Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Saturday 20 February 2021

The Judicial System = The Levitical Priesthood


Outage outrage: Texans see power bills as high as $17,000 after brutal storm pummels grid & leaves millions without electricity

Outage outrage: Texans see power bills as high as $17,000 after brutal storm pummels grid & leaves millions without electricity
In the wake of a fierce winter storm that knocked out power for millions of Texans, some residents are reporting colossal spikes in their electricity bills, with some asked to pay more than $17,000 for just a few weeks of service.

As the Texas power grid was battered by a days-long snow and ice storm this week – prompting the state’s utilities manager, ERCOT, to impose rolling blackouts – a major shortage of electricity drove up wholesale costs to astronomical levels. While around four million Texans were left in the dark, some of those fortunate enough to not lose power are now reaping the whirlwind in the form of sky-high bills. 

Texas resident Ty Williams told a local ABC affiliate that while he typically pays a combined $660 each month for his home, guest house and office, he’s been asked to shell out a shocking $17,000 this time around – and that’s just for the first half of February. 

“How in the world can anyone pay that? I mean you go from a couple hundred dollars a month... there’s absolutely no way,” Williams said, adding: “It makes no sense.”

Pretty much you are being held hostage and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

A 38-year-old contractor, Royce Pierce, meanwhile, said he owes more than $8,100 for his electricity use so far this month, a sharp climb from his January bill of $387.79.

“It's mind-blowing. I honestly didn't believe the price at first,” Pierce told the Daily Beast. “It's not a great feeling knowing that there is a looming bill that we just can't afford.”

Before the state was rocked by this week’s inclement weather, wholesale electricity in Texas went for less than $50 per megawatt-hour, according to ERCOT data. On Monday, however, the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT), a state regulator, ordered the grid manager to jack up prices to beyond $9,000 per megawatt-hour, citing “the scarcity conditions in the market” and its “complete authority over ERCOT.”

Both Williams and Piece use power provider Griddy, which has come in for scathing criticism amid the price jumps. But the company has argued that PUCT’s order is to blame for the surge, insisting it “changed the rules” and kept costs “300x higher than the normal wholesale price,” even after the power grid regained sufficient capacity to return to normal levels. The explanation did little to quell critics, however.

While Griddy has kept mum about whether it would waive any of the price increases or offer some form of relief to customers, earlier this week it urged patrons to simply find another provider, with CEO Michael Fallquist saying: “We want what's right by our consumers, so we are encouraging them to leave.

“We made the unprecedented decision to tell our customers – whom we worked really hard to get – that they are better off in the near term with another provider,” he continued.

Griddy and a handful of other providers use a business model that exposes customers to fluctuations in wholesale energy costs in real time, charging a monthly fee of $9.99 on top of the direct cost of electricity. While that approach has often saved patrons money, it did the opposite this week, sending bills to unprecedented highs.

Another Texas provider owned by the city government of San Antonio, CPS Energy, suggested its customers could arrange a payment plan over “10 years or longer” to make the massive bills “more affordable.”

The offer was not received well, triggering threats of boycott and allegations of price gouging. 

“Are you out of your minds? Those of us that had power AND STILL CONSERVED IT are getting rates jacked up?”wrote one irate resident. “I'm not paying 4x the amount I normally would, increased demand or not. Customers should NOT be eating the cost whatsoever.”

As Texas gradually gets its power woes under control, over 100,000 residents remain without electricity, according to data gathered by Governor Greg Abbott, meanwhile, has called for a probe into ERCOT’s handling of the crisis, accusing the grid manager of lying about its ability to cope with the blizzard.

“They said five days before the winter storm hit – the ERCOT CEO assured ERCOT, and I quote, ‘We’re ready for the cold temperatures coming our way,’” Abbott said, adding: “What happened this week to our fellow Texans is unacceptable and cannot be replicated again.”

