The music industry and Lucifer
The bible says that
Father dwells in the midst of praise of his people; likewise the devil is
present wherever secular music is being played.
The devils throne is placed in every house where secular music is being played, secular
music bear the mark of fetishism, it is engraved with the seal of the dark world, it is
not just for our pleasure, it
is a channel of transmission of spiritual influence, secular music can
be giving advice, however the base, the cornerstone and the influence is the
devil of music, Michael Jackson was in white magic functioning with magic fluid
and magnetism, but he has lost his soul.
Therefore hear the word of FATHER, O scoffers, who
rule this people in Jerusalem. For you said, “We have made a covenant with
death; we have fashioned an agreement with Sheol. Brother, “for any music and
album to be release on the earth it must be processed in the spirit world
precisely the cemetery, where the celebrity will be taught dance move, we must
understand that there are many pass word in secular music that keep people in
There are incantatory word and password that
cause vibration in the life of the listener, this magical word
is like spiritual electricity”.
Likewise when you attend the house of
fetishism and native doctor you will notice that there is always singing, music
and sound of tam-tam, (drums) when you enter in an animist church you will notice
that they always beat tam-tam and play music. As a result of this music people
enter in trance. Native doctor sing song that invite
demon that would come as a result of
music. Secular music is always process in the occult, in order to enchant the
listener for there are vibrations.
When we sing song of worship in the church
often people enter in trance and speak in tongue and lose control, this effect
is parallel to the effect of secular music in a negative way. When we sing song
of worship the Holy Spirit comes down, but when we sing secular music we come
under demonic manipulation because of mystical words and password, that affect
our consciousness and subconsciousness, moreover, the
demon Asmodey, of sexual pleasure is really active in worldly music.

This is a testimony
about the premature death of an African superstar,
this celebrity has die because of the black mass, which is held every Saturday
in the unseen world, welcome beloved, I just got a call from Kenya from a man
who was a close friend of the late African superstar, the man was closed to this late
African celebrity. The man watches my last video about the music industry and
Satanism. When he called me this man said to me, “I watched your testimony and
I wanted to tell you that I am in the same secret order with
the “Ivorian DJ”
who had passed away.
The man said the DJ was my friend and we
were in the same secret order, the DJ called me not long before his death to inform me that the
time of sacrifice
is approaching for all the member of the secret order and the DJ inform me that he was
require to offer a human heart. As stipulated in the pact with the kingdom of Satan,
brother, this man who called me was a friend of the late superstar and he was
in the same secret order with this Ivorian celebrity, who told him that he was to offer a human
heart according to the pact he had signed with Satan.
Brother, because of notoriety this celebrity
was supposed to kill a human life and bring the
heart of the victim to the cemetery at midnight, the Ivorian star said to his friend that he was trying hard to
comply to the requirement of the world of satan but
he was unsure, and he knew the implication of failure to comply, “this man told
me that the superstar was anxious and complaining that he does not know what will
happen to him in case he failed to offer the human sacrifice, this man said to
me that he also want to abandon
occultism and come out of the secret order, this brother that called me
told me that he has been trying to leave occultism but he does not know where
to start, the person was part of the spiritual order of this late superstar”.
I told the brother, “since
you are not in Congo
you must find a church and talk to the pastor to pray for you and baptise you
and you will be protected”. For I was in the occult in different sect, in fact I
was in the 3rd degree of the Japanese order but Jesus + Christ saves me, as a result I receive
death threat from Lucifer.
It was in the eighties,
the devil told me “He will kill me for I broke the
pact and the blood covenant by joining the church
of Jesus + Christ”. However,
since I came to Jesus + Christ the devil has not been able to touch me for I am
in Christ.
This man went on to tell me that the DJ died the
very day he was to offer human sacrifice, for on that day every member of the
secret order was supposed to offer human sacrifice. Today thanks to tattoo and drawing all over
their body it is easy to identify the magic circle and secret order of these
superstars, thanks to their tattoo and drawing in the body, you can tell whether they belong
to the house of the dragon, the house of the leopard or lion, or the house of Beelzebub.
