Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Coronavirus Lockdown Hell

Fearless US Marine Leads World Out Of Tyrannical Socialist Ruled Over Coronavirus Lockdown Hell
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today examining the fallout occurring in global societies due to the still raging “Coronavirus Pandemic War”, says that even though the National Medical Research Center for Phthisiopulmonology and Infectious Disease has stated that Russia may reach the peak of disease spread in the next two weeks, it’s more critical to notice the findings just released by Doctor-Scientist Anna Popova—who as the Chief State Sanitary Physician of the Russian Federation is now declaring: “Today it’s impossible to completely stop the circulation of the coronavirus, no matter how closed the country is”—an obvious truth most astoundingly first noticed by common sense ordinary peoples, not scientists, and exampled as being true by just released scientific data showing people all over the world are rejecting their governments’ shelter in place tyranny—the powerful ripple effects of are now spreading throughout the United States where the City of Oklahoma backed off its mask mandate after its citizens neared revolt, as did the State of Ohio, whose Governor Mike DeWine dropped his mandatory mask order saying “it went too far”, and said: “People were not going to accept the government telling them what to do”—and who were joined by Arizona sheriffs declaring that they won't enforce their governor's stay-at-home order for citizens either—and in a powerful display of how ordinary people must face down socialist tyranny to remain free, US Marine combat war veteran Dr. Cordie Lee Williams led the entire world by his example—an example displayed yesterday in the socialist Democrat Party tyrannically ruled over State of California—where after witnessing jack-booted thug police forces throwing a defenseless Christian pastor to the ground and beating him during a peaceful protests against lockdown lunacy—this fearless US Marine grabbed a megaphone and said to these thug police the words that made them back off while hanging their heads in shame:
In the face of tyranny, in the face of freedom, are you going to sit there in your riot gear against peaceful protesters? 
Or are you going to say, you know what, it’s time to stand up for my country
Because I took an oath of office and it said, I will defend all enemies, foreign and domestic. 
You might lose your job, but I’d rather lose my job than lose my soul.
What are you going to tell your little boy or your little girl tonight?  That you took your baton and you crushed somebody’s skull, who was a mom?  Is that what a tough guy does?
That’s not what honor, courage, and commitment means in the Marine Corps.
[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Fearless former US Marine leader Dr. Cordie Lee Williams faces off against socialist tyranny (above video) as Apple's Mobility Trends and Foursquare payments scientific data (two charts above) show ordinary peoples the world are rejecting tyrannical socialist lockdown orders.

According to this report, in 1775, the tyrannically ruled over British Empire peoples living in North American colonies had reached the end of their patience while watching their overlords in London empty prisons in England to fill their cities, towns and villages with criminals, while at the same time taxing them into poverty to pay for it—and in knowing these colonialists were reaching the tipping point of rebellion, the British Empire decided that was the best time to disarm all of them—a fateful decision that culminated on 19 April 1775 when British military forces faced off against an armed group of these colonialists at a bridge in Lexington-Massachusetts to take away the guns and ammunition these peoples needed to feed themselves and their families—and where was fired “The Shot Heard Round The World” that ignited the American Revolutionary War and created the United States of America.
In a virtual replay of the events that occurred in 1775, this report details, the American people have watched in horror over these few weeks as their socialist Democrat Party overlords used the coronavirus pandemic to lockdown all of their law abiding citizens, while at same time releasing into their cities, towns and villages criminals from prisonscriminals who because of deranged socialist zero-bail policies are committing more crimes and being released immediately after being arrested—and are violent criminals being joined by the thug socialist police forces that are now openly beating anyone they find not bowing to the tyranny these once free peoples are now being subjected to
For the masses of the American people watching these horrors who remember their nation’s own history, this report notes, they’ve predictably begun to the feel the same kind of rage and rebellion that once stirred their ancestors to action—best exampled this past week when the free peoples living in the socialist Democrat Party stronghold State of Michigan created their own “Lexington Bridge” moment when they descended upon the offices of their tyrannical socialist leader Governor Gretchen Whitmer with their firearms as a reminder it is them who are the true leaders of their lives, not her—but to whom socialist tyrant Governor Whitmer responded with the maniacal scream that these peaceful armed protesters were displaying “the worst racism and awful parts of US history”.
As to how the American revolutionary heroes who created the United States in the first place devolved into the mind of socialist tyrant Governor Whitmer as being nothing more than “awful parts of US history”, this report continues, she didn’t explain—but whose rabid anti-America mindset is on full display among other socialist tyrant leaders, too—with this being best exampled today by Elizabeth Vaughn—a free American writer describing what’s now occurring in the socialist hell-hole City of Chicago—who in her just published article titled “No, It’s Not Heinrich Himmler; It’s Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Issuing a Warning to Constituents” issued a fearful wake up call to all of America stating:
My husband has always said work camps are not out of the realm of possibility in America if the wrong group were ever to gain power.
And I always thought he was crazy.
However, as I observe the ease with which some of the state and local officials, particularly the Democrats, have slid into their power during the pandemic, I’ve changed my mind.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is a bit full of herself these days.  On Saturday, her office issued a warning to Chicagoans not to hold parties in their homes. She would like her constituents to know she is not playing.  They are to stay home in their own homes.
It didn’t take long for state and local government leaders to start enjoying their emergency powers, not at all.
From time to time throughout American history, it’s become necessary for us to fight to preserve our freedom. 
This is our time. The warning lights are flashing.

