Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Pummels Coronavirus To Death

Trump Plans Destruction Of WHO After Marlboro Man Grabs Sun And Pummels Coronavirus To Death
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An astonishing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the latest battle moves in the “Coronavirus Pandemic War” says there is no surprise that President Donald Trump has halted all US funding to the World Health Organization in light of just discovered critical findings about the coronavirus released a few hours ago by the Ministry of Health (MINZDRAV)—findings so amazing that upon reading them this transcript shows Security Council Member Valentina Matviyenko exclaiming: “It’s like the Marlboro Man grabbed the Sun and pummeled the coronavirus to death”—a reference to the Marlboro Man figure used in tobacco advertising campaigns for Marlborocigarettes in the United States from 1954 to 1999—and MINZDRAV doctor-scientists examining the 23 March warning issued by the WHO saying that tobacco smokers were at severe risk from the coronavirus against a barely noticed article published on 15 February in Communist China titled “Can Smoking Prevent Novel Coronavirus?”.
An article that referenced a Chinese scientific study showing that among the 1,099 coronavirus patients having pneumonia surveyed, 927 were non-smokers, accounting for 85.4% of the total, 21 had a history of smoking, accounting for 1.9%, and 137 were smokers, accounting for 12.6%—incredible numbers that were quickly confirmed as being true byFrench doctor-scientists in their study that found smokers were less likely to be hospitalized with the coronavirus than non-smokers.
French study that itself was confirmed as being true by American doctor-scientists at the CDC, who have now reported that “among 7,162 corona patients with medical records 6,901 were never-smokers (96.3%), 165 ex-smokers (2.3%), and only 96 smokers (1.3%)”—as well as another American scientific study straight out stating that “smoking might suggest a protective role against the coronavirus”—a “protective role” which MINZDRAV doctor-scientists say can be attributed to the still unsolved scientific  mystery of why “the presence of nicotine increases the amount of intracellular calcium, which appears to improve cellular survival”.
A mystery because the only other way calcium is known to be able to be increased in humans to promote cellular survival when faced with disease is by Vitamin Dthe major natural source of which for human beings is dependent on Sun exposure—and explains why the United States National Institute of Health has just released their startling scientific study titled “Evidence That Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk Of Influenza And COVID-19 Infections And Deaths”—the facts of which clearly show that if one wants to protect themselves against the coronavirus they need to immediately increase their calcium levels—which one can start doing by taking up smoking cigarettes immediately, and 5 tips for doing so are already being provided—or much more advisably for long term health reasons, stay in the Sun for as long as possible every day—but under no circumstances whatsoever, should anyone stay locked indoors—that is unless they want to deplete their calcium levels and die from the coronavirus.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to the MINZDRAV doctor-scientists quoted in this report, the mysterious calcium building natural stimulantnicotine is produced by the nightshade family of plants—the one most widely known about and used by humans for thousands of years being an herb called tobacco—a plant native to the Americas, with some cultivation sites in Mexicodating back to 1400–1000 BC—and where Native American tribes traditionally grew and used it long before it was introduced into the rest of the world.
The myths and legends of all of these Native American tribes, this report details, say that tobacco is the unifying thread of communication between humans and the spiritual powers—an important point to note as all of these Native American tribes had established vast trade routes among themselves before European explorers arrived in what is now known as the United States and Canada—and all of whom had the common belief that “the Great Spirit appeared and told them how to use tobacco”—most particularly the Cherokee Nation of native American peoples, who remain the largest of the 567 federally recognized tribes in the United States, and who to this day refer to tobacco as “the ancient one” and considered it “the first plant of all the plants” to be used for medicinal and spiritual purposes.
The more than critical importance of noting the Cherokee Nation peoples and their use of tobacco, this report continues, was their spiritual belief that when smoking it their minds couldn’t be deceived by evil beings—which was why when they conducted trade ceremonies with other native American tribes along their vast trade routes, no deal could be completed without all parties first smoking tobacco in a ceremonial pipe—which, in turn, led to one of the greatest mysteries ever to occur in the Americas when European explorers first set foot on these lands—who brought with them viruses that decimated the Native American peoples by the tens, if not hundreds-of-millions—virus pandemics, however, that swept over and barely affected the tobacco smoking Cherokee peoples—as well as many of their main tobacco smoking trading partner tribes—such as the Gros Ventre native peoples—who during the great smallpox epidemic of 1837-1838, remained virtually unscathed while they watched the non-tobacco smoking tribes around them being wiped out with this disease

