Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Friday 3 September 2021



Door-to-door medical kidnappings begin in Australia as covid fascism escalates

Thursday, September 02, 2021 by: Ethan Huff


(Natural News) An Australian man clearly in good health was abducted from his home by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) first responders and taken away to a quarantine camp after testing “positive” for the Chinese Virus.

The man is obviously not sick and looks like he works out at the gym for several hours a day – you can watch a video of him below. Even so, he was hauled off in a paddy wagon-type vehicle by masked and caped medical workers who ushered him off his property in compliance with Australia’s new plandemic requirements.

“Confused but happy to comply, he heads off for an indefinite stay at quarantine camp,” the newscaster in the above video is heard stating like something out of a dystopian sci-fi film.

As it turns out, Australian police are now going door to door abducting anyone whom the government finds out tested positive for the Fauci Flu – even if they are not actually sick.

“Police will remove you from your home if you test positive for covid,” Citizen Free Press reports about Australia’s new covid policies.

Is covid ushering in a Fourth Reich?

Australia is busily building new camp compounds for Wuhan Flu patients to live indefinitely until the government decides that it is “safe” for them to re-join society.

If and until that happens, residents of these camps will be held there against their will, almost like a prison or a concentration camp. They are not allowed to leave or see visitors and must remain confined inside the compound until the government says otherwise.

Is this the “new normal” that was warned about all last year? Are people now being hauled off to “quarantine” concentration camps for “cleansing” just like the Jews were during World War II?

Jedi Knight Army: Congratulations. You are a slave. (

This time around, the goal seems to be to purge the “virus” of freedom and liberty from the world and replace it with global tyranny and willing obedience to the government.

Anyone who resists this agenda will likely test “positive” and be hauled off to a covid reeducation facility to be washed clean of their resistance to the new world order.

It might sound crazy, but this is what is manifesting before our very eyes, starting with Australia. Eventually, the madness will spread elsewhere until every last nation on earth is purged of “covid,” aka free-thinking humans.

At some point, the excuse that all this tyranny is for “public health” becomes painfully obvious as the lie that it is. We are far past that point, especially when the people’s lives are being absolutely ruined over a virus that for most people is no worse than the flu, if it even presents symptoms at all.

“Never mind that Australia – a nation of 26 million – has only experienced a total of one thousand deaths over the 19 months of this charade,” one commenter at Citizen Free Press noted.

“Instead, just know that it’s for his health that this obviously fit man is taken away by a dangerously overweight government worker in protective costume. If this makes sense to you, get tested for a mental disease.”

Others drew comparisons to Nazi Germany and the idea of “just get in the boxcar.” It is for your own good, the Australian government is telling its captives, just like those hauled away to concentration camps were told right before being exterminated.

Jedi Knight Army: YOU HAVE BEEN CONNED (

“‘Confused but happy to comply?’ Just like cows at a meat processing plant might be confused but happy to comply as they line up to be slaughtered, perhaps?” wrote another, comparing the man in the video to a head of cattle that does not have a clue what is coming next.

The latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at

What can we learn about COVID tyranny from Australia and Afghanistan?

Wednesday, September 01, 2021 by: News Editors


(Natural News) Despotic people tend to telegraph their future actions like inexperienced fighters tend to telegraph their punches; it’s not as if the intentions of totalitarians are obscured or hard to predict. In some cases they may even believe that they can be as obvious as they wish because they assume no one will ever try to stop them. They’ve been destroying lives for so long they adopt a sense of superiority, as if they are untouchable.

(Article by Brandon Smith republished from

In my extensive study of psychopathy I find that, unfortunately, the primary catalyst for the exploitation and victimization of large populations of people is that many of them can’t wrap their heads around the idea of an organized conspiracy of human monsters. They refuse to acknowledge the existence of the evil right in front of them, so the evil is able to go unopposed for long stretches of time. There is ALWAYS a moment, though, when psychopaths push the wrong people too far. They just can’t help it, and this is when they find themselves on the business end of a noose or the barrel of a gun.

