Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Tuesday 10 January 2023

The Importance of Fasting

 The Importance of Fasting By Roland Croteau

To All, We hope this finds you well and in good spirit. I was awakened with the importance of fasting running through my mind, so felt it best to "get it down on paper" and forward it to you (for whatever it may be worth). "Seekers" (which I am hoping you are all seekers) are ever "seeking". Pretty simple? Almost sound a little dumb? I mean after all… what kind of foolish statement is that, "Seekers are ever seeking", but of course. But how many actually consider themselves seekers?

 I know I didn't consider myself a "seeker" (and what is it we seek? self gratification, or God gratification?). I'll explain. My soul/me was born into a body that was number six out of eight children, in New England, in a "catholic, democratic" family. By the time I arrived, my dad was a full-blown, out-of-control drunk and my mom "ruled the roost". Intuitively I KNEW that couldn't be right.

 One of my earliest memories was my dad taking me to a catholic mass. I KNEW what was going on there couldn't be right either. Very early in life I realized I was not a catholic and not a democrat (in fact, if memory serves, I voted one time ever, on a bond issue, at the local government level, so I wasn't even a "voter" for anyone in "the system"). Truth is. I hadn't a clue as to who or what I was.

 The insanity of my childhood made me think I should create for myself a life opposite from whence I came (I was seeking and didn't know it) so I married, had one child, moved to the west coast and sought my "fame and fortune"... thinking, "change environments, have a small family and make lots of money" (indeed, the apparent opposite of what I was born into). I was in my late 20's making the equivalent of $300,000.00 a year in today's money when I literally wrecked up that part of my life. I ended up getting divorced and walking away from a very promising career, because I could see… whatever I was searching for… small family and lots of money… "Wasn’t it"?

By then I had some awareness I may be a "seeker", but seeker of what? Had I been seeking to satisfy "self"? Of course I had. A spiritual awakening experience in 1979 got me "seeking truth". but was I seeking The Truth, or just the knowledge ABOUT Truth? That part I didn't know. Turns out. it was KNOWLEDGE ABOUT Truth I was learning about my selfish ego-self and early on (around 1980) I realized I should do an extended fast, but I didn't know what that meant.

 I hadn't read the Bible in years and when I finally did, I didn't "connect the dots" to Jesus' fast, so I put the notion on a back burner and then eventually forgot about it. In the meantime I filled up on "spiritual knowledge (only information really)"… STILL not understanding the ego-self lives in the human brain and "puffs up" on KNOWLEDGE
(only information really). ("They" say, "Knowledge is power". I eventually learned the ego will use ANYTHING to make itself "feel" superior/powerful [especially KNOWLEDGE ABOUT TRUTH]. To make matters worse…

 IF you come to realize it is your ego-self that is at enmity with God, you may also see it will do anything it has to, to survive. And please keep in mind… what doesn't kill the ego-self makes it stronger… including an incomplete, not successfully finished spiritual fast.) "Filling up" with spiritual knowledge (information) only seemed to make me worse (my ego-self was "recreating" "its"-self - changing the outer but not true inner change).

As my awareness grew, I could "see" I was becoming the very thing I hated… a "spiritual hypocrite". After all my "searching" and studying I was worse off than where I started, so I eventually decided the best thing for me to do was forget all I had learned, and just be my hypocritical self and SUFFER/face it. During that time I did my best to "hang onto principle".
 There did seem times of progress, but, all too often, I could see myself "slip". What was I missing? Why couldn't I get solidly "on The Path"? In a way I could "see" I was "under an influence" BUT… I didn't fully "see" or understand what that meant. I was still seeking.

Fast forward. I married a very pleasant woman in 1992 and got about the business of rebuilding my life again (still feeling my past failures and the "need to become whole"/solve my problems [I always seemed to have with women - namely, their need to "control" me, when I didn't want to be "controlled" {which is a contradiction BECAUSE I did marry and "sort of understood" ALL women want control - either subtly or out-of-the-closet - we call it "the battle of the sexes" when in truth it is - who shall be "master" in the relationship} <not so incidentally, males enter the male/female relationship at a disadvantage.., they "need" and want what women have to offer.., ego-strokes and SEX which makes them "feel alive".

