Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Tuesday 19 January 2021



TELL ME, IS STAR-WARS A WORK OF FICTION OR IS IT REAL that happened in this galaxy only a few 1000 years ago.

There actually was a REAL star war thousands of human years ago, in this galaxy, on the "Morning Star" [Venus] (Revelation 12 v 7; 22 v 16; Isaiah 14 v 12 in the king James Authorised Version of the Bible [which was the ONLY translation worth reading until the new "King of kings' Bible" was completed]);) and you were ALL on the losing side.



(Episodes 4 to 7 inclusively)

Fact NOT Fiction

by JAH

SEVEN IS CHRISTS NUMBER, So Episodes seven explains it very easy, so as you read the following you will feel the “force awaken in you”.


 THE STORIES THEY TOLD, THEY ARE ALL TRUE. EVERY ONE OF THEM. Even the actors tell you too. open your eyes.


George Lucas quite naturally believes that he wrote "Starwars", when, in reality, he was told telepathically what to write in the original first three Episodes (4-6), by the very "Force" to which the films refer, and was "forced" to make only episodes 4-6, first, as a very important step in the preparation of mankind for the long-awaited TRUTH, about the real reasons for human life on Earth ("what on earth am I doing here?"), the meaning of life and its purpose, contained in "The Way home or face The Fire", from which episodes 1-3 should have been made, as I did my best, frequently, to tell him.


Unfortunately George Lucas has exercised his "Free-will"; ignored me and made Episode 1 - "The Phantom Menace"; with arrogant actors who publicly ridicule the real message and the real fans, which undermines the original theme and Divine Message; contradicts it and is mere fiction (lies), telepathically fed to him by the Dark-side force (Satan), to try to confuse everyone and undo the good (God's) message contained in the earlier three films (Episodes 4-6). This is Satan's standard-practice and very predictable. He has done it with the Old Testament; New Testament and Koran and the three major religions who claim to be based on them.


Not understanding that he was being told telepathically, Lucas thinks that "Starwars" came from his imagination, which is a perfectly normal human reaction that many people have had over the centuries. Rudyard Kipling thought that he wrote "IF"; Oscar Wilde thought that he wrote "The Picture of Dorian Gray"; Joe Darion thought he wrote the words to "The Impossible Dream"; Steven Spielberg thinks he wrote "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and the list is endless.


Although "Starwars" (Episodes 4-6) is set as science-fiction and in a distant galaxy to make it entertaining, it actually refers to this galaxy and life on Earth.


There actually was a REAL star war thousands of human years ago, in this galaxy, on the "Morning Star" [Venus] (Revelation 12 v 7; 22 v 16; Isaiah 14 v 12 in the king James Authorised Version of the Bible [which was the ONLY translation worth reading until the new "King of kings' Bible" was completed]); (Koran sura 6:76 and 86:1-4) and you were ALL on the losing side.


It is IMPERATIVE that I say, at this point, that the "Star" of Bethlehem was a SPACESHIP and that God and Christ are aliens and the Books known to you as the Old Testament; New Testament and Koran are NOT religious Books in the way that you all think of religion today. These Books are a guide/map sent by the "Force" from the Morning Star and which have been taken and used; abused and mis-interpreted by the various Religious Organisations for their own material benefit.


In the film, "O.B.1 - Kanobi" tells Luke Skywalker about the "Force" and describes it as a good energy field that gives a JEDI his power and which surrounds us, penetrates us and binds the galaxy (Universe in reality) together ("love thy neighbour") and he goes on to say that it is created by all Living things and that Life makes it grow, which is repeated later on by YODA.


In fact, the "Force" Itself is the source and Creator of Life and it is Love (not sex) that makes it grow. This small mistake about the creation of Life and the "Force" is the only mistake that O.B.1 and YODA make and everything else that they say about the "Force" and how to use it are perfectly correct.


O.B.1 tells Skywalker that he must learn The Way of the "Force" and how to use the "Force" so that he can help others and Luke replies that he has work to do and that he hates evil, but there is nothing he can do about it, which reflects and symbolises almost everyone on Earth's attitude and reply.