Titles designed to deceive (

The film "They Live", by John Carpenter (1988), demonstrates both the fight on Earth, between the servants of God and the servants of Satan and his mammon-materialism, who are finally discovered, revealed and defeated, and also that things on this planet are seldom as they seem to be, due to Satan’s lies that he has used to deceive the whole world and give people truth-blindness.


  THEY = Abbreviation for - The Hierarchy Enslaving You.



From They Live!


...our impulses are being redirected. We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep… ...the movement was begun eight months ago by a small group of scientists who discovered, quite by accident, these signals being sent through television... ...the poor and the underclass are growing. Racial justice and human rights are nonexistent. They have created a repressive society and we are their unwitting accomplices... ...their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance. They have made us indifferent, to ourselves, to others, we are focused only on our own gain. We ha... ...please understand, they are safe as long as they are not discovered. That is their primary method of survival. Keep us asleep, keep us selfish, keep us sedated... ...they are dismantling the sleeping middle class. More and more people are becoming poor. We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery. The revolution... ...we cannot break their signal, our transmitter is not powerful enough. The signal must be shut off at the source. We have...

When it comes to organizations of psychopaths, the same moment also eventually arrives, it just takes longer for the public to comes to grips with the necessity of it.

In terms of the “Great Reset” agenda, medical tyranny using covid as a rationale is clearly a key ingredient to the future objectives of the power elite. At the beginning of the pandemic lockdowns last year I made several predictions and warnings. I said that the mandates and lockdowns for most people around the world would never go away, and I called this “Wave Theory”; the use of intermittent moments of limited freedom followed by increasingly more aggressive restrictions.

This cycle is meant to condition the public to the idea that governments are “allowed” to micromanage our daily lives, that this is “normal”, that it is for our own good and that we should enjoy the short moments of liberty or normalcy they so graciously let us to have.

I have warned consistently that all governments around the world would eventually try to adopt proof of vaccination requirements in order for people to participate in everyday activities such as going to public venues, going to school, shopping in stores or even getting a job. The mainstream media and governments consistently claimed last year that vaccine passports were “not going to happen”, and that the very notion was a conspiracy theory. Now, the vaccines passports are being implemented in numerous countries including some parts of the US and anyone who stands against them is called a ‘conspiracy theorist”.

You see how that works? If you expose the truth of an authoritarian plot the establishment lies and calls you a “conspiracy theorist”. Once the establishment admits to the plot and you refuse to comply with it those same liars call you a conspiracy theorist AGAIN, as well as a “terrorist.”

Yes, this was also predicted by myself and others at the beginning of the pandemic. We said that the people that fight against vaccine passport tyranny would be quickly labelled as traitors and terrorists “putting others at risk” because we are too “selfish” to bow down and take the experimental jab or submit to the lockdowns. This is exactly what has happened, with the DHS recently announcing that one of the warning signs of a potential terrorist includes opposition to covid mandates and vaccines.

I also predicted that the ultimate goal of the covid agenda will be to create domestic travel restrictions and state and city checkpoints, not to mention covid “camps” or prisons for the unvaccinated. In the US the DHS is admitting that they are entertaining the concept of interstate travel limits and a “papers please” system to prevent Americans from moving around freely. The state of New York hinted at covid camps many months ago, but the real plan is being revealed overseas in other Western nations like Australia and New Zealand.

And here is where we find the telegraphed punches…

I have specifically examined Australia and New Zealand’s fast track covid tyranny plans a year ago in my article ‘The Totalitarian Future Globalists Want For The Entire World Is Being Revealed’ and I noted that whatever happens in these countries along with certain countries in Europe is going to be tried in the US in the near term. The main difference being that these measures cannot be fast tracked in the same way in the US because Americans are heavily armed and have the ability to bury the establishment six feet under if we organized to do so.