With President Donald Trump having taken less than 3-years to drive the US unemployment rate down to its lowest level in 50-years, this report details, it’s now being reported that the April-2020 jobs report for the US will show the highest unemployment rate on record—an unprecedented and historical event occurring in just 6-weeks time due to the coronavirus pandemic—that’s now being met by socialist forces in America calling anyone who wants to reopen the US economy “The Dumbest People”—while at the exact same time, actually sane and normal American experts are pointing out the obvious fact that: “We Wrecked Our Economy for Nothing”.
Agreeing with the American experts saying the US economy was wrecked for nothing, this report explains, are the most stubborn and unyielding things in the world called facts—such as coronavirus death rates being much lower than the estimates used to justify the lockdown of the US in the first place—and the evidence proving beyond all scientific doubt that these lockdowns to stop the spread of the coronavirus and lower its death toll don’t even work—evidence abounding throughout the entire world—to include the United States where it’s now known that the “Heavy Lockdown” in New York resulted in 143 coronavirus deaths per 100,000, the “Heavy Lockdown” in Massachusetts resulted in 45.7 coronavirus deaths per 100,000, the “Heavy Lockdown” in California resulted in 4.6 coronavirus deaths per 100,000—while the “No Lockdown” in Iowa resulted in 4.3 coronavirus deaths per 100,000, the “Light Lockdown” in Texas resulted in 2.4 coronavirus deaths per 100,000, and the now lifted “Late Lockdown” in Georgia resulted in 10.0 coronavirus deaths per 100,000—thus causing these experts to advise that someone might dare inform these socialist tyrants that the general mortality rate from all causes for US citizens is 900 per 100,000 annually
As to why “Heavy Lockdown” places in the world have a higher coronavirus death rate than “Low or No Lockdown” places, this report further explains, is solely attributable to one fact alone—nearly all coronavirus deaths are occurring in elderly people already having serious underlying health conditions like heart disease, diabetes and morbid obesity—and most important to know about, are seriously ill elderly people crammed into nursing homes managed by socialist governments—thus making it no wonder why American experts are pointing out such obvious facts as: “So rather than wipe out $4 trillion of GDP via Lockdown Nation they might have started with say $25 billion of incremental money for Medicare/Medicaid and the state public health agencies to zero-in on protecting, isolating and treating the nursing home residents”.
But as is becoming more known to the peoples awakening the world over as to what is really happening, this report continues, this coronavirus pandemic has nothing at all to do with death and disease—as what it’s truthfully all about is establishing a new world order to replace the current one that’s spent decades destroying itself—and a crisis such as this one is deliberately engineered to achieve—a FACT well known to top socialist Obama-Clinton Regime official Edward Fishman—who in his just published strategic socialist-globalist white paper titled “The World Order Is Dead. Here’s How to Build a New One for a Post-Coronavirus Era”, shows what these godless monsters’ true vision and purpose is with the frightening words:
International orders seldom change in noticeable ways.
Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, the Pax Romana was not a passing phase: it persisted for centuries. The order that arose from the 1815 Congress of Vienna didn’t fully unravel until the outbreak of World War I in 1914.
As the most far-reaching global disruption since World War II, the coronavirus pandemic is such a moment.
The post-1945 world order has ceased to function.
But at rare moments, confidence in the old order collapses and humanity is left with a vacuum.
It is during these times that new orders are born—that new norms, treaties and institutions arise to define how countries interact with each other and how individuals interact with the world.
Whether we like it or not, a new order will emerge as the pandemic recedes.
Five years ago, I represented the State Department in an inter-agency project to evaluate the future of the international order.
We studied past transitions and discussed possible reforms.
We recognized that the order was fragile and needed repair, but we also appreciated the power of inertia—it takes extreme moments for leaders to accept that the old order is broken and summon the will to forge a new one.
Now that extreme moment is here.
The coronavirus will arrest our lives longer than we’d like, but not forever—and when the crisis passes, the contours of the new order will take shape rapidly.
To ensure that brief window is put to good use and not consumed by squabbling, U.S. and world leaders should begin collaborating now to formulate principles.
It would be foolish to expect President Donald Trump, who is one of the reasons that today’s international order isn’t working, to spearhead planning for a new one.
We might have to wait for a more internationally minded president to form the institutions of the new order.

