
TORAH…. Torah comes from the Hebrew word for "law" and refers to the
first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and
Deuteronomy—also known as the Pentateuch. The word Torah is used also to refer
to the scroll of parchment on which the Pentateuch is written.
who lives by good DEEDS is a true worshipper of Yahweh
I mean we must find them in breach “Fathers Royal law”,
for we needed legality, when you sin you break the law,
and you give the devil legality, and he will start accusing you, thanks
to magic formula and mystical prayer these ladies were put in spiritual prison
and their stars (THERE
SOUL) were captured, they
continue their live but their star were stolen, given that I was unable to
capture the star of the 5th lady.
My master the priest of the church went on to
abduct the girl in the flesh in order to do ritual and capture her star, they
tried hard and did magic prayer to steal her star, to our surprise a shining
man appeared and he took the girl away I don’t what was happening and who was
the shining man that took the girl, in the morning I learn that the young lady
had become mental she lost her mind, I felt that I should do something for her
and restore her to consciousness. I needed to purify her so that she would
return to normality, I kept the young lady in the hotel, and then I got a call
that my son was in the coma in the hospital.
Quickly I went to the hospital to see him,
then I went to the temple, upon arrival the priest told me, you must offer us a soul in
compensation for the young girl that you brought us, otherwise
your child that is in the hospital will die, he is already in the bottle,
quickly the priest then show me my child that was in the bottle, and he tell me,
you must offer the sacrifice, if you fail we going to have to take your child.
The following day I began to work in order to offer a human
was then informed that the following day which was a Sunday will be a day of thanksgiving,
this service of thanksgiving take place in many country where this satanic
church is located, this time around it was supposed to be held in the Congo, this is an international gathering that was supposed to be
attended by the supreme master, I mean the devil, the one who was the source of
our wealth, blessing and notoriety, satan himself was supposed to attend this
church service.
On that day I was in the church for baptism
and after baptism I was supposed to rush to find a pray, a human sacrifice, as
require by the priest. I was in a situation where my child was in the coma in
the hospital, I had this young lady that had become mental that I left locked
in the hotel, I was supposed to return her to her consciousness, on the other
hand I had to find a pray that was supposed to be human
sacrifice, while I was in the church to my surprise the priest told me,
fear not, your child will not die today in case you fail to offer the sacrifice
today, therefore you must wait and attend the thanksgiving service for the
supreme master himself will baptise you.
that day of thanksgiving the church was packed with crowds of people that were
from different nations, the crowds was massive, when it was midnight the gate
of the church was closed, for the thanksgiving service was to start, when the
ceremony or the service began I was blown away by the organisation and the
crowds, people were assembled in uniform and some of them came from abroad for
this ceremony, it was breathtaking, as we were gathered paranormal phenomena
began to occur.
we saw a mysterious hill that sprang up from the ground, the mysterious hill
rose before the congregation of countless of people, not long after the
appearance of this mysterious mountain, I saw a black horse having wings and horn,
coming from distance and rising to the top of the hill, the winged horse was
then joined by a second wing horse having horn on top of the hill, these horses
were huge and they were not of this earth, I heard the priest telling the
countless crowds to close their eyes, there was an incredible silence, when the
multitude close the eye I sense like a hairy beast passing by my side.



kept my eyes close as instructed by the priest, then a powerful wind from the
spirit world began to blow in the congregation, I had goose bump in my hair,
suddenly I began to hear the priest speaking demonic language and uttering
words of praise and worship to the supreme master Lucifer, I heard him saying; “you are god, the only
one, you are the supreme master, to you be glory”.
It was an incredible and breathtaking moment, and
then I heard a bell ringing 3 times. Then the priest says to the congregation,
you can open your eyes, when the countless crowds had opened the eyes.
I saw these 2 black wings horses on the top of
the mountain, they were really huge and tremendous, then I saw the arrival of
diva and goddess of the spirit world, these siren came with mommies who had
powder all over their face, they began to glorify the supreme master Lucifer
with all the name of glory, I saw some people in the congregation on their
knees in tears glorifying the devil exactly the way Christian glorify Jesus + Christ,
the goddess and mommies did ritual and ceremony, and they were dancing macabre
dance, then they disappeared abruptly, as soon as they disappeared I saw
another mountain rising from the ground going to space before the congregation.
