Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Sunday 18 July 2021

Critical Race Theory

 South Africa Made “Critical Race Theory” Law—Today It's A Socialist Madhouse In Flames

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A gobsmacking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting that China has refused to host a scheduled visit from United States Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, says geopolitical experts commenting on this deliberate snub by the Chinese of Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden note that “the wheels are already falling off Biden’s China policy”, which seems mired in growing contradictions, part of which can be attributed to a lack of coherence on what the policy actually is apart from “China bad”.

In contrast to “the wheels falling off” the relationship between China and the United States as the danger of war between them grows, and America is not prepared to fight, this report notes Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov lauding the peaceful relationship between the Russian Federation and China, with his declaring: “Relations between Russia and China have reached unprecedented heights, becoming a perfect example of cooperation between countries in the 21st century”—a declaration quickly joined by State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, who in explaining what makes this peaceful relationship work wrote: “The most important thing that unites our countries is that we believe that the world should not and will not be unipolar…Russia and China consistently advocate the ideas of polycentrism and principles of equality in relations between countries, respect to national legislation, traditions and distinct political systems”.

Standing opposed to both Russia’s and China’s red line stance that “the world should not and will not be unipolar”, this report details, is the United Kingdom, that believes the world should be ruled over by a unipolar United States imposing its socialist-globalist vision on every nation, even by force—which is why Royal Marines Brigadier Mark Totten declared yesterday that Britain plans to launch covert special forces operations against both Russia and China—a declaration that follows British Chief of the General Staff Sir Mark Carleton-Smith bizarrely saying that “peace and war were two increasingly redundant states”.  

With the word “redundant” meaning no longer needed or useful, this report notes that the British are openly admitting that either peace or war is acceptable to them as long as they can achieve the unipolar world they desire ruled over by elite socialist-globalists—though important to notice these are same British that last week saw the top secret plans for their main battle tank being leaked online by a pissed-off gamer because the Russian-made video game he was playing didn’t accurately depict it—are the same British whose socialist police last week charged a man for “racial hatred” because he whistled a “Bob the Builder” tune to his neighbor—and are the same British whose radical socialist London mayor Sadiq Khan just defended the impending placement of a statue of John Chilembwe, an anti-colonial activist who ordered the decapitation of William Livingstone in front of his children and then displayed his head on a pike, and saw Mayor Khan saying this murderous atrocity served to “reflect London’s achievements and diversity”.

As to how exactly a statue honoring a man who forced children to watch the beheading of their own father relates to “diversity”, this transcript sees Security Council Members noting that such absurdities like this are hallmarks of the Marxist ideology known as “Critical Race Theory”—is an ideology created by deranged communist mass murderer Karl Marx, who believed that the primary characteristic of industrial societies was the imbalance of power between capitalists and workers, whose solution to that imbalance was revolution—during the 20th Century, a number of regimes underwent Marxist-style revolutions, and each ended in disaster—saw socialist governments in the Soviet UnionChinaCambodiaCuba and elsewhere racking up a body count of nearly 100-million peopleall of which are remembered for gulags, show trials, executions and mass starvations—and in practice, Marx’s ideas unleashed man’s darkest brutalities.

In assessing what threat Britain poses to the Russian Federation, this transcript sees Security Council Members discussing a document prepared by the Ministry of Defense (MoD)—an MoD document whose conclusion can be summed up in three words: “See Cold War”—specifically because it describes how the United States didn’t have to fire a single shot to win out against the Soviet Union—as all the United States had to do was wait until the Soviet Union destroyed itself—and in this instance, sees the MoD stating that all Russia has to do is just wait until both Britain and United States, likewise, destroy themselves. 

The MoD asserts in their document contained in this transcript that both Britain and the United States have assured their own destruction by their adoption of the Marxist ideology “Critical Race Theory”—most particularly because this ideology is based on the total destruction of a nation in order to assure the survival of its despotic and privileged elite socialist rulers, who while igniting and fanning the flames of racial and/or class hatred, rob their countries of all of its wealth leaving their citizens destitute and their nations in smoldering ruins.