 The soul in the male body can (usually, unconsciously) sense it is not whole/complete so it "seeks" completion by joining itself to the soul/"familiar" spirit in the curvaceous female body RATHER than to God, because he doesn't even know he has that as a problem, yet.>]). Sometime in the mid '90's' I came to a new level of awareness about the fraud of the income tax.

 I had always known there was something wrong about
it (and the system) but couldn't quite understand/put my finger on it. What I found was TONS of information regarding the "fleecing of Amerika". Years of study and putting what I learned into practice followed, and eventually led me into DC with Bob Schulz. It was through that experience I realized there was no remedy in the system…

 BY DESIGN. Not knowing what else to do… I wrote my affidavit/declaration of independence from that evil government. That document found its way to Europe and a man who simply went by JAH wrote me and said He had read my affidavit and wanted to know if it was alright if He pointed something out. I had said in my affidavit, I would live under my God's Laws AND the constitution and bill of rights, AS INTENDED… still believing all we needed to do was get BACK to the constitution.

JAH pointed out ALL Con-stitutions are frauds. He asked I read Deuteronomy 4:2 where it states plainly we are not to add or detract not even one letter from THE Law/God's Laws. JAH also pointed out that when Jesus came He said, "I am not come to destroy the prophets or the Law. I am not come to destroy but FULFILL the Law". It didn't take long for me to realize we had all been duped. 

The remedy I had been "seeking" wasn't in any man-made law/system. Now I understood why nothing ever seemed to make sense. Now I understood why I never seemed to "fit". Now I understood why man-made laws are written in legalese obfuscation. Now I understood WHY I couldn't find REMEDY.

 I'd been taught to look in all the wrong places. I had been meditating for 23 years. I "thought" I had been "born again" after my spiritual awakening experience in 1979. I can't remember how the subject of fasting came up between JAH and myself, but the moment it did I "flashed back" to that intuition of KNOWING I NEEDED to do an extended fast… so, I did. How simple (not so easy to DO).

The Christ/Savior/The Word/The Son… incarnated into the physical Jesus body said, "I am The Way, The Truth and The Life". No man shall return to The Father except through Him. Jesus was/is THE EXAMPLE. We are to exemplify The Christ/Jesus life (He let His physical body be killed for us…

 His enemies, so we could witness His example of True, Selfless Love and "see" Life, True Life is not the physical body… it is spiritual). The Son of God/Son of Man did a forty-day water-only fast to show us The Way… BY EXAMPLE. He needed to do it, but we don't need to? That doesn't make any sense. 

He showed us what it takes to subjugate the ego-self operating through the flesh (physical/brain/intellectual desires… including, but not limited to FOOD, SEX and KNOWLEDGE/information).
I've had people tell me they are sorry I had to have such a long, hard journey to find what they found in the Bible/churches years ago. They went to church and accepted Christ into their lives, without having to go through all of that. Really? (Then why is it… if we have so many "born again" christians, the world is in such a mess? If we were a truly "christian, God-fearing" nation..? Wouldn’t our government truly be a reflection of us?

Operating under ONLY God's Laws [the ONLY Laws where we may find remedy and JUSTICE], rather than a reflection/agency of the NWOdor getting us ready to be melded into the evil, U.N. Charter/CON-stitution/"global governance"?)

 I have always known there couldn't have been anything easy about Jesus' life, and, if I am to live that life… I rather doubted it would be a cake-walk (go to church on Sundays and Wednesday nights and mutter some repetitive prayers). 

King of kings' Bible – Matthew 6:5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt NOT be as the hypocrites [ARE]: for they love to pray standing in the churches and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and WHEN THOU HAST SHUT THY DOOR, pray to thy Father in private (Enoch 56:5; Sura 7:55); and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. 6:7 But when ye pray, use NOT vain repetitions, as the heathen [DO]: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. 6:8 Be NOT ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, BEFORE ye ask Him. 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. 6:10 Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven.