Once Luke has lost his human family and all his material possessions, which are the things that bind him to the Earth and he has "nothing to lose" except his human life, he decides to learn to "use the Force" and fight to put the world right, symbolising what the Disciples did (Luke 18 v 28-30).


The demonstration, where O.B.1 tells the storm-troopers that they do not need to see Luke's identification and that he can move along and go about his business demonstrating that the "Force" can have a strong effect on the weak-minded, actually works, but it works telepathically via the "Force", not with spoken words. It is done with words in the film because it cannot be shown telepathically on a film-screen.


The coffee-bar full of weird creatures symbolises many of the places you have been yourselves, full of "creatures of the night", not all of whom are really bad, but where some boast of their evil deeds and fighting ability and who pick fights with you for no reason.


Luke starts to learn to use the "Force," firstly trying to use his human eyes, then later whilst wearing a helmet with the "blast-shield" down (Ephesians 6 v 17) so that he cannot see, symbolising "blind-faith".



He is told not to trust his human eyes because they can deceive him (like yours deceive you) but to stretch out with his feelings (not human emotions) and feel the "Force" around him, guiding him and protecting him from attack.


The "Light-sabre" symbolises a combination of the Guiding-Light ("I am the Guiding-Light of the world" - John 8 v 12), and the Two-edged Sword of TRUTH (Ephesians 6 v 17; Hebrews 4 v 12; Revelation 1 v 16 & 19 v 15) [like "Excalibre" - the Sword of Power] which guides people with "blind-faith" and cuts through the lies; deceit and evil of this evil empire (Earth) and protects you from evil attack, both mental and physical, like a suit of armour (Ephesians 6 v 10-19). "He who draws Excalibre (the TRUTH) from this 'Stone' (Christ - Genesis 49 v 24; Daniel 2 v 34; 1 Peter 2 v 4-9) shall be king" (Revelation 1 v 6) - FREE (John 8 v 32, 36; 1 Corinthians 7 v 22).


The "remote" ball that shoots out red "fiery darts" to attack him from all angles, symbolises the way that Satan will attack you from every possible angle if you do good in the world (Ephesians 6 v 16) and that, using the "Force" and the "Light-sabre", you can always defend yourself (Ephesians 6 v 10-19). Satan will always attack anyone who does good in the world because by doing good you have become a threat to him. He will attack you from every possible angle; from within telepathically, with fear and your imagination running riot; and from without by sending people to get in your way to try to stop you.


To be able to wear the "Force's" Armour you have to first be able to find it and you can only do that by following the Guiding Light's instructions (Christ's True Secret Teaching in John 3 and the Gospel of Thomas - The Doubter), even if you do it unknowingly.

Bible Verses about Knowing God

The Bible is NOT a book of religion; it has nothing to do with organised religions. Organised religions have turned Fathers word, the Bible into useless rites, customs, creed, doctrines and dogma.

The Bible is all about building the broken relationship between God and man.

Father God uses His Son Jesus Christ to bring about Fellowship and a relationship once again so we can Know Father God personally in a real (reality) and truthful knowledge of the Fathers love.


If you wish to go down the road of rites, customs, creed, doctrines and dogma you will totally miss the whole purpose of what Father wants to do in your life.

Organised religions can teach rites, customs, creed, doctrines and dogma but they cannot take the place of knowing God. Only Father God has the right to a personal relationship with you.

Satan is a master of deception and lies. He will try to take the place of Father God and pretend to love you and offer you many pleasures and desires of the heart.

Satan loves to use organised religions to mislead and misguide all of us away from Knowing Fathers love. Like I said before, Only Father God has the right to a personal relationship with you. NO ONE ON THIS PLANET HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE HIS PLACE.

Rites, customs, creed, doctrines and dogma is all to do with a believe system.

Conclusion, in regards to the Bible, It is simply a road map on how to get home to heaven by knowing The Fathers love. Fellowship + relationship = Knowing God


Once Luke feels the "Force" and blocks the "fiery darts", O.B.1 tells him he has "just taken his first step into a larger world" - the real world, the spirit world, immortality and eternity and is no longer a slave to this material world, but has taken his first step into God's Kingdom here on Earth.