Security Council Members in this transcript concur with this MoD assessment, and note that this exact scenario of socialist destruction is taking place today in the British Commonwealth nation of the Republic of South Africa—where, since 1994, this socialist state has overseen serial failures in ensuring reparation, restitution, redistribution and prosecution—in a recent statement saw the Hatang’s Nelson Mandela Foundation grimly revealing. “Inequality has spiraled..The discarded and the despairing live their lives with conspicuous consumption in full view”—and whose road to final destruction was paved by now imprisoned ex-President Jacob Zuma

This report details that President Zuma headed South Africa’s dominant socialist African National Congress party, that is corrupt and ineffectivebut its most dangerous rival is one of the most radical political parties to enjoy representation on earth called The Economic Freedom Fighters, who are radical socialists that vow to seize white-owned land without payment, nationalize the banking and mining sectors, and double welfare payments—despite being the “economic superpower” of Sub-Saharan Africa, today sees its brain drain significant and accelerating, at least for those who have options and are abandoning the country—sees crime being rampant as more than four percent of all deaths are murders, and the murder rate is somehow still rising; last year it rose by 8.4 percent—sees socialist policies causing rolling blackouts, food and fuel shortages while inflation and unemployment skyrocket—and most critically to notice about this apocalyptic socialist-madhouse this once prosperous nation has become, is the truest fact of all: “The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke…It’s a choice…South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice”.

In 2012President Zuma and his elite socialist comrades robbing South Africa blind began coming under increasing pressure, this report notes, which came at the same time a little known radical socialist academic named Joel Malesela Modiri repackaged nation-destroying Marxist ideology into a document he titled “The Colour Of Law, Power And Knowledge: Introducing Critical Race Theory In (post-) Apartheid South Africa”—after which President Zuma quickly made Associate Professor Modiri the Head of the Department of Jurisprudence—on the official Department of Jurisprudence website sees it stating: “Modiri’s main research focus areas are Critical Race Theory, African Jurisprudence, Law and Identity, Feminist Political Philosophy, Black Political Thought, Legal Education and Critical Pedagogy as well as Critical Theories of Human Rights and Constitutionalism”—and for the past 9-years, has seen Modiri implementing, by force of law, “Critical Race Theory” in every corner of South Africato include all of its schools and businesses, in order to achieve what he calls “equity”. 

In factual reality, though, this report grimly notes, this week has seen the predictable outcome of “Critical Race Theory” in South Africa having only achieved “equity of misery” as the communities of this once prosperous nation are gutted by waves of looting, arson and loss—sees damage from days of looting and arson expected to run into billions-of-dollars—sees these under socialist siege communities facing food and fuel shortages, a situation that some have warned could escalate into a humanitarian crisis—sees at least 212 reported killed—sees the government having deployed 10,000 soldiers in addition to its police, and they expect to deploy 15,000 more in coming days—and now sees it being reported that “the past few days are in many ways worse than in 1976, when townships erupted in an anti-apartheid uprising”. 

Security Council Members in this transcript note that this present day socialist mob violence in South Africa being worse than the anti-apartheid uprising in 1976 shows the true destructive power of “Critical Race Theory”—as in the past the black peoples of this nation had good reason to erupt in rebellion against their white oppressors, but today sees them being ruled over near entirely by the black socialist leaders they voted for—sees the overwhelming number of these young black socialist mob rioters having never lived under apartheid, as it ended 27-years-ago—but because of “Critical Race Theory”, sees them all being indoctrinated to falsely believe they are “forever victims”.   

This report concludes with Security Council Members noting in this transcript that the “Critical Race Theory” caused socialist mob violence destroying South Africa today is indistiguaslble from the socialist mob violence that struck America last year causing up to $2-billion in damage and killing dozens—a factual observance explaining why the leftist American propaganda media won’t report on the massive miles-long lines for food and fuel now appearing all over South Africa—nor will they report on the gun owners and organized militias in South Africa that have banded themselves together to save their communities from complete devastation—nor will they report on South African historian Ernst Roets issuing a warning for the people of the United States as globalism and far-left racial politics rise to prominence in America—nor will they report that South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has just issued a warning to these Marxists declaring: “Those responsible for organising this campaign of violence and destruction have not yet been apprehended and their networks have not yet been dismantled…But we know who they are and the police are on their tracks”—and to how truly close this “Critical Race Theory” Marxist ideology is coming to destroying America, today sees this is best exampled by the elite socialist colleges that are vowing to rid white Christian churches of systemic racism, and by Michelle Leete, the Vice President of Training at the Virginia PTA, the Vice President of Communications for the Fairfax County PTA and is the First Vice President of the Fairfax County NAACP, who is now calling for those who oppose “Critical Race Theory” to be killed, and openly declared: “Let them die!”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


Both of the above photos show Marxist inspired “Critical Race Theory” socialist mob arson.  Which one is from America?  Which one is from South Africa?               (Answers are below the following picture graphic)

Top photo is from South Africa in 2021.  Second photo is from America in 2020.  Get the point? 


