Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Monday 17 October 2016

Little Barack and his DEAD donkey.

Little Barack and his DEAD donkey.
Once upon a time there were two young boys named little Barack and Joe who bought a donkey from a farmer for $100. The farmer agreed to deliver the donkey the next day.

When the farmer drove up the next day, he said, "Sorry guys, I have some bad news. The donkey is on my truck, but I'm afraid he's dead."

They replied," Well then, just give our money back."

The farmer said, “I can't do that. I went and spent it already."

Little Barack said, "OK then, just unload the donkey anyway."

The farmer asked, "What are ya gonna do with him?"

Little Barack said, "I'm going to raffle him off."

The farmer exclaimed, "You can't raffle off a dead donkey!"

But little Barack, with a big smile on his face, said "Sure I can.  Watch me. I just won't tell anybody that he's dead."

A month later the farmer met up with little Barack and asked, "What happened with that dead donkey?"

Little Barack said, "I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at two dollars apiece and made a profit of $798.00."

Totally amazed, the farmer asked, "Didn't anyone complain that you had stolen their money because you lied about the donkey being dead?"

Little Barack replied, "The only guy who found out about the donkey being dead was the raffle winner, when he came to claim his prize. So I gave him his $2 back plus $200 extra, which is double the going value of a donkey, so he thought I was a really great guy"
Little Barack and his DEAD donkey.

What is a dead donkey? Well, it is the same as a “dead wood”.
“Dead wood” is no longer any good; it has no life substance and has been drained of its blood called sap.
“Dead wood” now is only good to be burnt to ashes and maybe keep someone warm in winter.
A dead donkey that has been drained of its life substance (soul and blood) is of no use to any one and needs to go through the fire and be burnt to ashes (to get rid of the smell).
I would personally bury it and make sure NO ONE WILL EVER DIG IT UP AGAIN.
This is not an Obama bashing and I do not suggest we burn him.
Obama is only a puppet on a string; he is no-body of importance.
The powerhouse is the BANKSTERS who are a gang of thieves who are controlled by the ROTHSCHILDS who claim they are Jews.
Revelation2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are NOT, but [are] (Idumeans) the synagogue of Satan.
3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are NOT, but do LIE (Idumeans); behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
The dead donkey is all thee useless laws man has created in the last 2500 years which cause all of us to be SLAVES to their TAXES, interest rates and devaluation of the mighty dollar  causing all of us to get poorer and poorer.
By reading the following webpage that have been submitted you can learn how to overthrow the EVIL BANKSTERS AND ALL THEIR MATES, AND HAVE THEM ARRESTED AND PUT IN JAIL AND LOSE THE KEY FOREVER.

THEY = Abbreviation for - The Hierarchy Enslaving You.
From They Live!

Presidents Bush and Obama, and the Faith Divide
In reflecting on both President Obama’s speech in the aftermath of the Boston bombings and President Bush’s speeches following the horrific attacks on Sept. 11, I have come to understand better the different ways each man conveys their faith and how this reflects on something going on in America today.

Both men speak of God and the Bible and faith in many of their speeches and conversations.  And both men are self-professed Christians, but for some reason many doubt the faith and commitment of President Obama while never doubting the same of President Bush.  Why is that?

I think much has to do with how faith is reflected in their lives and practice.  President Bush seems primarily religious in outlook, while President Obama seems primarily spiritual.   And because of this, President Bush sees the world in more black-and-white terms, while President Obama sees the world as more gray.  President Bush conveyed more bravado and an easier time coming to clear judgment, while President Obama seems to weigh things in a more nuanced way and approach things more slowly.

This difference of religious vs. spiritual between the two presidents represents a tension that has emerged in the faith and political environment of America.  On one side is a growing group of devout religious folks who see traditional and definitive roles of family and faith as under attack and in need of defending.  On the other side is a fast growing group of unaffiliated faith folks who, while still believing in God or some universal presence, see tradition and certain religions as holding back progress of society.

The religious folks believe if you don’t have a black-and-white, right/wrong view of the universe, then you hold no values and are untethered to principles.  This group feels that the moral failures of today’s society are a direct result of religious and family institutions having been undermined, and that the lessening of adherence to strict faith practice has caused our country to lose its way.

The spiritual folks believe that traditional religious institutions have failed to keep pace with a changing world and that the black-and-white view of the world has increased the level of conflict and violence in our society – that it is the judgmental ways of the religious folks that have prevented the progress needed to move forward and evolve as a species.

This past election played out in many ways with each side lining up behind who they thought was the candidate who best represented their view of faith and the world.  Conservative religious folks overwhelmingly supported the devote Mormon in the race, Mitt Romney, while the spiritual folks favoured President Obama by huge margins.
This distinct difference in faith adherence also reflects what consumer products folks purchase and where folks live and the communities they put together to live.  Our country is becoming more and more one of homogenous enclaves that highlight demographic differences as well as faith distinctions.

Because of all this, it is not surprising that the devout folks don’t see President Obama as a “real Christian” even though he is a man who is highly spiritual and faithful.

 Attacks on him, even ones purely political, have a religious, zealous feel to them.  And when we have seen that kind of attack in world history, it is very hard to have an intellectual discussion and reach common understanding.

The perceptions of President Bush by the unaffiliated group have a similar dynamic.  Because he has a tendency to see things as more black and white, there was an assumption he was “dumb” and didn’t give thought to any of his policies.  Attacks on him became and are visceral and as mean-spirited as attacks on President Obama.

In this polarized political environment, the religious vs. spiritual underpinning of each side’s argument has created a deep gulf that cannot be bridged by intellectual arguments or “fact” presentations.  As I said before the election, we need some form of our own Middle East Peace process that can bring opposing sides together to see the values that are shared in common that aren’t about ritual and faith practice.  The differences that exist in America today are as stark as those involving Muslims and Jews and Christians in the Middle East.

Each side believes in the power of love.  Each side believes all human beings are created in the image of God.  Each side believes we have an obligation to respect nature and God’s creation.  Each side professes to the importance of the Golden Rule of do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  And interestingly, each side sees the evil that greed and materialism can have on society, though they want to blame different parties and solve it in different ways.

The first step in this peace process would be a coming together on shared core values and respect for each side in their practice of faith.  If we can start there, then maybe we can all begin to move forward to build a world that we would be proud to leave our children.

President Obama and President Bush represent two distinct strains of American faith (one is religious and the other spiritual) and both are good and decent men.  Maybe after watching them come together in Dallas recently for a day of respect, we can each take a step today and try to accept someone who has a different faith view than us.  It would be a good start.

Do you still think “THEY” are great guys and good Christians?

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