In February-2014, this report concludes, an unexpected scientific article was published in America titled “Nicotine, the Wonder Drug?”—unexpected because the evil and demonic leftist forces in the United States have been waging an unrelenting war on tobacco outsized by any true health threat it poses, as opposed to much more dangerous human vices like drugs, alcohol and chemical packed foods that have left uncounted millions dead from heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer—and wherein American doctor-scientists began noticing what the Native America peoples knew about “the most unlikely wonder drug ever to be reviled” tobacco—and though not known at this time what President Trumpknows about tobacco and its mysterious healing powers, the same cannot be said about one of his most loyal supportersChuck Norris—the world famous martial arts movie actor and producer who slammed the socialist Democrats by saying that they “Would Reject Moses if Trump Nominated Him”—said he’d gladly accept the position of FBI Director if President Trump nominated him—and, without any doubt, is today gleefully watching leftists heads explode all overAmerica after the US Treasury Department announced a few hours ago that it has ordered President Donald Trump’s name be printed on stimulus checks the Internal Revenue Service is rushing to send to tens of millions of Americans—but most importantly to know about, is the exact same Chuck Norris who has deep Cherokee roots and was raised in the Native American lands of Oklahoma and Kansas—thus making one know that if the coronavirus ever visits him—it won’t be Chuck Norris who’s put in quarantine.    

April 15, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved.


The Way to Good Health
by JAH
What the world needs now is NOT more doctors; hospitals and drugs.
The world NEEDS less sick-people.
 Have YOU ever wondered why people become sick? Is it just chance or is it something they have done that causes the sickness? Why does it not happen the same to everyone? How do you prevent sickness, or heal yourself, if you are sick already?

You will NOT find the answers to these questions in heathen temples, full of false gods - HOSPITALS, or in small shrines that house one false god - a G.P.'s surgery.

There is only ONE place to find the answer and cure. I say answer and cure in the singular because there is only ONE forALL and ALL for ONE.

What I am going to tell you next will probably sound simplistic but then the simple things of Life are always the best.
The cure for EVERY sickness is in the Bible and the best translation is the new 
"King of kings' Bible"Authorised by God to replace the previous earthly-king's Authorised Version, which is known as The king James Bible (KJV). Beforeyou dismiss that statement of FACT and WRONGLY think that the Bible is about churches and Organised-Religions, you should know that the Bible itself CONDEMNS churches; priests and Religions.
You wouldn't be if you had read it properlyYOURSELF. Just bear with me and give me the "benefit of the doubt" and read on, with an open mind. What have you got to lose?
 Only your health and life, if you don't.

The Ruler of the Universe and "healer of ALL ills" (Sura 26:80-81) has told YOU, in His Word, that sickness and death came into the world through sin. That means, in plain language, ignoring His Advice and listening to Satan's advice (the serpent in the "Garden of Eden") and following his advice instead of God's.
 Simple enough!
So, because sickness and death came into the world (the Adamic Race) with sin, then the obvious and logical way toremove sickness and death from the Adamic Race (you) is by removing the sin and then the sickness will go with it.
 It IS that SIMPLE!
Simple it IS! Easy it is NOT!
Why? You have become so accustomed to living with sin and following Satan and his scientist's; politician's; economist's; priest's; doctor's and lawyer's advice that it has become "second-nature" and a very hard habit to break. Ever tried to stop smoking; drinking; eating too much or other bad-habits? Doing any or all of those is easy compared to keeping theCOMMANDments, and "Breaking the COMMANDments seriously damages YOUR health."

God gave you good advice and you CHOSE to ignore it, and, just as He told you you would become sick and die, if you listened to Satan - you have been doing for 6000 years. Isn't it time you stopped?