July 18, 2021 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Guardian Of Truth Warns Of “Approaching Storm”—Guardian Of Lies Screams Back “Russia!

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting the warning President Putin issued to the West that Moscow sees Ukraine as part of the “Russian World”, and this is meant to be taken seriously by outsiders, says joining this warning was another one issued by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, who stated: “I would emphasize that the redeployment of the American permanent military presence to the countries neighboring Afghanistan is unacceptable...We told the Americans in a direct and straightforward way that it would change a lot of things not only in our perceptions of what’s going on in that important region, but also in our relations with the United States”.

This report notes that instead of responding to these warnings that could lead to war between the Russian Federation and the United States if the Americans don’t quickly curb their insanely-violent dangerous behavior, instead it sees Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden and his deranged leftist propaganda media puppets launching new attacks against President Donald Trump and his tens-of-millions of supporters—attacks that began this week when the leftist Washington Post published their lying screed “Republicans Refusing To Get Vaccinated Are Owning No One But Themselves”, wherein it cried: “What used to be the conservative movement in this country is becoming a death cult”—though in reality sees the Washington Post actually branding black Americans as the real “death cult”, because their own published statistics show that only 23% of blacks have been vaccinated against Covid-19, as opposed to the mainly senior Trump supporters, whose vaccination rates are over 80%.

With the leftist Washington Post knowing that few black Americans are able to surmount the paywall they’ve erected to keep true facts from being known, they felt free to join with other leftist media propagandists in another attack against President Trump yesterday, that’s contained in their lying screed “Joint Chiefs Chairman Feared Potential ‘Reichstag Moment’ Aimed At Keeping Trump In Power”, wherein it says it “used anonymous sources” to report: “In the waning weeks of Donald Trump’s term, the country’s top military leader repeatedly worried about what the president might do to maintain power after losing reelection, comparing his rhetoric to Adolf Hitler’s during the rise of Nazi Germany and asking confidants whether a coup was forthcoming”—an attack quickly joined by fake news outlet CNN, where one of its lunatic leftist talking heads ominously intoned: “What we worried about with Trump was that he was crazy, and he's still crazy and he was unhinged and you know he could bring the whole system down…He has all these authoritarian tendencies…Richard Nixon, by contrast, actually respected the Constitution”—and saw President Trump quickly responding to this attack by humorously stating: “So ridiculous!...Sorry to inform you, but an Election is my form of ‘coup,’ and if I was going to do a coup, one of the last people I would want to do it with is General Mark Milley”.

This report notes the next attack against President Trump came from the radical leftist Guardian newspaper in London in their preposterous lying screed “Kremlin Papers Appear To Show Putin’s Plot To Put Trump In White House”, wherein it absurdly claimed: “Vladimir Putin personally authorised a secret spy agency operation to support a “mentally unstable” Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential election during a closed session of Russia’s national security council, according to what are assessed to be leaked Kremlin documents”—saw Guardian reporter Luke Harding claiming in this lying article that his information was based on a Security Council document he “somehow obtained” from the Kremlin and posted a photocopy of—but when Ivan Tkachev, a writer for Moscow business daily RBK, examined this photocopy, it saw him reporting: “I have counted 4 linguistic errors and a couple of dubious instances of word usage, including misplaced punctuation, unnatural word choices and lexical mistakes…So, with a considerable degree of confidence I can assume this is either Google-translated text from foreign language to Russian or a text composed with help from an unschooled Russian speaker, or both”.

In quick response to this lying Guardian hit piece attack on President Trump and President Putin, this report notes Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov angrily stating: “This is total fiction...Strictly speaking, it is complete nonsense…Of course, this is the hallmark of an absolutely low-quality publication…Either the newspaper is trying to somehow increase its popularity or is sticking to a rabidly Russophobic line”—an angry response based on the fact that the Federal Guard Service (FSOreplaced every computer printer and photocopier in the Kremlin with typewriters 8-years-ago, in 2013, each one of which has uniquely designed coded keys to identify the exact person who typed what document, which this Guardian photocopy does not contain, which proves that it’s a complete fake.