This is why vaccine passports are still only incremental in the US and are not being pushed in the vast majority of the nation. This is why outside of major cities most Americans completely ignore the mandates and have been doing so for many months.

In my area I don’t think I have seen more than two people a day wearing a mask anywhere. The sight of it is so bizarre that it stands out almost immediately. I once even witnessed a woman in a mask (an obvious tourist) in line at the grocery store look around herself and realize NO ONE else was wearing one. She suddenly started making weird and very vocal excuses for her mask to all the people in line, claiming that she actually “hates the smell of detergents” and that was why she was wearing it.

The difference between free rural areas and the dystopian cities is stark.

Frankly, I don’t care if someone wears a mask or not. It’s a placebo that does nothing to stop the transmission of the virus, but if it makes them feel better then more power to them. The issue is when these scared and pathetic people try to project their delusions onto everyone else. Covid’s median death rate of 0.26% is so small it boggles my mind that so many people in blue states and counties are terrified of it. I don’t think they understand the basic statistics of the situation – 99.7% of the population has little to fear from covid.

This is the data according to the CDC and dozens of mainstream and independent medical studies, but you will never hear these numbers in the media. They will talk of infection numbers and deaths, but they refuse to put the deaths in perspective with the statistics. Why? Because then the public fear would go away, and the establishment needs to ramp up the fear so that they can continue to take away our freedoms in the name of “safety”.

I have been hearing a rather naive argument lately that countries like France are putting Americans to shame because they are in the streets protesting the lockdowns and passports. They are saying Americans will “never fight back.” What these people do not understand is that in most of the US there ARE NO LOCKDOWNS and there are no mandates. The government declares them, sure, and we just ignore them. There are only pockets of leftists in certain states and counties that actually follow and enforce these rules. The conservative population is fully ready and prepared to stop the agenda cold when the government actually tries to enforce it, and they will certainly try.

Here is where we need to understand the horrifying developments in Australia and New Zealand: The lockdowns are now normalized in these places and the governments need no real excuse for them. They simply announce there are a handful of covid cases and that lockdowns must return. Travel is strangled and basic rights and freedoms are non-existent. The New Zealand Prime Minister’s latest speech on the restrictions says it all:

The main message here being that social interaction is forbidden. Just stay in your bubble and follow the mandates without question. And, even if you are vaccinated these rules still apply to you. The beauty of the covid restrictions is that they are a perfect excuse for a tyrannical government to block public assembly, which helps prevent the organization of resistance.

The globalists need the lockdowns to go on forever. In Australia and NZ the assertion is that anyone that breaks them will be targeted for punishment up to and including being locked up in a military run covid camp. These are the same measures that Biden and the globalists within the establishment would like for the US. It’s not conspiracy theory, it’s conspiracy reality.

This brings me to the Afghanistan situation, and some people might suggest that it has nothing to do with covid tyranny, but bear with me. Again, it’s a matter again of predicting future events according to telegraphed punches as well as historic examples.

The question I’m hearing most when it comes to Afghanistan is “how is it possible for a group of tribal cave people to defeat the most advanced military in the world.” I think this conundrum needs to be explored when it comes to covid tyranny because if the epic might of the US military was not enough to hold back the Taliban, how do the globalists plan to enforce covid lockdowns in America?

Let’s be clear first that there are many people that argue that the US military was “not allowed to win” in Afghanistan. This is a misrepresentation of reality. The fact of the matter is, winning was ALWAYS IMPOSSIBLE in Afghanistan. The establishment knew this 20 years ago when they first sent American troops in. They did not need to sabotage the US mission in Afghanistan, because losing in Afghanistan was inevitable anyway.

The occupation of an entire nation in order to diminish a large insurgency and impose a cultural shift is an effort that must be accomplished swiftly or not at all. The monetary cost is crippling, the human cost is staggering and the amount of resources needed to maintain subjugation is exponential. The truth is, the longer an occupation goes on without the total elimination of the insurgency, the less likely it is to succeed. The problem is, in order to completely eliminate the insurgency, you would have to wipe out most of the population using tactics that are grotesque; tactics that only inspire MORE insurgency.