I saw a humanoid entity coming down from heaven, this extraordinary man was
tall and he was dressed in black vestment and he was holding a huge trident,
this tremendous being was vibrating breathtaking power and energy, he had extra
ordinary authority, this entity was followed by huge and powerful army of the
fallen behind him, behind the devil who stood at the top of this mountain.
I saw a huge army made up of angels,
I was observing this army when I saw all kinds of demonic beast, demonic birds
and all kind of entity, in this army of Lucifer I saw various titans and Olympians gods that
ruled the earth, I saw the nephilim and the giant and they were tremendous and
extraordinary ,there were all kind of creatures ,i saw a strange and demonic
lion that you never seen before, i saw snake of seven head and snake of many heads,
I saw demonic and mythological birds that were strange and don’t exist on the earth,
I saw hybrid demon that were half human and half animal, there were
mythological creature that we study in ancient civilisation.

the army of Lucifer was behind him, when the
devil the enemy of god came down he said no word, he was in a vestment that was
hiding his face, though we could see his green eyes that was shining like the
eyes of wolves in the bush in the night, when w was observing the devil on top
of the mountain and his army behind him, I felt that I was before a tremendous
power and he was vibrating extra ordinary energy, the devil instructed 5 angels
of baptism to baptise the newly initiated.
During the baptism the 5 angels killed people who disclose the secret of the devil and those
who had failed in their assignment were also killed.
I was baptised by the
angel of baptism who baptise me by putting the letter s on my body, and the
angel place in me the spirit of animal, the angel undressed me completely, he
put a little fire on my hand and I felt like the fire was moving all over my
body, I saw the letter s appearing on my hand, and I felt like I was paralysed,
I heard the voice of satan saying to his angel, baptise him so that he will be merciless and he must recognise the god TSU, the angel then
dressed me with an animal skin that was cut in half, when the baptism was
finished I fell to the ground. when I woke to my surprise I was floating in a
local river, and I was in a net that fisher men leave in this popular river.
Tuatha Da Danaan (Celtic Gods)
Xian (Chinese Gods)
AFRICAN GODS | Mythology | African mythology,
Mythology, Gods, goddesses
Reference - Olympians Graphic Novels by George O'Connor
In the Land of Gods and Monsters | Forever Young
"Abstain from all appearance of evil."
So, is it OK for a
Christian to watch a horror?
This article is for those people who want to
know the SHOCKING truth about the subject...
"Abstain from
all appearance of evil."
- 1 Thessalonians
peniel ngonde
86,117 subscribers •
Joined Nov 4, 2013
I am a born again Christian
the purpose of this channel is the share what god is doing in the francophone
world French speaking world as we are involved in ferocious conflict with the
kingdom of Lucifer
"What would
Christ do if He could see? What would He, who rode on a donkey, think about the
luxurious car, with the ornate throne as a seat? What would He say, if He saw
the portfolio of the Vatican (stock-market) shares? What would He do if He saw
all the treasures of the Vatican, treasures which could be used to alleviate
ignorance by improving education? What would be His reaction to the comfortable
lives of the members of the Curia? If Christ suddenly appeared in the middle of
St. Peter's Square and said: "Leave your riches and follow me," I
wonder how many would. I'd like to know what would happen to Him if He knocked
on the Vatican door saying: "You speak in my name. You invoke me. I have
come to tell you that you are misinterpreting my teachings." But I know
exactly what would happen. The authorities would instantly call the Roman
police, in accordance with the Lateran Agreements of 1929, and accuse Him of
being anti-establishment, and of disturbing the peace. He would not be judged
as before, however, but sent to a mental ward and classified as a maniac
impersonator of Jesus Christ.'- Monsignor Semprione
All the Popes are in
hell, in this encounter with Jesus +
Christ is alerting
and warning the member of the catholic religion to leave this religion. Jesus +
Christ said “this church is the seat of Satan throne, for people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge, we are living in the end of time these are dangerous
days, this is a defining moment for humanity.”
Jesus + Christ is
trying to save as many as he can, with help from all of us.
History and details regarding Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, and its legacy after being founded in California in the year 1966:
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