ALSO ON RT.COMWith 300k still without power, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott launches probe into grid manager, says ERCOT lied about winter storm prep

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The "10 Planks" of the Communist Manifesto
Offered for your education and to compare with today's laws and regulations

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please call us at 703-938-9626 or go to our secure credit card page.

Karl Marx was paid by the "League of the Just" (later named the "Communist League") in 1847 to write the Communist Manifesto, and paid again to rewrite it in 1848.  The Manifesto was intended to incite violent revolution, was a recipe for tyranny itself, and was later used as propaganda (a 'glorious goal' to believe in) to blind followers to the realities of the brutal dictatorships that oppressed all workers and slaughtered millions under Communist rule.  Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and Mao's "Little Red Book" served similar evil and deadly purposes. Many dictators throughout history and today attempt to disguise their tyranny with fancy labels and phony philosophies to make slavery seem somehow just and essential--another example was the earlier doctrine of "divine rule of kings." These 10 steps are just a part of the Manifesto, the full text of which can be found on the web.

Western nations including the United States have gradually implemented virtually all of Marx's 10 key steps toward creating a dictatorship. What are some examples can you find?  Americans would be wise to study the "Ten Planks" and demand that the President and Congress abolish all laws, regulations and agencies which govern these (and all other) unconstitutional seizures of power. Communism was never intended to free man, but to enslave him; indeed the Communist Manifesto promised a "dictatorship of the proletariat" and history proved it always ended up slaughtering and enslaving millions of the proletariat.

Karl Marx's "10 Planks" to seize power and destroy freedom:

  1. Abolition of Property in Land and Application of all Rents of Land to Public Purpose.

  2. A Heavy Progressive or Graduated Income Tax.

  3. Abolition of All Rights of Inheritance.

  4. Confiscation of the Property of All Emigrants and Rebels.

  5. Centralization of Credit in the Hands of the State, by Means of a National Bank with State Capital and an Exclusive Monopoly.

  6. Centralization of the Means of Communication and Transport in the Hands of the State.

  7. Extension of Factories and Instruments of Production Owned by the State, the Bringing Into Cultivation of Waste Lands, and the Improvement of the Soil Generally in Accordance with a Common Plan.

  8. Equal Liability of All to Labor. Establishment of Industrial Armies, Especially for Agriculture.

  9. Combination of Agriculture with Manufacturing Industries; Gradual Abolition of the Distinction Between Town and Country by a More Equable Distribution of the Population over the Country.

  10. Free Education for All Children in Public Schools. Abolition of Children's Factory Labor in it's Present Form. Combination of Education with Industrial Production.

The beast is not a person.