I’ll repeat the message here because I don’t think some people get it: The conspiracy to trap the US in failure was completed 20 years ago the moment we committed to the invasion of Afghanistan. It was all downhill from there and there was no way to win.

I have also heard it said that it’s impractical to compare an Afghan insurgency to an American rebellion against tyranny because the Taliban is made up of fighters that far superior in ability to any patriots in the US.  In other words, some people think the Taliban are some kind of super soldiers. This is an idiotic take. I think the following video makes my point for me:

These are not the brightest bulbs in the bunch nor are they unstoppable berserkers. Their training is sub-par and the majority of combat incidents with the Taliban note their habit of not even looking down the sights on their rifles when they shoot. This leads us to a logical query when it comes to the covid gulag the globalists want to transplant to the US – If the low rent fighters of the Taliban can fend off the modern military might of the US, then how in the hell do the globalists expect to control an American insurgency made up of trained combat veterans and experienced civilian shooters using guerrilla tactics?

Who are they going to get to do this? Who is stupid enough to take the job of demanding papers and enforcing checkpoints and arresting those that don’t comply in predominantly conservative regions with more guns than people and enough ammo to fight at least a couple world wars? I suspect that expensive contractors would be the only answer outside of foreign forces, and even then, I would not want to be in their shoes when the sleeping giant of American rebellion stirs.

I guess the lesson I am deriving from these examples is that the globalists are going to try to enforce the covid mandate agenda and passport tyranny no matter what. They cannot stop the process which they have set in motion. The events in Australia and NZ show that their addiction to totalitarianism is insatiable and it demands they pursue increasing control regardless of the cost. They are telling us exactly what they are about to do.

The events in Afghanistan show that such control is nearly impossible to maintain over a population that is armed and that, in the US at least, they will ultimately lose…badly. Even if they use unmitigated terror tactics, they will still lose as long as Americans continue to fight. The laws of attrition always prevail, and technological superiority means nothing. To summarize, the fight is already won, but the struggle has just begun.

Read more at: and

These videos prove Australia is a Tyrannical police state

Sunday, August 15, 2021 by: News Editors

(Natural NewsFootage coming out of Australia shows how the nation has rapidly turned into a totalitarian police state out of a dystopian novel.

(Article by Kelen McBreen republished from

One video shows a man traveling through Fairfield, a suburb of Sydney, when he’s stopped by police for not wearing a face mask while driving in his own car by himself!

“It’s crawling with military now,” the man said of Fairfield as sirens sounded off in the background.

A constable who pulled the man over told him, “All we’re asking for is to put your mask on.”

“Now you need to show me your medical exemption,” the police officer demanded.

After providing his exemption, the man filming told the camera, “Welcome to the police state,” and let the cop know he’s “wasting police resources” before going on his way.

Another video shows a man who was pulled over by police being forced to go to the hospital.

“This is becoming a police state,” said the man being interrogated by police on the side of the road. “Look Australia, this is what’s happening. I’m getting sent to hospital for something… What are you going to do to me in the hospital? Do you want to vaccinate me?”

The police officers insisted the man has to “speak to a doctor” while he asked them to give him his fine and let him be on his way.

“You don’t have a choice,” the officer told the citizen. “Let’s just make things a lot easier.”

The man behind the camera answered, “What do you mean make things easier man? You guys are making it hard, I’m telling you I wanna go home. This is a police state now bro, you guys are taking my freedom away from me.”

“We don’t want to,” the officer replied.

As four backup officers arrived on the scene, the officer tried to convince the man to go to the hospital willingly, saying, “You’re not a criminal, so I don’t want to put handcuffs on you.”

“Exactly! So, let me go if I am not a criminal,” the man pled before being taken away.

An Australian woman released a video this week relaying a story about a young man who came down with pneumonia and was put on a respirator and eventually into an induced coma.