God told you the TRUTH as John 1 v 1 tells you. "In the beginning was the Word (TRUTH) with God" (not with Satan). The TRUTH (Word) was with God NOT with Satan the Devil (devil means LIAR) or his followers who eat from his tree of "so-called" knowledge, which is NOT knowledge (science means knowledge) but LIES (falsely so called as Paul puts it in 1 Timothy 6 v 20):- scientists; politicians; economists; priests; doctors; and lawyers etc.; etc., who have ALL beendeceived into thinking that they know how to put things right. You only have to open your eyes (ye blind) and "SEE", from the state of the world and your lives and the history of the last 6000 years, that they do not have a clue or knowanything, of any value.

The TRUTH is the only thing of value and God says so (treasure - Matt. 13 v 44). You would do well to seek it and buy it (Matt. 6 v 19-21 & 13 v 43-46)(Exodus 19 v 5) and the health and well-being that it gives you.

The Ruler of the Universe gave you The Way to return, to Him and His Ways and Advice, through His Rule Book - the Bible, which is divided into 2 
Covenants (contracts) or Testaments.

Like any contract it has clauses specifying what each party to the Covenant must do in order to reap the benefit. If youbreak it, it also specifies the penalty or punishment you receive.

The word 
British, from whom the English speaking peoples of the world have sprung, means "The People of the Covenant", in Hebrew (the language of the Old Covenant / Testament).

So if you are reading this Booklet, in English, it applies to YOU and means that you come under The Covenant and its
blessings for keeping it and punishment (curses) for breaking it.

Perhaps you ought to read the 
contract that you signed with God and what is expected of YOU and what blessings YOUreceive by keeping it and what happens when you don't.

God has told you in The Covenant, written in His TORAH / Pentateuch (The First 5 Books of His Bible i.e. The Books of Moses - Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers and Deuteronomy), that when you keep His Ways and Laws etc., all of them. He will take away all sickness from amongst you, including infertility (Exodus 23 v 25-26).

He has also told you that if you do not keep His Ways He will bring more and more sickness upon you and you will not be healed, unless you return to Him and keep your word in truth and Live by His Ways and Rules (2 Chronicles 6 v 28-31; Isaiah 1 v 6)(Sura 26:80).

He also said He would make your live-stock sick:- mad-cow disease; scrapies; foot and mouth disease; anthrax etc. (Exodus 23 v 26 & Deuteronomy 7 v 13-14; 28 v 18).

Of course Satan's scientists then come along and demand incredible wages to cure these diseases and fill you; the earth and water (fertilizers) and your animals full of chemicals (and drugs) which make things worse, creating even more and stronger diseases for you to pay them even more money to cure. Job security for them and more and stronger sicknesses for you. All because you do not listen to God and take His Advice.

Then, once you can't afford the treatment, the politicians invent a national health system to make you even more sick and empty your pockets, to fill theirs and those of their friends.

Eventually, you all end up sick and poor with no-one well enough to work to earn the money to pay for the system, and the country goes broke.
 So what IS the remedy?
The Word made flesh (John 1 v 14) has told you "Keep The COMMANDments" - all 12 of them (Matt. 19 v 17; John 14 v 15) and do God's Will.

What is His Will? That you keep the Old and New Covenants which are collectively called the 
"New Song" (Rev./Apoc. 5:9; 14:3 and 15:3) and include His COMMANDments; Laws; Statutes; Judgements; Economic Policy; Agricultural Policy and Diet (Deuteronomy 15 v 4 see margin note || ) "to the end that there be no POOR and no SICK (Exodus 23 v 25) amongst you" (Matt. 4 v 23).
 Selfishness; injustice and poverty make people sick.

Don't they?

If YOU want to be healthy; wealthy and wise, take God's Advice and NOT Satan's and that of his "blind" and "deaf" followers.
 Crucify "SelfDAILY.
God has said, in Malachi ch. 4 (last page of the Old Covenant / Testament), that ELIJAH - "The Sun of Righteousness" (The Light of the world) shall arise with HEALING in His Wings, just before the Last-Day (Sura 43:61), to warn YOU to turn from your false gods (scientists; politicians; economists; priests; doctors; lawyers; etc.; etc. and mammon / materialism / money) and back to your fathers (ancestors) and The COVENANTS that they made with God, binding upon their children (YOU) for EVER or the Ruler of the Universe will smite the earth with a curse and burn you ALL up.