In truth this Ivorian superstar has gone higher, therefore he was in need of human
sacrifice for more glory means more blood, when you sign a pact with Satan you must
comply with the arrangement and the agreement, whatever the cost, you have to
obey, otherwise
it is death.
Normally when the elite enter
in to covenant-contract and sign pact with satan they take disposition,
I mean they work and cooperate with criminal and gang, the elite and celebrity
pay criminals that abduct and sequestrate innocent for mutilation and ritual
crime, in the dark world woman sexual and conception organ served for many
In the world of satan
woman sex has power thus mutilation, there are many victim of mutilation in
great city and many dying in ritual sacrifice, because of the demand of body
part by the world of satan. The late African celebrity was require to turn up
to the cemetery at midnight with human heart, when you join the world of Lucifer
you must gear up for the worse, and expect tough demand, because of the search
of power, glory and success, sequestration and mutilation has become frequent,
mutilated body are found all over the place as a result of ritual crime, for
the devil is demanding from his acolyte human organ and body part.
Acolyte, noun
A person assisting a priest in a religious service
or procession.
Singers in the
musical industry are often require to offer human tongue, in order to sing well,
they are also require by the devil to offer human heart for
people to love their music in their heart and accept everything they come up
with, however, the Ivorian
celebrity was imprudent for he has failed
to take measure and comply, yet when you join the world of satan you must be
prepare for the worst.
Many are the
celebrity that had sang
song about their death, and they died shortly because they knew that
they will die as a consequence of the pact with the devil, in fact this African celebrity
has predicted that he will die in a motorbike accident, and shortly after his
prediction he died in a motor bike accident, it is a matter of record. There
are two conditions when you sign a pact with Satan; either
you choose to die once the pact and contract had expired.
In order to serve the
devil in the parallel world as a servant spirit, or you sign a pact where you
can continue life when the pact expire, in this scenario you going to need to
sacrifice many lives, often many of our celebrity are married to mermaid, these
mermaids always ask the celebrity to die prematurely so that they will continue
their lives in the marine world as servant spirit, the cause of the premature
death of this African
superstar is the black Sabbath, also called black mass.
A gathering of witches and Satanists held
every Saturday under the direction of satan in the macrocosmic world, we must
understand that this world is ruled, influenced and dominated by the black mass, for
political change and social event happening in the world are decided in the
black mass in the parallel world, there are intercontinental decision and
resolution taken in this gathering of principality and powers, where I saw our
president, the roman catholic pope and the superstar Michael Jackson and Michael
Usually we were dressing in black and beneath
the black garment we were naked, for nakedness is called adamic robe, I told
you that in one of this gathering, I had signed a blood pact with a 19 years
old Caucasian man who was extremely handsome and breathtaking.
This 19 years old young man full of youth was
actually the ruler of the spiritual world, the 19 years old young man was the dragon
that was cast out of heaven, the one who is seducing the whole world, in this
gathering where I saw the world elite and the upper class of human society, we
were supposed to bring offering which is human sacrifice.
The devil always
asked for ultimate sacrifice which is your closed one, the moment you begin to
hesitate and complaint the dark world will take your life without your consent,
for once you sign a pact with Satan he will not necessarily need your consent
to take the lives of your love one and your life. I was supposed to offer wine
and oil, I was
to offer barrel of blood, I was to bury human heart in the crossroad,
whoever passes that crossroad was a potential victim of human sacrifice, for
most of these crossroad were rectangle and triangle, these shape are pentacle,
and they have meaning in metaphysic.
Ezekiel 21 verse 23 For the king of Babylon is
standing at the fork of the two roads to read the omens, he shakes out the
arrows, inquires of the teraphim (disgraceful things), inspects
the liver Into his right hand has fallen the lot marked “Jerusalem” to order
the slaughter, to raise the battle cry, to set the battering rams against the
gates, to throw up a ramp.
There are different
department in the occult, but we all met in the
black mass from midnight to 4 am,
in this meeting they were masters of the occult and the elite of the world. I
was an ambassador and a teacher in the world of satan, I was often summoned
through the announcement of the great journal of the infernal world, by the
homeland security general, the boss Natashi, who
is the angel in charge of security of the world of satan, for I was an ambassador,
project manager and strategist, I mean whenever there was a church in the
country that was battling and fighting the dark world.
