Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Friday 1 May 2020

Socialists Demand Families Be Abolished

China Targets US Warship While UN Calls For Western Destruction And Socialists Demand Families Be Abolished
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An interesting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining the rapidly emerging ideological bloc forming within the midst of the currently ongoing “Coronavirus Pandemic War” causing it to be warned that Russia and the United States are rushing into a new arms race as they run out of time for a realistic arms-control deal, says most fearfully being noticed is its similarity to the Tripartite Pact that joined the socialist-fascist powers of Nazi GermanyItaly and the Empire of Japan who unleashed World War II—and in this modern day version of sees Communist ChinaInternational Globalists and American Socialists joining forces to wage war on the entire world—a Communist China who is now pointing out the risks of the US military biolabs located in nations that once belonged to the former Soviet Union, and in the past few hours expelled by military force from what it claims are its territorial waters the US Navy guided missile destroyer USS Barry while warning President Donald Trump: “This US provocative action seriously violated international law and related norms, seriously violated Chinese sovereignty and security interests...We urge the US side to focus on epidemic prevention and control on its homeland and immediately stop military actions against regional security, peace and stability”—a war move quickly joined by International Globalists at the United Nations who said this pandemic must be used to deindustrialize the entire Western world—who were followed by American Socialists demanding that this pandemic be used to abolish families, start injecting all American men with female hormones and force all US citizens to begin eating bugs—all joined by horrifying echoes arising from the Nazi German Empire of the 1930’s after socialist Democrat Party leader New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio shockingly called for the immediate mass arrest of all Jewish peoples.  

According to this report, with the Ministry of Health noting that the high dispersion and low mobility of Russian people are among the reasons behind the relatively low coronavirus incidence rate in Russia, most critical to notice is that unlike Russia, this emerging modern day Tripartite Pact of global destruction and death is using this pandemic crisis as a weapon of war to achieve their ultimate goal of achieving total power—a fact stunningly admitted by American Socialist leader Hillary Clinton yesterday when she declared that “This Would Be A Terrible Crisis to Waste”.
American Socialist leaders supporting Clinton, this report notes, include those supporting the forcing upon the American people Communist Chinese ideology—such as US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is now calling for money to stripped from working American people to give it to those not wanting to work, and US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who plans to introduce a law to keep President Trump from history—while at the same time, socialist Democrat Party presidential candidate Joe Biden has firmly aligned himself with International Globalists by his declaring that if elected he will not put America first.
As to the world the American people could soon awaken into should this Tripartite Pact of evil seize power over the United States, this report details, has just been terrifyingly detailed in one of their nation’s oldest publications called The Atlantic—a publication founded in 1857 by American literary giants such as Ralph Waldo EmersonOliver Wendell Holmes Sr. and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow—but has now been taken over by Communist Chinese sympathizing traitors to America and is publishing such propaganda screeds as “Internet Speech Will Never Go Back to Normal” gloriously proclaiming that: “In the great debate of the past two decades about freedom versus control, China was largely right and the United States was largely wrong”. 
What the United States was “largely wrong” about, and what “normal” used to be, according to these American Socialist traitors to Communist China, this report explains, is the allowing of the American people to freely exercise their rights of free speech, dissent and protest—freedoms the American people have used for over two-centuries to chaotically claw their way into becoming the greatest and most powerful nation in history—while at the same they defeated every socialist ruled tyrannical power in the world daring to come at them.
The American Socialist antidote to freedom, this report continues, is to impose by brutal force on all of their nation’s citizens the Communist Chinese system of “statism”—a political system in which the state has centralized control over the social and economic affairs of its citizens not allowing any dissent, free thought or open discussion—and in the United States today isn’t a plan, but a reality—best exampled by over the past 24-hours alone:
When two American doctors called an emergency press conference to rail against this insanity, and point out the obvious facts that the American people shouldn’t be locked in their homes—American Socialist forces at Google ordered their video service YouTube to remove it because over 5-million people viewed it—but that other free American sites have reposted
After President Trump openly wondered if UV light could somehow be put into coronavirus infected patients and he was mocked by American Socialists—Google again ordered its YouTube video service to remove the videos showing UV light treatments like this are, indeed, being used.
After President Trump openly wondered if the anti-Malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine could help coronavirus patients—which according to the latest scientific findings presented by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has a 90% chance of helping coronavirus patients—he was slammed by American Socialists who blamed him for the death of man who ingested fish tank cleaner that had a similar name—a death, however, now being investigated by US police forces as a homicide committed by his wife so she could blame President Trump.

While waging a battle to the death against this Tripartite Pact, this report concludes, President Trump has just invoked the Defense Production Act to order American meat plants to stay open—an order directly aimed at the Communist Chinese owned meat plant giant Smithfield Foods, who shut down their operations in the US to break the American food supply chain---and while occurring, now sees International Globalist aligned open border American Socialists cowering in terror after a new poll showed 65% of the American people want all immigration to the US immediately halted—whose terror is about to become exponentially worse as these American Socialists fearfully watch the outrageous sham Russia hoax against General Michael Flynn implode—and who know their final doom is soon to come—a final doom best described by former top US Attorney Joe diGenova, who yesterday while commenting on the criminal investigation being headed by his close friend US Attorney John Durham, signaled to the under socialist siege citizens of his nation what’s really occurring with the words: “He’s Actually Investigating The Greatest Crime In American History!”.

April 29, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked  to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. 

The "SIGNS" of

The "END" Times


El NIÑO is one of - The "SIGNS" of The "END" Times, as was CHERNOBYL. All of the "Signs" were Prophesied THOUSANDS of Planet Earth years in advance by The Ruler of The Universe, Who, as you should see, if you read on, is NEVER wrong. The Signs were written for men to be able to recognise the END Time and to warn mankind to STOP (woe! woe! woe! - Revelation 8:13) and turn around BEFORE it is TOO late.

Why it Happens and How to Stop it.



If someone was to come up to you one day and tell you that we are all living our lives all wrong and we have to change our ways immediately or we are all going to die, what would you do?

Would you hear that person out and evaluate their argument? Or would you just brush that person's warning off without taking the time to allow them to explain their claims.

Over the years, there has been many religious groups and cult organisations telling us that the world is going to end and they are right about that. The Books that were given to us by The Ruler of the Universe, as a Guide and Users' Manual for planet Earth, tell us that the world 
is going to end, they even say when and how the end will be.

Unfortunately these religions and cult groups have 
mis-understood Earth's Guides / Users' Manuals and told us that if we don't believe their religious interpretation of them, we would surely be tortured and die.

Because of the 
religions' and cult groups' mis-leading information, people have been frightened away from The Users' Manuals and don't want to have anything to do with them or anyone who even mentions their names any more. This is very unfortunate because The Guides / Users' Manuals contain the vital information that everyone on Earth needs to be able to live together in harmony, without hurting each other or the Earth we live on. Now that very few people read The Manuals, and nobody seems to understand them, nobody knows how to look after each other or the Earth 'The Way' we should any more and consequently we are all working all day, every day towards our own destruction.

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