Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Monday 24 October 2016

19 Signs that you live in a country that has gone completely insane

19 Signs that you live in a country that has gone completely insane
by Natural News Editors

(NaturalNews) (By Michael Snyder from ) Do you ever feel like you are living in a "Bizarro World"? That is how I feel much of the time. I look around and it seems as though some form of mass psychosis has descended on most of the population. Things that would have had Americans angrily marching in the streets a generation or two ago are now just accepted as "normal" by the "sheeple" that populate this nation. If the talking heads that endlessly spew nonsense at us through our televisions tell us to believe something, no matter how absurd it is, most people just go along with it. Before we had televisions and radios and computers and movies and the Internet, people actually had to do the hard work of thinking for themselves. But now we are all plugged into this giant "matrix" that tells us what to think, what to believe and how to feel about things. And unfortunately, the people that are telling us what to think and believe are delusional themselves. The blind are leading the blind, and as a result our nation is coming apart at the seams all around us. The following are 19 signs that you live in a country that has gone completely insane...

#1 When those occupying the highest offices in the land tell you that an $18,000,000,000,000 debt is "under control"[1], you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#2 When your president starts acting like an emperor and begins ruling by decree and your elected representatives won't lift a finger to do anything to stop it, you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#3 When the greatest dream in life for millions of your fellow citizens is to win the Powerball jackpot,[2] you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#4 When dressing up sex dolls in fashionable clothing and photographing them is considered to be art[3], you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#5 When only 36 percent[4] of the population can name all three branches of government, you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#6 When a boy can sue his high school for not letting him use the girls' restrooms and win $75,000[5] in "damages", you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#7 When people that want to have sex with their own family members start demanding "equal rights"[6], you live in a country that has gone completely insane...


#8 When pregnancy is considered to be a "disease" and babies are considered to be "liabilities", you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#9 When the federal government collects billions of our phone calls and emails[7] and hardly anyone gets upset about it, you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#10 When 30 million[8] of your fellow citizens are taking antidepressants, you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#11 When an endless stream of gang members, drug dealers, sexual predators, welfare parasites and Middle Eastern terrorists can enter the country illegally and nothing is done, but anyone who criticizes this is in danger of being put on an "enemies list"[9], you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#12 When you can get arrested for "encouraging terrorism on Twitter"[10], but not for publicly burning the American flag[11] in the middle of the street, you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#13 When your military airdrops huge loads of weapons into the hands[12] of the very terrorists that they are supposed to be fighting, you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#14 When there are 2.5 million[13] homeless children living in your nation and nobody is calling it a "national emergency", you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#15 When a fifth-grade student can get suspended from school for making an imaginary gun with his fingers[14], you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#16 When Congress has to pass a law[15] to keep federal workers from watching porn all day long, you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#17 When the number of payday lenders is greater[16] than the number of Starbucks locations, you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#18 When an illegal immigrant can get a drivers' license[17], but the head of a fire department of a major U.S. city is suspended from his job without pay for promoting sexual morality[18], you live in a country that has gone completely insane.

#19 When the general public knows far more about Kim Kardashian than it does about the Federal Reserve[19], you live in a country that has gone completely insane.


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