The beast is not a person. It is a life-style that we all follow. We are all slaves to the system already. Just by using fiat currency that is owned by the Rothschild and Rockefeller proofs that we are there slaves. The lending and borrowing of currency with usury attached is forbidden in the Bible and Koran.
The sending of your children to a humanism public school forbidden in the Bible.
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Home Schooling The inefficiency of public schools 417
 'Liability Insurance' of any kind is forbidden in the Bible. Father God holds us all accountably for our own actions and if we injure or damage anyone or a car, house etc. Father God does not approve or give you a pass by paying money to someone to get off or away with a situation.
 You are forbidden in the Bible from owning any land on this planet for it belongs to Father in Heaven. Every 50 years all land must go back to who had it in the first place.
 Therefore, the land stolen from the Palestinians must be returned to them. The share market and bond market is a scam to steal from the poor which is forbidden in the Bible.
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Billions for the bankers. The game is rigged.406
The paying of taxes is a scam. Free education is a scam. Voting is a scam and forbidden in the Bible. The counting of citizens in a country is forbidden in the Bible.
Getting a birth certificate or a marriage certificate from your local state or government is signing your own death certificate…..absolutely forbidden in the bible. IT IS CALLED PASSING YOUR CHILD OR MARRIAGE THROUGH THE FIRE TO MOLECH “Molek”
Leviticus 18:21 ‘You shall not give any of your offspring to offer them to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God; “I AM” the LORD.
Back 3500 years ago parents put their children though the fire “of death” to please there “gods”. Today parents sign their own death warrants by getting a birth certificate from a pagan government, which is called “passing your child through the fire to a pagan god”. One day the pagan god removes your child for misconduct !!!!!!!!!! and you wonder why it happened. Likewise, a marriage certificate is exactly the same. Parents split up, the pagan government; pagan god says they want their piece of your well-earned assets, the wife gets the rest and the husband ends up with nothing accept the bill from the lawyers. Remember, you are the one who signed your life away to a foreign god.
Social security benefits, including unemployment payments are forbidden in the Bible. Father requires us all to work to eat. If you cannot get a job with your trade etc., then get a lower paying job till Father gives what you need. Blood sucking off government benefits is not on. We all must trust Father to supply all our needs. According to the Bible we must live off the land by growing food and in the process to leave a portion for the poor to pick and eat. If you wish you can work to eat, not get paid and still be happy. Most of us live in La-La Land!!!!!!!!!
The mental state of someone who is not aware of what is really happening. La-La Land. “space cadet”
It is FATHER GOD “I AM” desire that we do not waste our lives,
 our substance on riotous living.
The use of drugs in any format is forbidden in the Bible. This is known as witchcraft. Most witches’ use drugs to cast spells. It is ok to use herbs and other natural minerals that Father made for us.
And I was thinking to myself, this could be heaven or this could be hell
By our actions it can be heaven or hell. Deuteronomy 11.26-28
11:26 Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse;
11:27 A blessing, if ye obey The Commandments of the "I AM" you’re God, which I command you this day:
11:28 And a curse, if ye will NOT obey The Commandments of the
 "I AM" your God, but turn aside out of The Way which I command you this day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known.

     The film "They Live", by John Carpenter (1988), demonstrates both the fight on Earth, between the servants of God and the servants of Satan and his mammon-materialism, who are finally discovered, revealed and defeated, and also that things on this planet are seldom as they seem to be, due to Satan’s lies that he has used to deceive the whole world and give people truth-blindness.
      THEY = Abbreviation for - The Hierarchy Enslaving You.
    From They Live!
    ...our impulses are being redirected. We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep… ...the movement was begun eight months ago by a small group of scientists who discovered, quite by accident, these signals being sent through television... ...the poor and the underclass are growing. Racial justice and human rights are nonexistent. They have created a repressive society and we are their unwitting accomplices... ...their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance. They have made us indifferent, to ourselves, to others, we are focused only on our own gain. We ha... ...please understand, they are safe as long as they are not discovered. That is their primary method of survival. Keep us asleep, keep us selfish, keep us sedated... ...they are dismantling the sleeping middle class. More and more people are becoming poor. We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery. The revolution... ...we cannot break their signal, our transmitter is not powerful enough. The signal must be shut off at the source. We have...

    Matthew 10:26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
    10:27 What I tell you in darkness, [that] speak ye in Light: and what ye hear in the ear, [that] preach ye upon the housetops.
    Only those people who WANT to Live by and therefore to fulfill the terms of the Old and New Covenants - which are collectively known as the "New Song", and are willing to give up everything to do so, will be allowed on the ship and to SURVIVE, as Christ says very clearly in his Book of Revelation in chapter 14 v 3 and chapter 15 v 3, which is also the same Book that describes the City called "New Jerusalem" coming down out of the sky in chapter 21 v 2 to pick up ONLY "the Chosen" or "Elect", as happened to Mr. Neary in the film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and to absolutely no-one who is NOT one of the extremely few who are the "Chosen" or "Elect".
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The separation of Church and State               Religion and scripture are the foundations of a free people. Rules and regulations are for slaves.    402

Have YOU ever wondered why people become sick? Is it just chance or is it something they have done that causes the sickness? Why does it not happen the same to everyone? How do you prevent sickness, or heal yourself, if you are sick already?
You will NOT find the answers to these questions in heathen temples, full of false gods - HOSPITALS, or in small shrines that house one false god - a G.P.'s surgery. . .