This report states that no one should be surprised that this leftist hit piece article is completely fake and made up, specifically because it was written by Guardian reporter Luke Harding, who, in 2018, wrote the lying article “Manafort Held Secret Talks With Assange In Ecuadorian Embassy, Sources Say”—an article lying leftist Harding entirely fabricated out of nothing—five weeks after it was published say it being reported: “In lieu of addressing the increasingly embarrassing scandal, The Guardian’s top editors and reporters on this story have practically gone into hiding, ignoring all requests for comment and referring journalists to a corporate PR official who provides a statement that is as vague and bureaucratic as it is non-responsive…It’s easier to get a substantive comment from the National Security Agency than from The Guardian on this story”—then saw it being reported: “The Guardian’s refusal to address any of the very serious questions raised by its own article persisted even after one of the world’s largest newspapers, the Washington Post, published a major story on the paper’s debacle, noting: “One week after publication, the Guardian’s bombshell looks as though it could be a dud”—saw Wikileaks proclaiming: “Remember this day when the Guardian permitted a serial fabricator to totally destroy the paper’s reputation…WikiLeaks is willing to bet the Guardian a million dollars and its editor’s head that Manafort never met Assange”—all of which resulted in Guardian reporter Harding being dealt a death blow by leftist media organization Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), who in their scathing article “Misreporting Manafort: A Case Study in Journalistic Malpractice”, eviscerated Harding for his lies and stated: “There is great utility for the establishment in promoting the idea of foreign interference in American domestic issues…For one, it helps develop a conspiratorial mindset among the public, encouraging them to be less critical of the state when the United States is under attack”.

Knowing full well how the Guardian manufactures lies to destroy President Trump while supporting the godless globalist agenda of socialist leader Biden, this report details, are the many distinguished and truthful reporters the Guardian has spent years censoring and blacklisting in both Europe and America—who, in February-2015, banded themselves together to create one of Europe’s most widely read news sites called OffGuardian—a news site critical to know about, because immediately before these latest attacks on President Trump began, they published a terrifying article entitled “The Approaching Storm”, wherein it warns:

So, it looks like GloboCap isn’t going to be happy until they have fomented the widespread social unrest — or de facto global civil war — that they need as a pretext to lock in the new pathologized totalitarianism and remake whatever remains of society into a global pseudo-medicalized police state, or that appears to where we’re headed currently. We appear to be heading there at breakneck speed.

Here in New Normal Germany, prominent health officials are openly barking out Goebbelsian slogans like “NO FREEDOM FOR THE UNVACCINATED!” and “THE UNVACCINATED ARE A DANGER TO SOCIETY!”

Yes, you. Us. The others. The Unvaccinated. The “Covid deniers.”   You don’t really think any hardcore New Normals have made it this far into this column, do you?  They haven’t.  If they stumbled into it on the Internet and accidentally started to read it, their brains switched off in the opening paragraph…literally, neurologically, switched off.

They recognized it as a threat to their “reality” and instantly erased it from their consciousness, or they reported it to the proper authorities, perhaps the FBI, the Bundesnachrichtendienst, or Facebook, or some other global corporation.

This is what it has come to, folks … people are reporting other people’s “thoughtcrimes” to global corporations and the law enforcement agencies of “democratic” governments in the hopes of destroying or damaging their lives, or, at the very least, getting them censored, or otherwise erased from public view.

They are not going to put us on the trains to the camps.  GloboCap is not the Nazis.  They need to maintain the simulation of democracy.

So, they need to transform us into an underclass of “anti-social conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxer disinformationists,” “white-supremacist election-result deniers,” “potentially violent domestic extremists,” and whatever other epithets they come up with, so that we can be painted as dangerously unhinged freaks and cast out of society in a way that makes it appear that we have cast out ourselves.

This process is already well underway, and it’s only going to get more intense, which will inevitably lead to social unrest.  The hardcore “Unvaccinated” are not going to go quietly.  Again, this isn’t Nazi Germany

There are too many of us who are already resisting.  They can segregate us, ban us from traveling, blackout our protests, censor us, deplatform us, cancel our bank accounts, and otherwise harass us, but they cannot forcibly disappear us.

So, they are going to keep goading us until we lose it. We have demonstrated incredible discipline so far, but eventually, we’re going to run out patience

It’s going to get messy.  People will get hurt.


Within a few hours of OffGuardian publishing their “The Approaching Storm” warning article, this report continues, the leftist Washington Post fired back with their terrifying article entitled “American Democracy Survived Its Reichstag Fire On Jan. 6. But The Threat Has Not Subsided”, wherein it warns: “American democracy survived that coup attempt on Jan. 6. But the danger has not subsided…It’s going to be messy”. 

