Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Sunday 12 April 2020

21 million Chinese died of coronavirus

21 million Chinese died of 

coronavirus – US intelligence

 officials  intercept data

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A new data intercepted by the United States reveals
 that 21 million people died in China from December
 2019 to March 2020, US intelligence officials
 conclude in a classified report for the Trump administration.
The Intelligence report stated that at least 20.9 million
 of the deaths were linked to coronavirus.
According to the US, the intercepted data that shows
 that China underreported its coronavirus infections
 and deaths was validated for a second time when
 it tallied with a data released by Beijing authorities.
 Beijing announced on March 19 that over 21 million
 cell phone accounts in China were canceled in the
 past three months while 840,000 landlines were closed.
China had reported little over 81,000 infections with
 3,300 deaths.
An earlier intelligence report released by the US that China
 hid scale of the outbreak was quickly rejected by Foreign
 Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying. Hua said the country
 had been “open and transparent” about the extent of the
 outbreak before accusing Washington of trying to “shift 
the blame.”
But US officials say the report has been authenticated and
 has been confirmed that the closing of the phones numbers
 were as result of deaths caused by coronavirus. “Cell phones
 are an indispensable part of life in China and its only closed 
when the user is dead”, the report said.
“The digitization level is very high in China. People can’t
 survive without a cell phone,” Tang Jingyuan, a U.S.-based
 China Affairs commentator told The Epoch Times on March 
21. “Dealing with the government for pensions and social
 security, buying train tickets, shopping… no matter what
 people want to do, they are required to use cell phones.”
“The Chinese regime requires all Chinese use their cell phones
 to generate a health code. Only with a green health code are 
Chinese allowed to move in China now,” Tang said.
 “It’s impossible for a person to cancel his cell phone.”
China introduced mandatory facial scans on Dec. 1, 2019 to 
confirm the identity of the person who registered the phone.
 As early as Sept. 1, 2010, China required all cell phone users
 to register the phone with their real identification (ID), by which
 the state can control people’s speech via its large-scale
 monitoring system.
Furthermore, Chinese people have to bundle their bank 
accounts and social security account with their cell phone 
because all these service’s Apps can detect the phone’s SIM
 card and then check with the state’s database to make sure
 the number belongs to the person.
Beijing first launched cell phone-based health codes on March
 10. All people in China have to install a cell phone app and
 register their personal health information. Then the app can
 generate a QR code, which is possible in three colors, to 
classify people’s health level. Red means the person has an 
infectious disease. Yellow means the person might have an 
infectious disease. Green means the person doesn’t have an infectious disease.

21 Million Cell Phone Accounts Closed

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)
 announced the quantities of phone users in each province in 
February on March 19. Compared with the previous
 announcement, which was released on Dec. 18, 2019 for the
 data in November 2019, both cell phone users and landline
 users dropped dramatically. In the same period the year
 before, the number of accounts increased.
The number of cell phone users decreased from 1.600957
 billion to 1.579927 billion, which is 21.03 million less. Landline
 users dropped from 190.83 million to 189.99 million, which is
 0.84 million less.
In February 2019, the number increased. According to MIIT’s 
announcements on March 26, 2019 and Dec. 20, 2018, the
 cell phone users increased in February 2019 from 1.5591
 billion to 1.5835 billion, which is 24.37 million more. The 
landline users raised from 183.477 million to 190.118 million,
 which is 6.641 million more.
According to China’s National Bureau of Statistics, the country’s population at the end of 2019 was 4.67 million larger than 2018,
 and reached 1.40005 billion.
The 2020 decrease in landline users may be due to the
 nationwide quarantine in February, during which small
 businesses were shut down. But the decrease in cell phone
 users can’t be explained in this way.
According to the operation data of all three Chinese cell phone carriers, cell phone accounts increased in December 2019, but dropped steeply in 2020.
China Mobile is the largest carrier, and holds about 60 percent
 of the Chinese cell phone market. It reported that it lost 7.254 million cell phone accounts in February, and 0.862 million in 
January. But in Dec. 2019, it gained 3.732 million more users.

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