Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Saturday 23 February 2019

Questions & Answers on the Lost Books of the Bible.

Questions & Answers on the Lost Books of the Bible.

  1. Book of Enoch   
  2. Book of Jubilees
  3. Book of Jasher  

Stories about the lives of Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Joseph & Moses etc.,

1.             How long were Adam & Eve in the Garden before they fell?

A:  _______________________________________________

2.            How many children did Adam & Eve have?   A: _________________________

3.            What were their names?  A: _______________________________________

4.            Who did Cain, Seth, Enos, and Cainan marry?  A: _________________________________________________________________

5.            Who are the watchmen?   A:________________________________________

6.            What is the name of the man who was first to learn writing, knowledge and wisdom? 

            A: ____________________________________________________

7.            Who did Enoch testify against with a written judgment?

             A: ____________________________________________________________

8.            Why did God send the great flood?

A: ____________________________________________________________

9.            Who are the sons of God in the Old Testament? A:_______________________

10.         Who are the sons of God in the New Testament? A: ______________________

11.         Who are the sons of daughters?  A:___________________________________

12.         Who are the Giants, where do they come from, what are their names?  A___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13.         Why did God lock up 90% of demons, and leave 10% free?                           A________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-__

14.         Who prayed to God to make it happen?   A________________________________

15.         Who invented the Plow?   A_____________________________________

16.         How many sons did Abraham have    A:_________________________________

17.         Who am I?  Jasher 3:10-26.
a)    I reigned over the sons of men for 243 years.
b)    130 Kings & princes submitted to me.
c)    I walked with angels for 6 years.  (Jubilee 4:22)
d)    Men were afraid of me because the glory of God was on me, therefore no man could look at me.
e)    I taught everlasting life.
                      f)    I wrote 366 Books.

18.         Who were the Judges and Rulers in the time of Methuselah & Noah?


19.         Which one of the following is true?  Jasher 5:8-36.

a)    God gave Noah 120 years to declare repentance before the coming judgement.
b)    Noah married at the age of 498 years old.
c)    Noah’s wife Naamah was 580 years when they wed.
d)    Noah was 595 years old when he built the ark (which took 5 years to build).
e)    About 700,000 men & women wanted to break into the ark, but God used the remaining beasts and animals to drive them away.
f)     The ark floated on the water for 365 days.
g)    All above is true.

20.         Where did the races of men spring from? (Colour of skin – what is their names) A__________________________________________________
21.         Nimrod was a mighty man, how did he receive his strength? A______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
22.         Who am I? (Jasher 6:1-19)
a)    I lived in a cave for 10 years.
b)    I lived in the house of Noah and Shem for 39 years & learnt the ways of God.
c)    I was 50 years old when I went home to my father and broke all his idols except one.
d)    I mocked my father’s idols and told him they had no voice or hearing.
e)    My father complained to Nimrod, about me destroying his idols and asked that I would be   judged.
f)     The judgement of me and my brother is that we are to be casted into a furnace to die.
g)    God has compassion on me, and I was not burnt, I walked in the mist of the fire for 3 days and 3 nights.
h)    My brother was burnt to ashes, for he was not perfect before the Lord.
i)     Nimrod commanded me to be removed from the fire and gave me many riches and servants.
j)      Noah died when I was 58 years old.
k)    Nimrod attacked the land where I dwelt and lost 600,000 men.  Nimrod fled and returned home in shame and disgrace.
l)      At age 70? God spoke to me and told me to go home to my Father and I dwelt their 5 years.
m)  At age 75, once again God speaks to me and tells me to go back where I came from.

23.         Which of the following is true?
   Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah & Sebruem and all the Circuit of the   Jordan?  Jasher 18: 11-43.   Jubilees 16:5
a)        They committed fornication and uncleanness.  Jubilees 18:11 – 43
b)        They did wife swapping every 3 month for 1 day.
c)        When strangers came to the city they would rob them of their goods and then kick them out.
d)        They would give a poor man gold and silver, and then cause a proclamation in the city not to feed him. When the poor man died they would take back their gold and silver.
e)        They would steal a poor mans clothes.
f) The daughter of Lot took pity on a poor man and fed him. The people of Sodom arrested Lot’s daughter, cast her into a fire and was burned to ashes.
g)        A young woman gave water and bread to a stranger. The city found out, arrested her, and anointed her with honey all over. They placed her before a swarm of bees which stang her to death.
h)        The Lord was provoked at this and all the works of the cities of Sodom, for they had an abundance of food, and had tranquillity amongst themselves, and still would not sustain the poor and needy. Their sin was great in the sight of the Lord.
i) In judgment God rained down brimstone and fire out of heaven.
j)  All the above is true and correct.