I was summoned, in order
to attend the boss Natashi and in order to strategize
against the pastor, firstly I was to do magic prayer in the crystal ball, in
order to summon the pastor that is fighting the army of the devil, and when the
pastor appeared in the crystal ball, I was supposed to do metaphysical diagnosis,
in order to establish and determine the spiritual condition of his church.
In this diagnosis I was supposed to
determine the power of the man from Father’s kingdom, in fact in the spirit
world, FATHERS
children and men of GOD power are
measured by voltage and watts. The watt is used to specify the rate at which
electrical energy is dissipated, or the rate at which electromagnetic energy is
radiated, absorbed or dissipated,
In case the man from Father’s kingdom is dissipating high voltage electricity, I had to
decrease his voltage, his power and electromagnetic force, when this is done
his fire and thermal energy will be extinguished.
In fact in order to
attack a man from Father’s
kingdom I was supposed to scan his church, in order to know whether
there were witches
in that church, in order to collaborate with them for the sake of destroying
the pastor, otherwise, I was supposed to summon a water
mermaid to possess a beautiful and carnal lady that will cause the pastor to fall in fornication. In
truth fornication is the effective tool by which the voltage, the power and the
electromagnetic energy of men from Father’s kingdom are reduced.
Fornication bring down men from Father’s
kingdom and decrease the anointing and
voltage of men from
Father’s kingdom, even their fire, this is metaphysical psychology, fornication is a
flagrant crime in the spirit world
through which the satanic kingdom bring down men from Father’s kingdom, fornication decrease the anointing and overthrow men from
Father’s kingdom in the spirit world. FATHERS
children power is much more like a bulb that we have at home, we have bulb of
50 watt, we have bulb of 60 watt and so on, FATHERS
children electricity and voltage decrease with sin, and once FATHERS children voltage decrease and once
their fire go down in the spirit world, very quickly their vulnerability will
become apparent, in this situation when they are shot with evil arrows and ammunition
they will be reach and they will become victim.
There is a saying
that say that whenever there is a concert held by musical celebrity, make sure
you go back home alone, because the dead attend
secular music concert, the dead attend bars and
night club in the night, whenever superstars hold concert, mermaid come
physically to attend the concert. What happen before musical concert is that this
celebrity goes on to do ritual in public and popular place of the city in the night?
They even spread powder in the popular place
of the city to bewitch and subject the
population to manipulation so that they will attend the concert in great numbers.
These celebrities also go on to spread powder in the water and the cemetery. this
is an invitation of water spirit and spirit of the cemetery that will come to
attend the concert in human shape, not all the people in concert are human, not
all the women you see in concert are human, they are mermaid and water spirit
from the marine kingdom. They come in human shape.
In other instances
these musician are require to bring sand from public place like market and roundabout,
they are also require to bring sand from cemetery and sand from water and
public places, in every one of this concert women from the water world attend,
and the dead also come in the shape of normal people, people come under
manipulation to attend the concert thanks to ritual done in public place, the
god of music caused the living, the mermaid and the dead to attend concert
which will be successful, and there will be consequence after these concert,
for the blessing, the destiny and the stars of the innocent will be stolen and
there will be human sacrifice.
We must understand
that there is a book of condemnation and the red book, whenever a celebrity
sign a pact with satan he will be require to write to name of every member of
his family that are alive and dead in 2 books. these name will be written in
the book of condemnation and the red book of death, when your love one sign a
pact with the devil understand that your name is in the book of condemnation and there will be stagnation and failure, your name
is also in the red
book of death, and when your name is cross in the red book you will die,
whenever a member of a family is to die his name will be cross in the red book
of death.
When you sign a pact
with the devil and when you are initiated you going to have to write the name
of your family in these 2 books, and the celebrity that have sign the pact with
the devil will have to determine the manner of death of his victim when he
crossed his name in the book of death, one you write the name of your family
member in these books the dark world can destroy whoever they want in your
family that is in the list, they would not need your permission, they can steal
star and destiny of member of your family.