To enter that life/The Way… there is no other way around it (if there were Jesus would have lived it). If a man reaches the point of what I call "hitting the wall"… ALL roads lead to the same doorway/narrow gate. the fast. "Lest a man be born again".

 Ask any woman who has given birth if giving birth is easy. We think the "spiritual self" being born is easy? You think you can just "say", "Jesus enter my heart" and you are "saved"? Don't we wish? One has to enter the fast with a sincere, humble attitude (actually I don't believe he is really completely capable of that yet, because the ego-self is still very much in charge). or at least as much humility as he can muster. Before entering, and during the fast, he MUST go deeper and deeper into the self and find that life and death "determination" to see it through to the end (whatever/whenever that may be, because 40 days is a "target date" - some of us have allowed the ego-self to over-feed the body, so consequently the more overweight the body… the longer it will take). 

During and at the end of the fast we are sure we are dying, but that is the ego trying to CON-vince us that we are our bodies. The ego-self WILL do anything to ensure its survival (and what doesn't kill the ego makes it stronger) so it conjures up a "false finish". That is when we need to "run the extra mile"/FIND that determination to discover "it" has deceived us again, and press on to the real finish. It isn't until a soul in a male body successfully completes this process that he is truly "born again". 

And even at that he must be ever-vigilant and be sure he is continuing to "die daily" (the ego-self) until the final crucifixion/death of the body… for given half a chance the ego-self will strive to regain its former strength (before the disciple/follower of Christ gave "it" a "death blow" through the fast). Now the part that "sets off" MOST women, women are unable to "go to that place" a male must if he is to be "born again".

 Why? Because Adam was charged with the COMMAND, "Thou shalt not eat....". All of us souls in male bodies are "Adams" and it is us souls in male bodies that must turn our spiritual faces AWAY from our Eve's (actually the spirit operating through her/man-made governments) and BACK TOWARDS Father. All of us Adams (if we are to get off of this hellish planet) MUST be "rehabbed". That is to say, we must want to willingly learn how to OBEY (remember

"The Fall"? Adam willingly OBEYED what had gotten into EVE - the SPIRIT of deception… RATHER THAN HIS CREATOR) FATHER in every moment of every day… NON-STOP. Man cannot OBEY the SPIRIT of deception coming up THROUGH the female body or man-made governments AND God. It is IMPOSSIBLE to serve two masters. All of us Adams are here because we are, or have been, a prideful, arrogant lot and disobeyed/rebelled [to] God. Of course that applies to the souls in the female bodies also.

 The soul in the female body is one step further away from God [but one step closer to Satan] and therefore must FIRST learn how to OBEY her Adam (return to the ORDER as it should have been and was in The Garden BEFORE "The Fall" when everything got turned upside down and backwards). Males must want to truly surrender/(OBEY) to God and women must want to truly surrender/(OBEY) to their truly God-fearing, truly "born again" male counterparts (as the order was in The Garden BEFORE "The Fall").

 Now, this is a difficult situation, because, if a man is not truly "born again" through the "birthing process" of the fast and gets TRULY reconnected to His Father in Heaven/God… then he is without any TRUE authority to CORRECT his EVE (or government). It is impossible… and "something" inside her (and governments) knows it. Not true? Look around you. It is everywhere. You males cannot "correct yourselves" yet you think you can correct your wives or children. never-mind your governments.

(The Armageddon is coming and the first one to be fought is the one within [the fast, the battle unto death as to Who or what will be in charge of your life]. Lose it and you lose in the other.) I was once told, "if a man will just 'do the right thing' (and it is impossible for him to "do the right thing" UNTIL he kills off his ego-self- will [through the fast] so he can become a channel for Father's Will) his problem with women will be solved". Meaning, if she "sees" the Honor/Truth/Light of God in him AND is a decent woman… she will RESPECT her man and OBEY him. Problem solved. Reconciliation.