In what future historians may well record as the greatest understatement made of this present world crisis and these momentous times, this report concludes, are these demonic globalist-socialists saying they “might have to wait for a more internationally minded president to form the institutions of the new order”—a wait that will be long in coming, if ever, because President Trump has his own vision of what the new world is going to look like—that includes his “vision” of smashing these globalist-socialists into oblivion—a wholesale global destruction President Trump is now directing towards a Communist China that is already facing an “Economic Reckoning” as the world turns away from globalization because of the coronavirus pandemic—is a Communist China the US is directly blaming for causing the coronavirus pandemic, and which US and British intelligence agencies are now accumulating the evidence to prove—is evidence, however, top Communist China aligned socialist Democrat Party leader US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is now furiously trying to block before the American people can see it—but whose ill fated effort to do so is coming at the same time top experts are warning that Communist China’s collapse on the world stage is coming within three years—a collapse that will plunge the proverbial stake into the very heart of the planned globalist-socialist new world order, and that President Trump is now rapidly accelerating with his push to rip all global supply chains out of Communist China—and comes at the same time President Trump is starting his first negotiations on a new US-British trade agreement—a new US-British trade agreement President Trump is using to put the globalist-socialist European Union into the grave it belongs in—and when looking at everything President Trump is doing, makes it no surprise that Warren Buffet, the world’s acknowledged greatest financial geniuses, and forth richest person, has just declared that he’s confident the US economy will bounce back from its pummeling by the coronavirus pandemic because “American Magic Has Always Prevailed”—and in this go-around is being presided over by the greatest master-magician America, indeed the world, has ever seen—President Donald J. Trump.  

May 4, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked  to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. 

The Meaning of the Heraldic Symbolism 
of the American Coat-of-Arms and the Presidential Seal.

Copyright © JAH - 1998. All rights reserved.

The Viking explorers of America, like Bjarni Herjulfon, Eric the Red and his son Leif Ericsson who landed in America long before Christopher Columbus, were Danes (Dan-ish), descended from their Israelite father Dan (Genesis 30:6). The American founding Pilgrim-fathers and the Anglo-Saxon American people are descended from Jacob/Israel's favourite son Joseph, of the Coat of many "Colours" fame; the Irish-Americans are also, like the Vikings, descended from Joseph's older brother Dan and are known in Irish history as the Tuatha de Danaan.

The Eagle on the American Coat-of-Arms; which is very different from the heraldic-eagles (which are often two-headed) used by other nations; is the Emblem of Dan, from whom the Danes and Irish are descended and who have intermingled in America with their Anglo-Saxon brothers from the tribe of Joseph/Manasseh, whose Olive-branch and Arrows the Eagle holds firmly and safely in its claws.