What IS the "SONG of MOSES"?
For the answer we must turn to the Old Covenant/Testament, to the Fifth Book of Moses, in The Torah (Torah is the collective terminology for the five Books of Moses), called DEUTERONOMY, chapter 31 verse 19:-

"Now therefore write ye this "Song" for you, and teach it the children of Israel: put it in their mouths, that this "Song" (The Covenant) may be a witness for Me against the children of Israel." (If they do not "learn it off by heart" so that they can, and do, "sing" it; and no-one can sing any song unless they "know it off by heart"). That is why God called it a "Song" to let you know that you must learn it off by heart.

The Sabbath (Saturday) was to be used to teach your children to sing this "Song", not hymns or rock and roll etc. but THIS "Song", without which you can NOT survive or live in peace and HARMONY with your fellow man.

    A few "pleasant" effects of some drugs:
    ALCOHOL - makes most of us "happy", initially, and creates the illusion of general friendship; others can be aggressive.
    TOBACCO - calms nerves by relieving the craving it has created.
    VALIUMS - remove (numb) the pain and revulsion at the world that we have created.
    AMPHETAMINES - give us energy and intensity of thought.
    CANNABIS - provokes short-term "peace of mind"; relaxation
    and thought.
    ECSTASY - provokes emotion that people think is joy and love.
    L.S.D. - causes pleasure and a magnified appreciation of the awesome immensity of reality.
    HEROIN - creates a "shield" or "bubble" that protects one from the "outside world vibes".

    All the "pleasant" effects these drugs provoke are; in essence; things that CANNOT be found in the world or system we live in today. Some people, at least, desperately need to feel them. No-one goes around loving each other, we all walk around WARY of each other. When some-one sees the Divine in us (the Being) and smiles in recognition, we think: "What do they want from me?"

    The world or system in which we've been brought up has taught us nothing in relation to these, our spiritual needs. Its only concern has been to teach us to want its products and to feed every want that we might have ("Self"-ish wants)* and ingrain the illegal hierarchy of the "System" deep within us. People who don't mind this "reality" are either VERY STRONG human+Beings, or, I'm sorry to say, humans deeply lacking IN ANY SPIRITUALITY WHATSOEVER.
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The Poisoned Needle, The germ theory and the vaccine theory have led us down the primrose path 400

The Levitical Priesthood Of Tennessee

Christ's Revelation to his Apostle John
13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of its name.
13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of man (created 6th. day); and its number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six (man, man, man).
The beast is not a person. It is a life-style that we all follow. We are all slaves to the system  already. Here below is the evidence that we are slaves to the spirit of the anti-Christ already.

THE BEAST-SYSTEM is the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto which the whole world 7.25 billion already DO and exist and breath every day of their lives.
In 1848, Carl Marx, at the age of 30, entered a competition sponsored by the International Socialist Union of Paris, France. His submission was the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto, which won. The rest, as they say, is history.
So the point is, if you wish to “defeat the Communists”, you must return back to

The Communist Story
We’ve replaced The Ten Commandments with The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto
Are You a Practicing Communist?

The Levitical Priesthood of Tennessee
A preacher approached me in Swanee, Tennessee some years ago and asked me if it was true that I practiced the Law of Moses. I replied that it was true. His next question was if I practiced the sacrificial laws. Perceiving his craftiness by asking this forked question, I asked him if he practiced the Levitical Priesthood in Tennessee. He emphatically denied that he did any such thing, and proceeded to preach me a true fire and brimstone sermon about Christ Crucified and how Jesus did away with the Law of Moses in general, and the sacrificial laws in particular.