24.       If a poor man came to Abraham. He would give them gold and silver and feed them and tell them about God. They would live to tell the tale. JASHER 22:13
           True or false._________________________________

25.         Isaac and Rebecca were married, how old were they? Jasher 14:40-45

26.      Who killed Nimrod?  ____________________

27.     At what age did Nimrod die? How long did he reign as a king? ____________________

28.      What was stolen from Nimrod at his death? ________________________________

29.      Why did Esau sell his birth -right? ____________________________________

30.      In what year was Isaac born? _______________

31.      Name the two men who slew the whole city of Shechem? _____________________

32.      An angel of the Lord came to a man and taught him 70 languages in one night.
           Who is the man? _______________

33.       Hebrew is the language that Adam spoke. Over time it was lost.
            God gave it to one man in one night. Who is that man? _______________

34.       Benjamin is a wise man and has the ability to read the stars. What did he see? __________________________________________________________________________

35.       From Adam to the great flood. How many years were there? ______________

36.  How many generations that go back that Abram knew in his lifetime? __________________________________________________________________________

37.  How many generations that go back that Noah knew in his lifetime? ________________________________________________________________________

38.        Out of these 4 people, who died first? Shem, Salah, Eber or Abraham. ___________

39.        Name the man that did not have a child till he was 502 years old,
             And his wife was 82 years older than himself? ________________

40.            Who was the first person to write on tablets of stone? ______________

41.           How many Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea?      A= 100.000, B = 200.000,
                C =       400.000,    D = 1.000.000.  ________________

42.             How many men, women and children crossed the Red Sea? A = 1.200.000,
                  B = 1.400.000, C = 1.800.000, D =3,000,.000. ____________   

43.            How many plagues did God send on Egypt? __________

44.            Who am I?
A.   I was 18 years old when I killed a man.
B.  An angel of the Lord come unto the Captain of the Guard, chopped off his head, which                was turned in the likeness of me. Therefore, they thought I was dead.
C.  An angel of the Lord took me to the border which was a 40 day journey.
D   I lived for 9 years in the camp of kikianus king of Cush.
E.  I was loved by the king and Princes.
F.  The king died of a mortal disease, so they chose me to be king,
       And gave me much gold and silver.
G.     I was 27 years old and reigned for 40 years.     
H.  I gave up my kingship because I would not bow to their Gods and also did not produce any children.
I.   I was 66 years old when I left and I went to Midian.
      Reual put me in a prison house for 10 years.
    1. I was finally released and I married Reual’s daughter.

1.  7 Years (Book of Jubilees Chapter 3, Verse 12)
2.  Five;
3.  Cain, Abel, Aklia, Seth, and Luluwa. Jubilees 4:1-10
4.  Cain married his sister Luluwa.
     Seth      \\         \\      \\   Aklia.
      Enos      \\        \\      \\    Noem
      Cainan   \\        \\       \\    Maualet.          Jubilees 4:9-13
5. Angels of the Lord.                                     Jubilees 4:15
6. Enoch             .                                           Jubilees 4:16-18
7. against the watchmen.                               Jubilees 4:23       Jude
8. To bring judgment against the watchmen who sinned with the daughters of men on the    account of fornication and uncleanness.        Jubilees 4:23 -7:17   Genesis 6:1, 2     
9. Angels, watchmen.
10. Humans.
11. Humans.
12. They are the offspring of fallen angels; they had sexually intercourse with the daughters of men. Their children grew up to be giants and their name is the NAPHIDEM. Jubilees 7:18
13. Noah prayed to God on account of his sons being led astray by demons. Jubilees 10:1-10
14. Noah
15. Abram                                                        Jubilees 11:20-23
16. Eight sons                                                  Jubilees 14:10
17. Enoch.                                                       Jasher 3:10-26
18. Naphidem                                                   Jasher 4:18
19. All is true.                                                   
20.  Japheth, Ham and Shem.
21. He put on the garments of skin that God made for Adam and God gave him strength.
                                                                          Jasher 7:30
22. Abram.
23. All of the above.
24. True.
25. Isaac 40 years, Rebecca 10 years.
26. Esau.
27. 215 years, 185 years.
28. The garments God made for Adam.
29. He had just killed Nimrod and his two bodyguards and was exhausted from the fight and   from running home. He thought   he was going to die anyway.
30. 1948 BC
31. Simeon and Levi
32. Joseph
33. Abraham
34. He saw his Brother Joseph sitting upon the throne of Egypt.
35. 1656    
36. All 10 of them he knew, right back to Noah.
37. 7 generations, except for Enoch who was translated. He knew Adam’s grandson, Enos and 5 others.
38. Abraham did. (35 years, 3 years, 64 years respectively.)
39. Noah
40. Cainan Jasher 2:13
41. D = 1.000.000
42. D = 3,000,.000
43. 23
44. Moses

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