On the other hand,
the bible or the golden book of the world of satan where they are his law and
punishment is called grimoire, this is the bible of the world of satan with its
commandment, there
are 8 billion of mystical verse and formula in this book. when you look
at this late musician who had died prematurely, you will see the man doing
mystical sign written in the bible of satan, for he had master the formula of
the bible of satan, in fact all high level occultist and all the initiate have
this book, this is a book of mystical formula used by occultist and witches, in
that book there are formula such as how to rise, how to destroy and how to
transcend dimensions, in the occult I needed to have a secret room where nobody
enter and needed to abstain from certain food and eat only raw food, this was
called fasting, the most high and elevated bible of satan is that of the Pope Honorius.
Honorius I was Bishop of Rome from 27 October 625 to his death in 638.
Honorius, according to the Liber Pontificalis, came from Campania and was the
son of the consul Petronius.
Here are 66 books in the bible and there are 1 billion magical formula
and 6800 books in the bible of Satan, where there are formula of
prosperity, domination and so on.

Prophetess Bénie Marthe Predicted DJ Arafat's Death In 2018 by damiloladuke: 4:30pm On Aug 12, 2019
Popular Ivorian Deejay Dj Arafat is dead and it is so sad his death was predicted by a prophetess in his country in 2018.
According to a report by, a prophetess identified as warned that the popular Deejay might lose his life if he did not reconcile with a certain family he was feuding with.
The prophetess and president of the NGO MINOGE, Bénie Marthe is very respected in a Christian environment in Ivory Coast.
In March 2018, while speaking on Abidjanshow, she made shocking revelations about Dj Arafat.
She reportedly said:
[/quote]"God asks Arafat Dj to work hard for the happiness of widows and orphans. He has to help these people because they need him "
She then made emphasis on the fued between Arafat and the family of young Marc Nai.
[quote]"In this conflict between Arafat Dj and the Nai family, the artist has the means to cope. Arafat Dj will get by. But the devil is shaking his tail. His enemies want to defeat him. And, if he is not careful, this case may lead to his death. "
According to her, Dj Arafat was a blessed child pursued by the devil.
Right after the death
of this Ivorian superstar, musician from all
over the continent rushed to Ivory Coast to
attend his funeral, in truth when a man die his spirit/soul usually sit around
his coffin and people coming to attend the funeral can converse with him telepathically,
I was in necromancy and I was talking to the dead and people that were buried
at the cemetery, however one thing that I had noticed is that I have never seen the souls of born again Christian in the cemetery, and one day I was with kali the goddess of
death, we were in the cemetery of our municipality, I asked her about
the souls of the believer and where they go for I never saw them in the cemetery,
the goddess of death the lady kali told me, you don’t see
them in the cemetery because their Master (Jesus + Christ) don’t like them to come to the cemetery.
I asked the angel of
death kali who is their master? “The goddess
replied to me in frustration” and said, “Ambassador, you should not be asking
these kind of question”. Later the goddess of death told me that their master
dwell in the third heaven that’s where the souls of the Christian go, to GODS kingdom. The goddess told me, “In your
level you should have known that in the last day their master will arrest us all,
and he will cast us in the lake of fire and brimstone, in your level you should
know these things”.
When you get to the
world (playground) of
satan you will see photos of celebrity,
superstars, millionaire and the rich elite of human society and you will be
told that you can become like them if you want for we are the one who made them
rich, this is to entice you.
The bible say, Luke 4:5 And the devil, taking him up into a high
mountain, showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
4:6 and the
devil said unto him, all this power will I give thee, and the glory of them:
for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.
4:7 If
thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.
4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan (Lucifer): for it is written, Thou
shalt worship the Lord thy God,
and Him ONLY shalt thou serve.

Brother, this Ivorian musician has reached the moon, which means the highest degree
higher than the guru or spiritual master, the celebrity had sign a blood pact,
there was incision and blood, a powder which is human bone was placed in the injury,
this is a blood covenant-contract,
in reality there are 4 kind of pacts. whoever get in the occult will spill
blood and powder that is human bones will be placed in his injury, this is a
blood pact, there is also pact of eyes, hats where the application magnetic
field is applied, which is powerful and mysterious, there is magnetic shock and
magnetic field that can be release through magnetic stare and look.