Han Solo, who portrays the typical human; scornful; sceptical attitude, says it is luck because he doesn't believe that there is one all-powerful (Almighty) Force controlling everything and that there is no mystical energy-field controlling his destiny. Han, like most humans, does not believe, nor has "blind-faith", in anything he cannot see or touch, so later on he gets into terrible trouble and has no "Light-sabre" with which to defend himself and Luke has to save him.


When their spaceship is caught in a "tractor-beam" which is physically more powerful than their ship O.B.1 says they cannot win by physical fighting, but that there are alternatives to physical fighting when you are physically out-numbered.


Once their ship has been drawn by the "tractor-beam" into the control of the empire, they then connect their droid - R.2.D.2 - to the Death-Star's main computer (via the Internet) and R.2.D.2 finds the location of the power-source controlling the "tractor-beam" which is keeping them from leaving and makes it appear on the computer-monitor.



The location of the "power-source" is shown as being a shape similar to a church door / arch-way, which appears on the computer-monitor to show that the evil Empire uses all organised religions to deceive the masses and to draw people into them and to keep them under their control and away from God (The Force).


The tractor beam is coupled to the main-reactor in seven locations, which represents the seven churches that Christ condemned in the Apocalypse / Revelation. Seven, in Scripture, is the number of completeness and, in referring to the seven churches, Christ is condemning all churches and organised religions.


The "Force" then guides OB1 to the power source of the "tractor-beam" (organised religions - bureaucracy - officialdom - oppression) which overpowered them and showed him how to neutralise its power, without physically harming anyone.


Han and Luke, however, in complete contrast, had to fight physically, like maniacs, because they did not know how to use the "Force".


Luke offers to go with O.B.1, but is told that his destiny lies along a different path, even though they were going in the same direction, just as each of you are individuals and have a different path; but The Way is The Same.


When Luke finds out that the princess is a prisoner and wants to rescue her, Han Solo won't help him because he is selfish and doesn't want to risk his own life, to save hers. "But they are going to execute her" (Luke). "Better her than me" (Han)! Typical human attitude.


Luke is about to give up on Han, when the "Force" tells him telepathically that if Han won't help because it's the right thing to do, then Luke must appeal to his sense of greed. He does and Han changes his mind and helps rescue her. They then follow her advice (like Adam does with Eve) and get into worse trouble until the "Force" again comes to the rescue and tells Luke to use his communicator to get help.


Han then says that if they can avoid any more female advice (women's liberation - 1 Timothy 2 v 11-14 note well Genesis 3 v 17) they will be able to get out of trouble and that no material reward is worth the female abuse he is getting (Hell has no fury like a woman's scorn).


O.B.1 then has to fight, using his blue "Light-sabre" against Darth Vader with his red light-sabre which symbolises Satan's dark (side) force and he tells Vader that he cannot win because if he strikes him down he will become more powerful than he (Vader) can possibly imagine.


Deciding it better to sacrifice his own human life, for the benefit of his friends and the common-good of all who hate evil, he voluntarily allows himself to be sacrificed whilst his friends escape ("greater Love hath no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his friends" - John 15 v 13).


This is a demonstration of "Self-sacrifice" i.e. the total destruction of his own selfishness (following Jesus' example on the cross - "I am The Way" you have to be, to be able to follow me back to Heaven - "I am NOT from this world" - John 8 v 23).


Once O.B.1 had destroyed his own selfishness he knew that he would have passed the "Force's" test and would become a "Being of Light" or angel again and so would be more powerful than Vader could possibly imagine, becoming his real self again (his soul) and be able to be Luke's "guardian angel", which he actually does become.


Luke does not understand and thinks O.B.1 is dead, just as you do about each other, and cannot believe that he is gone until he learns that O.B.1 is still alive and has become his guardian angel.