 If she isn't (a decent woman) and he remains TRUE to God… she will FLEE from him. In either case… his problem is solved. I now KNOW that to be true. You see… males trying to "work out" this battle of the sexes/who's going to wear the pants problem can NEVER be reconciled with a woman until he is TRULY reconciled with Father/God. He NEEDS to get reconciled with Father and if he can successfully do that… 

VERY few (especially the "liberalized" women of the West) women will have anything to do with him. Eve (all you souls in female bodies) discovered and LIKED the power she/you had/has over her weak/unable to correct her Adam [just like in The Garden]. Oh, how well both sides have learned to "play the game", so they won't have to FACE THE TRUTH, about who and what they REALLY ARE. You souls inhabiting male bodies…

 BE WARNED… you have been led to "look in the wrong place" as you try to work out your problems with women. It cannot be done the way I was, or you are, trying to do it. Impossible. So, I hope you see there isn't another "easy way" (or any other way for that matter). "The Way" is one of disciplines and (what for many, "appears to be") hardships AWAY from this world. We may have to be in it (the world) as we are being "rehabbed" but we need not be "of it". For what it may be worth to you, Roland

The Mystery of the Battle of the Sexes Unveiled By Roland
To All, We hope this finds you well and in good spirit. One of the world's "best kept secrets" "hides in plain sight". That "secret" is "sex" but more accurately "its"(sex's) mysterious power/force (the battle for "who" shall be head of the house/marriage/state). We live in a supposed, "free, capitalistic market/society". Have you ever noticed, "sex" is used in selling ALMOST everything (sales/money "makes the world go round" - We recently saw an interview with a woman/creative/advertising executive who said of music videos.., "it's the sex in the videos that REALLY sells those songs - talk about a "force")?

Ever seen a billboard with a picture of a beautiful gal wearing a pair of skin-tight, cut-off, blue-jean (really short) "short-shorts", a man's shirt with its sleeves cut off, tied at the waist, all buttons unbuttoned, work boots (with loosened laces) and a hardhat [cocked back on her head] on, leaning (sensually [her hips cocked to one side and body bent forward just enough to suggest "cleavage"]) up against a "jackhammer"?

 If you haven't seen that one, surely you have seen one like it? Have you ever seen a 3 year old girl twisting her little torso about in a sensual way to the "beat" of the music, just like older Eves (females) do? Ever wonder WHERE she learned that? What is it about "sex"? WHY will males "sell their souls" for "sex"?

WHY is it the male can get SO frustrated (over sex) the act of gentle "love-making" can turn violent and manifest as rape? It seems to me we have to go back to "The Fall" to find our answer. We know God is Spirit. We know God created "man" in His Image. We know Adam was "connected" to his Spiritual Source of Life

(His Father/Creator/God/Love/The Force). We know that after God created man He created woman. We also know Adam and Eve lived in Paradise (in Peace and Harmony) UNTIL Eve transgressed and listened to/(willingly) ACCEPTED the Serpent and his lies (and THEN Adam [all of us males] "FOLLOWED" [willingly] along [and still are to this day - reversing God's Order]).

King of kings' Bible – Genesis
3:16 Unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire [shall be subject] to thy husband, and HE SHALL RULE OVER THEE. We know Satan (the Opposer, the liar, the SEDUCER) is and has a mimic/counterfeit for everything God has/is created/creating (including The Force/ Love).

Let us look at "The Order" in The Garden BEFORE The Fall. First is Father(The Force/Life/Love), then Adam, with Eve following. The Serpent shows up and makes "promises" to Eve (not Adam). Eve (willingly)accepts the liar/seducer's lies and with it she gets (inherits) the mimic "force"/"love" (which is "earthy"/"sensual" ["felt" through HUMAN emotions and senses]). Satan is now [mimic]"living/[mimic]"loving" through Eve". 

"This" is her "love source/force" and this same [mimic/counterfeit] "love source/force" (emotion from Satan) is what she projects into her male offspring so he will later seek that same, familiar, urturing/mothering/comforting/ego-stroking "love source" (which is not love but Satan's mimic/counterfeit of love - emotion) out in a surrogate mom/woman/Eve he will one day "marry". To this day.., EVERY woman/Eve on this planet "inherits" that (Satan mimic/counterfeit) "love"/"force"/"life", and that is where the 3 year old girl gets it from. 