Satanist always look
at each other in the eyes in order to evaluate each other strength and power,
often mystic and Satanist dominate people with magnetic stare through the eye,
they always attempt to establish a contact with people through the eyes, people
can be manipulated to act certain way just by the look and the stare of an occultist,
there is also a pact of object, when you have receive and accepted a consecrated
object in your life, that object is a covenant between you and the world of
satan, it is also a satellite, when you keep an object that belong to the devil
you are in covenant with him, for there are object that you keep that will
connect you with the world of satan, you will not introduce demonic object in
your house.
Deuteronomy 7:25 The graven images of their
gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold [that
is] on them, nor take [it] unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it [is]
an abomination to the "I AM" thy God.
7:26 Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine
house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: [but] thou shalt utterly detest it,
and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it [is] a cursed thing.
8:1 All the Commandments which I command thee this day
shall ye observe to do,
that ye may live, and
multiply, and go in and possess the land which the "I AM" sware unto
your fathers.
Matthew 18:18 Verily
I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and
whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth
as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my
Father which is in heaven.
18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.
I remember when my
country was in war and there was threat of balkanisation. I saw our late
president who told the country in national television, the country will never
be divided and I am ready to sign a pact with the devil to keep the country
united whatever the cost, the president was explicit and he went on to do what
he had said, but people praised him for his word because they never took him seriously,
most people thought he was just talking, yet the president did what he said,
the president went on to sign a deal with the devil to keep the country together,
as a result a boat carrying load of people was sunk and people died in order to
seal this pact with the devil, this was the price to pay to maintain the
country together.
As a result despite
the wars the country is not balkanised, the world of satan will present to you
the glory of this wold and they give great promise, in return they will take
the people that are most dear to you for they asked the people you love the most,
in the law of the devil you got to have a bleeding heart in order to have a life,
you need to uproot a life to get a better life.
peniel ngonde

The musician Franco in hell
Jesus + Christ showed me a man crying in the fire, he was whipped by demons, some of them were shooting him with arrows, Jesus + Christ said, “This is one of the musician of your country, he is the musical artistFranco Luambo, he exalted the devil in his music and gave him glory, people use to call him great master because he was serving the devil in high level, Jesus + Christ tell me, My children must avoid secular music, it is a magnet of demons, this music attract demons in their homes, the angel showed me a man playing secular music on the earth, but when I look up in the air I saw a demon in space, he was seating on the throne in the air, this devil was in the shape of the snake, and beside him there was 2 demon.

Jesus + Christ said, the snake that is on the throne is satan whenever people play secular music in their house and their phone, they invite satan in their house, but when FATHERS people sing song of praise and worship in their house, God and his angels come down ,the angel said, whoever listen to secular music when he died he will be capture and accuse by the very demon of music that was influencing him, this demon of music will torture his soul in hell, the angel showed many demon of music working with musical artist, he said this music is spreading seduction.
Jesus + Christ then took me to a place in hell where I saw a mother and her 2 children, they were in torment crying, as they were crying as Millipedes who were eating them, look at their side ,when I look I saw a demon that had the lower part of a Millipedes, and the head of a man, this demon of secular was rebuking this mother and telling her, mother are you known going to continue singing secular song that you used to sing in the world, and then the demon said to the children, you little ones, are you going to sing with your mother as you use to do in the land, as the demon was shouting I saw the mother crying more.
Jesus + Christ said, this woman used to put secular music on the television and his children were dancing, and she was complimenting them.
Brother, I saw children in hell suffering and crying, no one could help them, children are going to hell unless we teach them the way of Jesus + Christ, understand that 5 years of children are going to hell because of their actions;
I saw this family in hell because of secular music.
peniel ngonde
I am a born-again Christian the purpose of this
channel is the share what god is doing in the francophone world French speaking
world as we are involved in ferocious
conflict with the kingdom of lucifer.
Matthew 13:47 Again, the Kingdom of
heaven is like unto a NET, that was cast into the sea “of mankind”, and
gathered of every kind: of inter-NET which is found only at
Every Last One of Us! Immortal
"Beings of Light"
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