Darth Vader symbolises the Devil's disciples of whom this world has seen many, e.g. Adolf Hitler - the anti-christ 666 ("storm-troopers" with their cylindrical pouches hanging from the back of their waists just like Hitler's storm-troopers had), who have used the dark-force - Satan's powers to wreak havoc and evil on mankind (please see my "The Real Darth Vader" Booklet). Hitler was actually trained as a Satanist. These people have always been beaten by people who were not afraid to lay down their human lives, for the benefit of others (Churchill said, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."). At the end of the first film, the fighters are reminiscent of "The Battle of Britain".


It should be obvious to you by now that Vader's emperor symbolises Satan and the evil empire is Earth, where we are in "the dark-times" because Satan is ruling, due to a desperate shortage of JEDI Knights. That is why the Earth is so bad and full of evil with child-molesting; raping; mugging; murdering; adultery; religious, political and commercial wars etc. etc. etc.


The empire then plays a trick on the heroes and lets them escape with a homing-device onboard, but, as with all tricks, it eventually back-fires on them and brings about their own downfall.


One of the emperor's governors says that the regional governors (national governments) will take control of their territories (countries - using their Tie- [collar and tie] Fighters) and that their technological terrors (military weapons) will keep the locals (you) in line.


Vader, their high-priest, then says, when challenged, that they should not be too proud of the technological terrors that they have constructed because the ability to destroy a planet (nuclear weapons) is insignificant compared to the power of the "Force" and that he finds his colleague's lack of "faith" disturbing.


Han starts to boast about their escape and says he is not helping because it is the right thing to do, or even out of Love, and that he is only in it for the money. The princess then tells him that if money is all that he cares about then that will be all that he will receive and says to Luke that she wonders if Han really cares about anyone, or anything, except himself and money. This is again the typical human attitude and symbolises the fact that if you are selfish and care only about yourself and money you will never find true happiness (Joy) and real Love and friendship and the contentment brought about by a sense of real achievement at having faced all the odds and having won because you did what was right and didn't give-in. Money can buy you none of those things.


The empire's weakness is found and symbolises that one man, if he hits the right spot, can cause a chain-reaction that will destroy the whole system and that he will have the advantage because the system thinks that it is too big and too powerful to be destroyed by one fighter. This under-estimation on the part of the system then gives the advantage to the single but determined to win, come what may, fighter. This is to show you that you CAN do something and can win if you have enough faith and use the "Force's" guidance (Matt. 21 v 21 where the words 'mountain' and 'sea' are code-words for 'government' and 'people', respectively). For further information about codes, please read my "Four Horsemen" Booklet.


Han collects his money and is leaving when he is needed most and even tries to get Luke to run away from his responsibilities (like Peter does - Matt. 16 v 22) and Luke tells him to take care of himself because it seems that that is what Han is best at (like Matt. 16 v 23).


Luke is upset because he thought that in Han he had found a real friend and that Han had changed but finds out that Han is only a 'fair-weather' friend. Princess Leia tells Luke that everyone must choose their own path and no-one can choose it for them (which applies to all of you too).


Luke, under telepathic-guidance from his guardian-angel O.B.1, uses the "Force" to destroy the evil-oppressor when everyone else, relying on human-technology, has failed miserably.


Han; having second-thoughts because his conscience (the "Force") has pricked him and shamed him into not being so selfish; returns at just the right moment (Divine Timing) and helps Luke to destroy the enemy.


Leia is excited and says that she knew that doing what was right was really more important to Han than money.


Even the robots display unselfishness with C3PO offering some of his parts to help repair R2D2.


In the second film, of the trilogy, O.B.1 tells Luke that he must go to the Day-go-by System and learn from YODA - the JEDI Master (teacher) who instructed O.B.1.


The Day-go-by System and YODA (YO/DA - YOur DAily) the JEDI (JE/DI - JEsus' DIsciple) teacher symbolised in the film by a planet and a wise alien teacher respectively are actually a daily (YOur DAily) type of learning system and a Book (called "God Calling" by Two Listeners, published by Arthur James, available from all good book-shops).


Luke says the Day-go-by System contains no cities (concentrations of evil) or technology, but massive Life readings (it is a Book) ("the Words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are Life" - John 6 v 63).