(A decent woman abhors this "power" and would like to find a (spiritually anchored) man to "release" her of this "curse"/"top-dog position" (not "use" her sexually but "Love"/correct her away from her "sensual, sexual-game-playing self". Evil women wallow-in and "use" this mysterious sexual "force" (with the "flip of their hair", the batting of their eye-lids, the body-language, the buttons left unbuttoned on their blouses, their tight jeans, the swing of their hips, the WAY they lick their lips [I can go on but hopefully you "get the picture" - We've identified/defined {in particular} "western/liberal women"].) 

King of kings' Bible – Isaiah
3:16 Moreover the "I AM" saith, Because the daughters of Zion are arrogant, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing [as] they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: 3:17 Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the "I AM" will lay bare their secret parts.

 Physical males (humans) are born of "the water" (of a woman's womb) first (in this mimic life). Unconsciously, the male/human (spiritually) "sees" his mom as his "source of life" (and so does she), instead of God. He also senses; he is NOT complete (so he tries to "complete himself" [later in life] with a woman). (Eventually he may "see" past all the lies and seek the second birth.., spiritual birth and want to complete himself with God.)
To help prove Our point this sex-secret "hides in plain sight" (and not to be rude), a standup comic once said, "A male spends the first nine months of his life trying to get OUT of the womb and then the rest of his life trying to get back IN." What is this mysterious "force", this "power" that draws males back to the womb (like a moth to the flame) over and over and over?

 Could it be the spiritual mimic of (TRUE) Life?? Do we males WANT to believe the lie that we are the propagators.., nay, creators of life with our "seed"? Women WANT us (males) to believe the lie, that we are the creators of "life" (that begins to die from the moment of "its" conception)with them.., don't they?

Observe how the (physical) heart "quickens" when the "idea" (intimation/spirit of/flirtation/notion) of sex is introduced between the human (flesh) male and female. Observe the "fantasy" that grows in the IMAGINATION. Does it not make BOTH "feel" alive"?? But let us ask, who (or what) is in control (of this "force" and the IMAGINATION)?

 King of kings' Bible - Genesis
6:5 And "I AM" saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] EVERY imagination of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil (from the Devil) continually. Young, human males cannot understand WHY females don't want sex as badly as they (males) do (as though there is something WRONG with females for not having the same hormonal/fantasy DRIVES). 

Males spend an enormous amount of time THINKING/fantasying about sex (which they "see" as life - when males should be spending that amount of time learning how to KNOW God and CONNECT to TRUE "Life").

King of kings' Bible - Proverbs
14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death. Early on, females realize (either consciously or unconsciously) they have "something" males want. "They" have POWER (over males). "They" have what males WANT (and what most males THINK they NEED). Males don't know WHY they obsess over women.., they just KNOW they do (and like it). And (ALL) women like being obsessed over (adored as a god/goddess). King of kings' Bible - Ezekiel

13:17 Likewise, thou son of man, set thy face against the daughters of thy people, which prophesy out of their own heart;and prophesy thou against them, 13:18 And say, Thus saith the Lord "I AM"; Woe to the [women] that sew pillows to all armholes (padded shoulders), and make kerchiefs upon the headof every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of My people, and will ye save the souls alive [that come] unto you? 13:19 And will ye pollute Me among My people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to My people that hear [your] lies? 13:20 Wherefore thus saith the Lord "I AM"; Behold, I [am] against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make [them] fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, [even] the souls that ye hunt to make [them] fly. 