Seeing that the man was a Christian in distress over doctrine, I apologized for my outrageous suggestion that HE, of all people, might be a practicioner of the sacrificial system of Tennessee, explaining that I was a stranger from a far, far land called Missouri, and that I had heard the people of Tennessee practiced the Levitical Priesthood, complete with sacrifices and heave offerings, but they called it another name, the 'Judicial System.' As he stared at me for a few minutes, like I'd just announced that I'd taken a ride in a UFO, I asked if they had a Highway Patrol in Tennessee. He said they did, and after a few more questions, it came out that they also had police, lawyers, judges, courts, courthouses, courtrooms complete with bars and benches and, even, fines for criminal activities; the sum total of which constituted the judicial system of the State of Tennessee. Looking at him, I said that the stories I'd heard were true, that the people of Tennessee were indeed a religious lot, which lead him to ask how having police and all the rest was religious. So I told him a story.

Let's say that one day you decide to take a drive, and an ever vigilant policeman sees you tooling along at 80 MPH in a 55 MPH zone, so he takes off after you, and pulls you over. Asking for your driver's license, he notes that it doesn't give you permission to drive 80 MPH in a 55 MPH zone, so he arrests you and hauls you off to the nearest jail. From there, you're brought to the courthouse and into a courtroom, where you face a judge sitting on a bench behind a bar. You're stood beside your lawyer, who enters a plea of guilty, which makes you a criminal. The judge levies a fine and court costs. If you don't like the decision, you can appeal, if necessary all the way to the Supreme Court. So what you have are the civil servants of the State of Tennessee performing their jobs, which constitute the judicial system of the State of Tennessee.

In olden days, this system wasn't called the judicial system, it was called the Levtical Priesthood, and it worked the same way.

Today's policeman was known as the High Priest's servant. As such, he was constantly on the lookout for sin, which is the transgression of the Law (1John 3:4). When he uncovered a sin, he hauled the sinner off to the temple ward, which is today's courthouse/jail combination. Modern courthouses are designed like temples, even to the point of sitting in the town square, so that everything in town revolves around them. The temple is where the High Priest conducted the sacrifices in the Holy Place. It was easy to recognize the High Priest going about his duties because of his long, flowing, often black, robes. When he had to sit in judgement on a sinner, he would go to the Holy Place and go behind the altar, which was behind the veil to the Holy Place. Sound anything like a judge entering a courtroom, and sitting on his bench, which is behind the bar? In order for a sinner to pass through the veil and approach the High Priest required an intercessor, who helped in your prayer to the High Priest concerning your sin. Sound like a lawyer entering a plea? When the accused admitted his guilt, he became a sinner. The High Priest then commanded him to perform penance, oftimes in the form of sacrifices, which he called a sin offering. He would also impose a heave offering, to reimburse him for his time. Sounds more and more like a modern court, with you entering a plea of guilty, and having fines and court costs levied. If the sinner thought the High Priest was not acting properly, he could go before the Aaronic Priesthood, if necessary all the way to Moses, which is essentially the same as going through the court of appeals to the Supreme Court. So, what you had were the Levites of Israel performing their jobs which constituted the Levitical Priesthood of Israel. What's the phrase, 'a rose by any other name...?'
So, I closed by chiding this Christian preacher a little, reminding him that he practices the sacrificial system of the State of Tennessee every time he goes into court. Remember, Tennessee is a sovereign, sovereigns make laws, lawmakers are gods, violating laws is sin, sins require sacrifice as a matter of law, either Civil or Common, and people who practice the religion of the United States make sacrifices to their god, voluntarily or involuntarily.

The Levitical Priesthood Of Tennessee
The Police = The High Priest's Servants
Crimes = Sins
The Jail = The Ward
The Courthouse = The Temple
The Courtroom = The Holy Place
The Judge = The High Priest
The Bench = The Altar
The Bar = The Veil
Lawyers = Intercessors
Pleas = Prayers
Being Guilty of a Crime = Being Guilty of a Sin
Criminals = Sinners
Fines = Sin Offerings
Court Costs = Heave Offering
The Supreme Court = The Holy of Holies

The Judicial System = The Levitical Priesthood


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