After three days, the patient woke up from the coma and found out he was now in the Covid ward of the ICU.

In the Covid ward, hospital staff allegedly gave him medication against the virus even though he didn’t test positive.

At one point, the individual gained enough strength to open his door and peek outside to find people on the floor and people being restrained by police and given medication for Covid while screaming, “I don’t have it! I’m negative!”

Those who fought being restrained and shouted that they tested negative were supposedly taken to a psych ward.

The man claims there was a nurse who told him she saved his life, explaining he died while he was in the induced coma for five minutes and that the hospital even listed him as a Covid death on a death certificate after the incident.

The nurse said the hospital is being paid to go along with the scam and that nurses are too afraid to speak out.

The man also accused the nurse of asking him to “go along” with their treatments if he wanted to make it out of the hospital.

Before going public, the man is speaking with lawyers and preparing for the expected onslaught coming in response to his testimony.

  Australia passes new controversial online surveillance bill

Thursday, September 02, 2021 by: Arsenio Toledo 

(Natural News) The Australian federal government passed a controversial new law that gives the country’s law enforcement agencies more online surveillance powers.

Known as the Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2020 the bill was passed by both the federal House of Representatives and the Senate on Aug. 25. It is now awaiting Royal Assent, the final step before it becomes law.

The new legislation expands the power of law enforcement agencies, notably the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC), in three distinct ways.

First, both agencies now have “data disruption power.” This means the AFP and the ACIC can modify or delete the online data of suspected offenders. Supposedly, they can only do this if the purpose is to prevent the “continuation of criminal activity by participants, and be the safest and most expedient option where those participants are in unknown locations or acting under anonymous or false identities.”

The second new power is called the “network activity warrant.” This gives the AFP and the ACIC the authority to monitor the online accounts and activities of suspected offenders to collect more information for an investigation.

Third, the “account takeover warrant,” grants these law enforcement agencies the power to take control of a suspected offenders’ online accounts. (Related: These videos prove Australia is a tyrannical police state.)

Anyone enlisted by the AFP or the ACIC to assist them with government hacking is instantly protected from civil liability. Anybody who refuses to assist them or refuses to supply them with the information asked of them can face up to 10 years in prison.

“Under our changes, the AFP will have more tools to pursue organized crime gangs to keep drugs off our street and out of our community, and those who commit the most heinous crimes against children,” claimed Member of Parliament and Minister for Home Affairs Karen Andrews.

New online surveillance bill does not protect internet users from government overreach

The passage of the bill has stirred plenty of controversy. Many politicians and internet and privacy activists have spoken out in opposition to the new legislation.

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner warned that the new warrant powers could impact the privacy of many people. This includes people without any suspected involvement in criminal activity.

“Given the privacy impact of these law enforcement powers on a broad range of individuals and networks, they should be accompanied by appropriate privacy safeguards,” said the office back in March when the bill was first proposed.

Opposition Sen. Lidia Thorpe from the state of Victoria pointed out that the data disruption power of the AFP and the ACIC could be used to target anybody.

“No one is safe under these laws,” said Thorpe. “It will affect grassroots communities across the country, it will affect children. It will affect anybody who downloads a movie illegally over the internet – they could go to jail for five years.”

Bill Rowlings, CEO of rights group Civil Liberties Australia, called for the bill to be repealed.

“These are particularly draconian and particularly bad, so my message would be to throw these out, start again and get some proper consultation from the beginning,” he said.

In response to criticisms of the bill, the House of Representatives passed amendments to protect journalists. But many internet activists feel this is not enough and the bill still does not provide adequate protection for vulnerable internet users.

“The scope of the new powers is disproportionate compared to the threats of serious and organized cybercrime to which they are directed,” said Thorpe. “There is a lack of evidence justifying the need for warrants of this nature, beyond those already available.”

Learn more about how governments all over the world are passing laws that legalize spying on citizens at

Sources include:


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