13:21 Your kerchiefs also will I tear, and deliver My people out of your hand, and they shall be no more in your hand to be hunted; and ye shall know that I [am] the "I AM". 13:22 Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life: 13:23 Therefore ye shall see no more vanity, nor divine divinations: for I will deliver My people out of your hand: and ye shall know that I [am] the "I AM". King of kings' Bible - Enoch

96:12 I have sworn to you, ye sinners, that neither mountain nor hill has been nor should be a servant to woman (Gen. 3:16-17 - women's liberation CONDEMNED). 96:13 Neither in this way has your crime been sent down upon Earth (1st COMMANDMENT), but men of their own heads have invented it; and greatly shall those who give it (women's liberation) efficiency be CURSED. 96:14 Barrenness (infertility) shall not be previously inflicted on woman; but on account of the work of her hands shall she die childless (as a punishment - Deut. 28:18). 96:15 I have sworn to you, ye sinners, by the Holy and The Great One; that all your evil deeds are disclosed in the heaven; and that NONE of your oppressive acts are concealed and secret 

(Sura 2:140). 96:16 Think not in your minds, neither say in your hearts, that every crime is not manifested and seen. In heaven it is DAILY written down before The Most High. Henceforwards shall it be manifested; for every act of oppression which you commit shall be daily recorded (Sura 83:7), until the period of your condemnation. 

96:17 Woe to you, ye ignorant ones, for you shall perish in your ignorance. To the wise you will not listen, and that which is good shall not find you. 96:18 Now therefore know that you are destined to The Day of Destruction; nor hope that sinners shall live; but in process of time you shall go on and die (Eze. 18:4); for you are not marked for redemption (Eph. 1:5); 96:19 But are destined to the Day of the Great Judgement, to the Day of Distress, and to extreme disgrace of your souls (the Being part of a human+Being). 

So what is the reality of "the order" in this world?? Is it not Satan "living" his mimic/counterfeit life as a "force"/"power"/"love" /"godliness" up THROUGH all of the "Eves" (that continue to "listen" to him and are "happy" to be in the #2 position UNDER Satan {as Adam WAS #2 UNDER God}? Better to be #2 under Satan and "top dog" in Satan's upside down world than #3 under (the Godly Authority of a man) God in Paradise/Heaven? 

Women continue to listen to the "false" life/love/force/source (Satan). Women are emotional (the mimic to spiritual feelings), sensual, earthy and much more concerned with material security than they are sex. Sex is a "tool" for them. A means to an end (material security). BUT.., women (have been taught [by Satan - dating back to The Garden] to) call their sexual offering "love" (and that false "love" is CONSTANTLY taught to males). 

AND they/women BELIEVE it IS "love" and that they/women are "the source". (We males MUST find Father's Love, or perish. "IF" [and that is a HUGE "IF"] we do TRULY find Father's [CORRECTIVE Love - we MUST be CORRECTED first]) Love, THEN, His Love/Light/Word/Christ flowing down through us can CORRECT/Love our Eves. 

UNTIL [IF that ever happens] then.., males are without God's "Force"/"Love" to CORRECT/love their Eves or their children. All they have is Satan's womanly "love" mimic and "employment" of that "love" only makes matters worse [because it is ALL based in selfishness]. 

"Something" in the wife and children KNOWS husband/dad is nothing but form and is totally void of substance. He is WITHOUT Father's Loving Authority/Spirit. In that situation.., chaos "rules the roost". Can you see the same principle in worldly governments?) Unwittingly, the male is the "nut" (no pun intended) that gets "turned/twisted" by the (sexual) "tool".

 Like a horse harnessed up to the proverbial wagon/cart (with the woman sitting in the driver's seat CONTROLLING the reigns), the male WILL GO where he is directed (by the "wagon/task master"). 

It is like a game; males "chase" females until the female "catches" the male (the tender-trap). Once this happens.., the male THINKS he is "getting it" (sexual love) regularly when the truth is.., he is "getting got" (regularly). This gradual "getting got" translates into his eventual TOTAL emasculation (assuming he had any TRUE male authority to begin with). 

Soon, he is "hooked" and only has a "half-sense" of dying (after each sexual episode) so he tells himself (actually it is Satan "coaching" him) he "needs" more, newer sex (which gives him a temporary sense of "feeling alive" which, in turn, drives him again to have more sex once he has the half-sense of dying after each encounter - confused and resentful he may seek out another [exciting, new (forbidden-fruit) to him] woman to assuage his "suffering"). 