You really ought to want to know more about how to live a healthy life and how to SURVIVE. If so, read 
"The Way home or face The Fire" and the Bible YOURSELF; learn the "New Song" (please see my Book:- "Let the Inhabitants ofThe Rock sing the New Song") and keep His COVENANTS.

Search out and read about 
"the Signs of the Times" and/or read my other Booklets and you will then know that the Last-Day is now IMMINENT.
 You have NO time to waste.
To help you further, I will give you a few more references to look-up, just so you can make sure, and then go on to read the "King of kings' Bible", which includes the Koran, for yourself:-
Exodus 15 v 26 & 23 v 25-26; Leviticus 26 v 14-17; Deuteronomy 7 v 11-15 & 28 v 15-48 & 32 v 39; Isaiah 1 v 6; Job 5 v 18; 2 Chronicles 6 v 28-31; Matthew 4 v 23 & 19 v 17; Koran sura 26:80.
1. YOU shall love, honour, cherish and obey the Lord your God (love, good and truth) with ALL your heart, with ALLyour mind, with all your soul and with all your strength and Him ONLY shall you serve and OBEY, forsaking ALL others.

2. YOU shall NOT create an image or likeness of ANYTHING that is IN HEAVEN, or on earth, or under the sea andYOU shall NOT worship or BUY such things. YOU shall NOT bow down to them or serve them for I the "I AM" your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate (or disobey) Me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love (and obey) Me, and KEEP My COMMANDMENTS.
3. Honour your Father in Heaven and KEEP His COMMANDMENTSLAWS; Statutes; Judgements; Economic Policy; Agricultural Policy and Diet that He gave to YOU and your Mother, the British Nation Israel, His wife (metaphorically), at Mt. Sinai and make Him proud of YOU.

4. YOU shall NOT commit adultery, either physically, individually, or spiritually, nationally or individually but shall beFAITHFUL to God, your word and your spouse, also NOT committing adultery nationally by following the wrong examples of other nations.

5. YOU shall NOT use the Lord's name, unless you are speaking to Him, or about Him, then you will not waste His time or insult Him.

6. Love your neighbour (not physically) as much as, or more than, you love your "Self". Then you will not do wrong, or lie, to anyone - John 15 v 13.
Do NOT desire eagerly, or touch, anything that does not belong to you. It belongs to your neighbour, not you, and YOUmust respect HIS property. Your neighbour is the person next to you and the person on the far side of the planet and everyone in between.

7. YOU shall NOT lie, even to your "Self".

8. Remember the Sabbath and KEEP it Holy. It is NOT wrong to do GOOD deeds on the Sabbath. The Sabbath was made for man. Man was not made for the Sabbath.

9. YOU shall NOT steal. Neither shall you make up your own laws to enable you to do so by deceiving people.

10. YOU shall NOT murder - kill illegally.

11. YOU shall love one another as much as I love you and in the same way - spiritually not physically - John 15 v 13. IFyou DO this, ALL men will KNOW that you ARE my disciples and are exercising and learning "Self" discipline - Discipleship.

12. Judge no-one, so that you will not be judged, by God, for by whatever judgement you judge another, unjustly, you condemn yourself to the same punishment. Judging is God's job exclusively, as He is always unbiased, impartial, uncorruptible and just. He has given His judgements, in His Law Books given to you at Mt. Sinai, by which He judges those who break His Laws. There are NO other laws on this planet that are LEGAL. God has strictly FORBIDDEN man from making up laws (Deuteronomy 4:2). God's Laws are the same for everyone. God does NOT have separate Laws - one for the rich and another one for the poor.
Breaking The 12 (10+2) COMMANDments
SERIOUSLY damages YOUR health

Copyright © 1995 - JAH - all rights reserved

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