With both the Off Guardian and Washington Post issuing the exact same “It’s going to be messy” warning within hours of each other, this report continues, an examination of which of them is being truthful sees no rightist mobs of any kind having appeared anywhere in the world—but the same cannot be said about socialist mobs—as today socialist mobs have turned South Africa into a war zone where over 25,000 troops have been deployed and all army reserve forces activated for combat—while these socialist mobs loot everything in sight and are burning South Africa to the ground its ordinary citizens are crying: “We don’t know where to run”—and today sees Fox News investigative journalist Lara Logan (who was born and raised in South Africawarning the American people that what is happening in South Africa is about to happen to them, with her stating: “We are paying the price now for Big Tech and Facebook and all these people who are able to really set the agenda in any country that they want”. 

This report concludes by noting the urgent plea sent out by an under socialist siege grandmother in South African to both Russia and the United Statesthat heartbreakingly reads:

I am from South Africa and I know the current unrest here was engineered and I wonder who will come to rescue South Africa -- Hopefully Russia and the USA.

Russia and the USA share such an incredibly critical part of history, that the REAL America and Russia should forever be allies, virtually joined at the hip. I hope this becomes a reality soon.

Putin took Russia off the global bankster mafia bus to forever enslavement and hope Donald J. Trump does it for America and I pray that they are again somehow working together to not only free America, but the World from these insane banksters throttling and robbing all nations to death.

Sorry, but I am very worried for my children and grandchildren and for the poorest people of our nation that share their little troubles with me almost daily -- people who are precious, but have been and still are being left grossly ignorant and neglected -- when from their ranks future leaders must and will come.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



July 16, 2021 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Slaves to "The System."


PLANET EARTH, a Garden of Eden full of life and beauty. Everything a human+Being needs to be able to live and co-exist with other human+Beings, in a caring society, in harmony with the natural environment, where everyone puts others before themselves.

So what went wrong? Why are we living now, in a society in which most people are afraid to walk down the street at night, where we have to lock everything in the fear of others stealing from us.

It seems that fear is the root of all evil in this world. Our fear of poverty; loneliness; ridicule; war. Where do these fears come from? Why do they control us and make us do the 'Self'-ish things that we do.

It seems that the leaders of the world use fear to control us and manipulate us into conforming to their "System" of control. They have made up fraudulent legislation that has made us, the majority of people, slaves to them. We spend our whole lives working, often doing jobs which are destructive to the environment, only to pay excessive taxes to these people, being left with only just enough money over to survive and perhaps have a family of our own, so our children can grow up to become slaves to this evil "System"; just as we are.

So what do we do about it? We can't just refuse to work under their "System" because they control the legislation and simply have anyone who refuses to conform either thrown in jail or put in an institution, and labeled insane. The truth is, they are the insane ones who are destroying the planet by having all the trees cut down and are destroying the environment, that we live in, for money for themselves.

There is ONLY One Way to stop these people, and that is to prove their evil "System" wrong (which they are already doing by themselves by destroying the planet) and show them The Real Law which is perfectly fair and unbiased; is friendly to the environment and has been there for thousands of years.

The Torah is the name given to The Laws; Statutes; Judgments; Agricultural and Economic Policies that were handed to Moses on top of Mt. Horeb in Sinai by The Ruler of The Universe and is The Perfect System for the world to use, as it was given by a totally independent body (God); so is perfectly fair and un-biased. These Laws are contained in The First Five Books of The Old Testament of The Bible; the originals of which are kept in The Ark of The Covenant, which is buried in a hidden subterranean tomb at The Hill of Tara (Torah) in Co. Meath, Ireland.

When The Ark is recovered The Laws that it contains can then be reinstituted into society. This will prove that the people currently in positions of authority, running the "System" we are forced to live under, were never allowed to make up their own legislation and they will be forced to go back to God's Laws and redistribute all of the wealth that they have defrauded from the people and hoarded away. That money should then be redistributed evenly and fairly back to the people that it was taken from in the first place - the lower and middle classes.

The Ark of The Covenant needs to be recovered immediately, before the people who are currently running (ruining) the world totally destroy the planet we are living on in the name of "economic growth". Please help us stop the destruction of the planet, by supporting us in our endeavor to excavate a small section of grass (2m. x 2m.) at The Hill of Tara (Torah), Co. Meath, Ireland; to expose the entrance to the hidden subterranean tomb that The Ark of The Covenant is buried in. The recovery of The Ark is the ONLY WAY that we can prove that the evil "System" that we are forced to live under is unlawful and wrong, and in so doing we can permanently put a stop to all corruption and oppression now happening on Planet Earth.

For more details about The Ark of The Covenant; what it contains; how it will put the world right and how it came to be in Ireland please CLICK HERE. 

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