For you males that have been married.., how long does it take before you get that "trapped feeling" once you have stood at the altar and said "I DO"? You sure will "DO". And you will DO it "her way" (actually Satan's way)OR ELSE (your life WILL become a living hell because she has more ways to TORMENT you than you can possibly imagine). Is this NOT true?? 

How do you TRULY feel once you have children? Does not the "ball and chain" get heavier? Do you not "feel" the pressure to make more money? And as you work harder and longer.., are you not condemned for not being a good husband and dad (because you are always working - either at work "work" or working on maintaining the house "work", the cars, etc. (for her) so you never have time to be a good husband and/or dad?) 

At this point you may think We/I are/am against marriage and children. NOT SO. It's us males. It's us Adams that have a problem (also). We are advised, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven..." (and all else shall be added).

 We must learn how to DISCONNECT from that VERY POWERFUL, ADDICTIVE sex-drive/false love (we mistakenly "see" as God and Life in a woman) and TRULY CONNECT up to Father/God/TRUE Life/THE Force. 

This is NOT easy. The WHOLE world promotes the lie/liar/Satan (because Satan's change-agents control everything in this insane world/hell). If you begin to spiritually "see" this.., the WHOLE world will do its best to get you to doubt yourself (a man's enemies will be of his own house).

 "They" may tell you that without emotional "love" you aren't "human". Fine. You aren't. You are a spiritual, light-energy being/soul "locked" in a "living" carcass/physical body (you WILL one day shed).

King of kings' Bible - Matthew
10:36 And a man's foes [SHALL BE] they of his own household. 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter (or anyone or anything) more than me is not worthy of me. 10:38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

 IF we males TRULY turn our faces back to God and TRULY return to the REAL/CORRECT Order/God's Order.., then and ONLY then can there be a right order in a marriage to a woman (and IF you have gotten your life TRULY turned around.., 

IF Father/God wishes you to have a wife/Eve.., He shall add her to you. THEN you will have a "union" in God's eyes (NOT the state/Satan's). THEN.., sex can be enjoyed in a new way as a "tool" for the man to let God express His Will into the marriage so that offspring may be had to be brought up and nurtured in a Godly house with Father as The Head over Christ and Christ (The Way) as the head of the man and man as the head of the woman. 

Simple. CORRECT, proper order with Father's Love flowing FROM ABOVE, down into and through the marriage. Paradise. Heaven. IF we had learned this.., we would have witnessed, "THY Kingdom come ON EARTH as it is in Heaven". But.., unfortunately, man NEVER did learn this lesson because this place/Earth, after THOUSANDS of years, is STILL hell.

 King of kings' Bible - 1 Corinthians
11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman [is] the man; and the head of Christ [is] God. (As a footnote; We hope you "see" when you get a "state license" to "marry”, you have made the state/Satan your god/third party [replacing God].

 Women "love" a "signed", state, marriage "contract" [instead of God's Contract/Covenant] because they [perhaps unconsciously] KNOW.., when divorce comes.., they will be in front of their god and their god's [Satan's] court will rule in their favor [she gets the proverbial gold mine whilst "he"{the unwitting dupe/horse pulling the cart}, gets the proverbial shaft"]. 

All of this and much much more is explained in the little book "The Way home or face The Fire" This Book is available now and is called 'The Way home or face The Fire' by JAH (see Malachi chapter 4).

 It explains the Truth about God; the True interpretation of The Holy Bible and The Holy Koran; the True reasons why what is happening now is happening and what is going to happen in the very near future in the world. It also explains the consequences involved in taking each of the two paths - The Way home or the way to The Fire.

To obtain your copy of this, the ONLY survival plan - 'The Way home or face The Fire', send £10 Sterling (U.K.) or $20 U.S. (rest of the world) to the following address:-

JAH Publications,
P. O. Box 561,
The Way Home - PMB 205,
(Via London).

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