The Israelite tribe of Joseph of the
 Coat of many Colours/Coats-of-Arms* is, in fact, divided into two:- Ephraim and Manasseh. Joseph had two sons called Ephraim and Manasseh who, today, are the English and Anglo-Saxon Americans respectively.
Abraham, Joseph's great grandad, was told by God that, "in Isaac shall your seed be called" (Genesis 21 v 12). Isaac's sons - Saac's sons - Saxons. The English and the Anglo-Americans are Engel-o'-Saxons. God's Word is ever TRUE.

Joseph/Manasseh (the U.S.A.) split off from their brothers Ephraim/the English and they lost a colony (Isaiah 49 v 20 - in 
1776) and Ephraim's descendants then went EastNorth and South, in exactly the order Prophesied by God in Genesis 28:14.

Joseph/Manasseh (the U.S.A.) like Joseph/Ephraim also spread forth taking the 
Bible around the world and became a great people (Genesis 49 v 19) whilst Joseph/Ephraim (the English) became a multitude/Commonwealth of Nations and God made their name GREAT (Genesis 12 v 2) - Great Britain.

Olive from which the "oil" (of Understanding) comes was Jacob/Israel's Emblem (see Paul's letter to the Romans 11 v 24-25) which he gave, along with his name Israel, to Joseph's two sons - Ephraim and Manasseh [not to Judah/Jew-dah - the Jews or any of Joseph's ten other Hebrew brothers] (Genesis 48 v 16).

Joseph and the 
white horseman of the Apocalypse/Revelation were both to have a BOW. The bowmen of England are the most famous in the history of the world and with God's help were not defeated (Genesis 49 v 24). Note well also, in the Authorized Version of the Bible, where "the Shepherd" will come from - Joseph NOT Judah. NOT from the Jews, as has been wrongly believed for 2,000 years.

The Coat-of-Arms of Joseph's Sheaf-field (Sheffield - Genesis 37:7); in Engel-land (the 
Engel is the Wild-ox or Unicorn shown on the British Coat-of-Arms); has on it ARROWS. The Unicorn-Emblem belongs equally to, and is the primary-emblem of, Manasseh (the Engel-o'-Saxon Americans) as much as it does to their brothers the Engel-ish; their secondary-emblems being the Olive and the Arrows.

Now look at the American Eagle on the Official Emblem of the United States of America and you will see that in its left-claws it holds 
ARROWS13 of them. Britannia, in the full picture, sits under an OLIVE tree and in the normal picture of her she holds an OLIVE-branch in her hand. The American Eagle has in its right-claws an OLIVE branch, with 13 olives and 13 leaves on it. Israel, in Scripture, is referred to (metaphorically) as God's Wife and therefore, accordingly, Britannia is a WOMAN not a man, as one would expect a soldier-emblem to be.

Joseph/Manasseh; which was one half-tribe of Joseph; was known as the 
13th tribe of Israel. If we look at American Symbols we will see 13 over and over again. There are 13 stripes on the shield and on the national flag - "the Stars and Stripes". There were 13 founding states of America, and for those people who are tempted to say this is merely a coincidence; a man once said, wisely, that coincidence is only God (in Whom we trust) working anonymously.

On the American Presidential Seal above the Eagle's head there are 
13 stars (Genesis 15:5; 22:17; 26:4 and 50 on the flag) and above them 13 spheres of cloud.

As the Danites have intermingled with Joseph/Manasseh (
E PLURIBUS UNUM - "out of many: one") and the Danites were the judges in ancient Israel, who are no longer to be needed in the New Age because Christ is to be the only Judge in His Kingdom on Earth; soon; that is one of the reasons why there is no reference to the Israelite tribe of Dan in the Book of Revelation/Apocalypse in chapter 7, which lists the tribes that enter the New Jerusalem - the City that comes down out of the sky in chapter 21:2, 10. - JAH.
* Colours is another word for Coat-of-Arms. If you would like to see the many (12) "Colours" from which Joseph's coat was made, please read my Booklet called "Gibraltar - British or Spanish? The TRUE Historical FACTS will surprise you."

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