YODA tells Luke that wars do not make one great because Luke has the wrong idea about fighting, just like Peter had when he cut off the High-Priest's servant's ear - John 18 v 10.


Everything that YODA tells Luke about the "Force" and how to learn to use it is perfectly correct.


The cave symbolises the dark-side (Genesis 6 v 5) and the imagination (when it runs riot with fear and evil imaginings) or "Cavern of your mind", inside of which there is only what you take with you and obviously you need no physical weapons to enter your mind and overcome your fears and find calm, peace of mind - all you need is the "Force".


Once Luke has found YODA, the emperor (Satan - Lucifer) says that he has a new enemy who could destroy his evil empire and put the world right and bring peace, Love and harmony, to everyone. (Like Muad'Dib does in the film "Dune" - please see my "Dune-Gibraltar" Booklet).


Luke practises standing on his head with YODA and R2D2 standing on his upturned feet, which symbolises that he is training himself to use the "Force" so well that he can do it "standing on his head". YODA and R2D2, being supported by Luke's feet symbolises that when he loses his "blind-faith" and thereby the "Force's" help, he lets down not only himself but those who are depending upon him to succeed.


YODA tells him that he must UNLEARN what the world has taught him and that we are really "Luminous Beings" ("Beings of Light" - angels) and NOT crude human-matter - John 3 v 5 & 6; Matt. 22 v 30.


Closing his eyes, symbolising his own "blind-faith", YODA moves Luke's spaceship, out of the swamp, onto dry land; after Luke has already "tried" and failed, making the situation worse for whoever comes after him, because of his lack of faith; symbolising that enough faith can move a mountain (Matt. 17 v 19-20). YODA then grunts "Thank You" to the good "Force" for having helped him to move the ship.


Luke says he doesn't believe it and YODA tells him that that is why he fails (Matt. 17 v 19-20 & 13 v 58).



Through the remainder of the film and its sequel, Luke learns more and more faith; control and how to use the "Force", fighting progressively harder fights against more and more difficult adversaries, as part of his training, until he eventually fights against Vader (the Black Pope), who is a real devil's disciple. Luke loses because he has not mastered his "Self"-control and use of the "Force".


Vader then tells Luke that he is his "father" (Matt. 23 v 9) and tries to pull him back from becoming a JEDI, symbolising Matt. 10 v 34-37 - "I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man in dis-agreement with his father and a man's foes SHALL BE they of his own household. He that loves father or mother more than me: and he who loves son or daughter more than me is NOT worthy of me".



Luke escapes, by being prepared to sacrifice his human-life rather than do evil, and is left hanging upside down on a cross after refusing to join his father. He is then rescued with the assistance of the "Force". Luke continues his training, gaining more and more faith, until he has really mastered the technique and becomes a JEDI Knight, at which point he has become invincible. He eventually fights Vader again and wins, but refuses to kill him because he feels that there is still some good in Vader (even in the most evil people there is some good).


The emperor then attacks Luke when he drops his defence and Vader defends him, giving his own life in the process.


Luke still doesn't understand about the human physical body and the soul because he wants to save Vader's human-life and Vader tells him that Luke's Love and actions causing Vader to turn from evil to good and give his life for others has saved him and earned him his right to become a "Being of Light" again (angel) and then O.B.1; YODA and Vader (Anakin Skywalker) are all shown as angels.


I hope that I have succeeded in proving to you all that although "Starwars" is shown as science-fiction, the theme running through it is TRUE and refers to this planet and shown you that what Luke Skywalker learns is what each and every one of you HAS TO learn in order to get out of Hell, which is where you are now, and become an angel again and go home, never having to wear crude, smelly, clumsy, human-matter again. YODA calls that state of freedom from matter "forever sleep" - like a wonderful dream.


You must learn The Way of the "Force" and become JEDI Knights and fight to put the world right. The ONLY alternative is to face the IMMINENT Apocalypse; the "Fire" and be executed for YOUR war crimes.


