Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Tuesday 10 January 2023

“Vaccinating” the food supply


“Vaccinating” the food supply is how Bill Gates and other globalists plan to force-jab even the unvaccinated

 According to billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, animals that humans eat have inadequate genetics. And the only way to “fix” those genetics is to “vaccinate” said animals with new mRNA (messenger RNA) “vaccines.”

Watch below as Gates explains his desires for the animal kingdom:

Unless all animals, including food animals, are jabbed with Big Pharma’s latest poisons, the food supply will remain “dirty,” in Gates’ view. Only he and his globalist minions can “sanitize” it with new chemicals and DNA modification techniques – which they are also trying to do to humans.

“The Gates Foundation is partnered with DFID on a great number of things, and among those are work we do together on livestock,” Gates stated, referring to the United Kingdom-based Department for International Development.

“Helping animals survive, either by having vaccines or better genetics, helping them be more productive – it’s making a big difference.” (Related: Bill Gates lives to vaccinate.)

Covid-jabbed animal foods to hit the market this year, compliments of Bill Gates

As he usually does, Gates started all this by experimenting on the third world. Since Gates views poor people as having less value than himself, they get to be the guinea pigs for all of his newfangled endeavors to change the entire world into his own image.


“I was down in Ethiopia seeing how chickens are out there laying more eggs, getting more nutrition, and even some small savings into the household,” Gates bragged.

The question remains, though: are those eggs actually safe? Or do they contain the very same mRNA modifications that occur in humans after getting injected for “covid?”

It turns out that the plan is to administer covid jabs to domestic livestock in the coming year, compliments of Gates and his cronies. What will these injections do to the food that is produced and sold to the masses?

“We will soon be eating DNA altered, sickened animals from the same mRNA jabs contributing to the ‘Died Suddenly’ pandemic,” warned a Twitter account called “DJ Freedom Rocket.” “What could possibly go wrong …”

Another account responded to this that, apparently, we already are eating “fully vaccinated” animal products, not to mention all the genetically modified (GMO) plant products that have been on the market and in the food supply for decades.

“Are you aware of reports that Pharma now is looking to inject mRNA into foods?” this same account asked. “Into fruits and veggies? Into animal feed? Into fake vaccines for farm animals. Malthusians intend to poison our food supply.”

All of this has been many years in the making. Thirteen years ago, Gates met with other globalists like Warren Buffett, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, to conjure up a coordinated response to the “problem” of population growth, which all of these figures see as a threat to the “human race” – meaning themselves and their ill-gotten wealth and lavish lifestyles, which were built on the backs of the very people they are now attempting to exterminate.

“In the view of the world’s billionaires, religious and political ‘obstacles’ remain that might get in the way of their mass experimentation,” explains Jacob Bruns, writing for Headline USA.

In the comments, someone added that people like Gates are clearly insane and no longer have any shame whatsoever about openly broadcasting their true intentions for the planet right in plain sight.

“They’re like cartoon villains at this point,” wrote another. “Except that they’re real.”

More of the latest news about Bill Gates and his globalist death cult can be found at

Covid-jab induced AIDS: Sickness and death will increase as mRNA-damaged immune systems succumb to every new disease

Recently, a paper was published in the journal Science Immunology showing that people who get “vaccinated” for covid with mRNA suffer immune dysregulation resulting in overproduction of an antibody called IgG4.

This dysregulation means that over time the “fully vaccinated” will lose their generalized immunity and no longer be able to ward off coronaviruses of any kind, including the common cold. (Related: Mass “vaccination” for covid has led to a massive spike in AIDS.)

With each subsequent infection, someone who got all his covid shots will become increasingly more prone to illness. Conversely, those with natural immunity will become less prone to infection because their immune systems function properly and continually learn how to fight mutating disease.

Since most people are fully injected, covid infections will continue – and on average, their severity over time will increase, which would not have been the case had nobody ever gotten jabbed.

“People will take longer to get better once they’re infected,” explains Alex Berenson. “Hospitalizations and deaths will rise. The health-care system will come under worsening strain.”

“Oh, and some people may suffer nasty autoimmune side effects too, including pancreatitis, kidney disease, and even aneurysms.”

If newer, deadlier covid “strains” appear, the fully vaccinated are to blame

A few marginalized voices warned about this in the past. They said that releasing a vaccine in the middle of a pandemic was a very bad idea, and one that would make eradicating the scourge that much harder, if not impossible.


We are now witnessing the consequences of Operation Warp Speed in real time, and Berenson says that in a worst-case scenario, a more dangerous SARS-CoV-2 variant could appear “that our weakened immune systems cannot clear” – “our,” in this context, being people who got jabbed.

“We know much less about the immune system than we pretend, and even less about how these specific changes might affect people in the long run,” he writes.

The way natural immunity works – meaning unvaccinated immunity – is that the body produces antibodies against “antigens,” in this case coronavirus. These antibodies neutralize antigens by keeping them out of cells, as well as recruit other parts of the immune system to destroy them.

A fully jabbed immune system, conversely, does not perform this process correctly because the shots tell it to start producing incorrect antibody ratios. The aforementioned paper reveals that the body overproduces IgG4, “which doesn’t try very hard to destroy the invaders,” Berenson says.

“That process accelerates sharply in people who have received a booster, a third shot,” he adds.

While an overabundance of IgG4 can still offer some protection against coronaviruses, it is inadequate depending on how the virus mutates. A vaccine-damaged immune system will constantly be bombarded with newer invading strains that it does not know how to fight, resulting in increased illness and possible death.

The fully jabbed still have T-cells, Berenson says, which function as “a final line of defense.” These do not match up very well against Omicron (Moronic), though.

“At this point, the long- and medium-term downsides clearly outweigh whatever short-term increase in antibodies boosters provide,” Berenson says about the injections.

Berenson does not subscribe to the notion that the immune destruction caused by covid jabs affects other health conditions like the flu and other viruses. In other words, he believes that the fully injected will still have enough functioning to ward off those – though many others disagree.

Either way, continuing to administer covid shots to people is a fool’s errand – especially for recipients as they no longer need an excuse to just say no to these experimental and deadly drugs.

Want to learn more about covid injections? Visit

Sources for this article include:

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