In the same way that you know "Starwars" and the "Force" are not religious by today's understanding of the word, I hope that I have now convinced you of the TRUTH that the Old Testament; New Testament; Koran; God and Christ are not religious (by today's definition) either and that I have helped you all towards a new (to you), TRUE and SENSIBLE understanding of the Teachings. You should read the new "King of kings' Bible", which contains all three Holy Books.


I have kept this explanation as short as possible because if I had gone into detail on every point, it would have become a book, and I have already written a Book (The Way home or face The Fire) to explain everything in detail.


Copyright © 1985 revised 1999 - JAH - all rights reserved.


George Lucas has been given all his world-wide success with "Starwars", by the "Force", so that the world would see the films in preparation for the "long-awaited" TRUTH contained in His new Book, called "The Way home or face The Fire", which explains everything you need to know, and some of you have always wondered about but had no-one to ask. This Book, along with the Book - "YODA JEDI Master*" and total commitment on your part, will teach you how to SURVIVE the Apocalypse and eventually earn you your right to go HOME.

* YODA (YO/DA - YOur DAily) JEDI (JE/DI - JEsus' DIsciple) Master / Teacher is actually a daily

(YOur DAily) type of learning system in a Book called "God Calling" by Two Listeners, published by Arthur James and available from most good book-shops. It is also available from JAH. Please click here for details. You cannot afford to be without them.


TODAY IS THE DAY! Share if your excited! Like if you are going to Star Wars: The Force Awakens


Star Wars Shadow Art


Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Trailer


 Even the actors tell you to open your eyes.



Common Market:

 Every Last One of us -Lyric


One of Us by Joan Armatrading Every Last One of us Immortal "Beings of Light"


I've been deceived by the likes of thieves who breathe bluffs,

 tell me: who can I trust?




Every Last One of Us! Immortal "Beings of Light"


Calumny surrounds me on all sides – who wanna see injustice crushed?



Every Last One of Us! Immortal "Beings of Light"


If I get sent up for sayin' too much



 – who's gonna break me off the back of the bus?



Every Last One of Us! Immortal "Beings of Light"


My stamina's diminished , if I can't finish ,who's coming through in the clutch?




Every Last One of Us! Immortal "Beings of Light"


Worn from the struggle – startin' to show fatigue, son



Blast on the horn of Gabriel to tell the legion



I'mma hold the line until the time that my relief comes


These are the coded words which the Living Jesus spoke


Divine infantry supply the energy to feed from

Immortal "Beings of Light" (Spirit/Energy)



Empowered, endowed with the ability to reason

“I AM” Lord Guardian Of Divinity, King, Ruler OVER ALL


Allowed the opportunity to choose or disbelieve some

“I AM” decided to demonstrate His love and mercy TO ALL


Seek to find the truth and you possess the key to freedom

Prince Michael, Commander-in-Chief of the JEDI Knights,


Then understand it's your responsibility to teach one



Exponentially increase the delegates



We politic with activists not asses and elephants




Rectify and edify a new central intelligence



Based upon dissemination of knowledge and evidence



Imagine the impact and prevalence



Of regiments designed to change questions to definite’s


“Jesus Disciples”


The resonance is rising up in every residence,

But unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings;


My brethren will be the testament “Living Epistles”

Jesus said, "Make DISCIPLES (JEDI) of all nations" NOT Christians.


When the clock strikes twelve and the heads rebel – who's gonna usher the rush?




Every Last One of Us! Immortal "Beings of Light"


When the state of things change and the truth is explained, who's gon' be ready to adjust, huh?

The Morning Star (Venus) is inhabited by immortal "Beings of Light" (Spirit/Energy) whose civilisation, based on "pure" love, is zillions of years old.


Every Last One of Us! Immortal "Beings of Light"


When the streets are overtaken by fleets of green jeeps – who's facing the influx?



Every Last One of Us! Immortal "Beings of Light"


And when the last shot's fired at the empire – who shall emerge from the dust?



Every Last One of Us! FOR EVER, AMEN


The vision of our mission intimidates theocracy



Apostles of Revelations whose station is a mockery

Organized religions have turned Fathers word, the Bible into useless rites, customs, creed, doctrines and dogma.


Self-proclaimed authoritative vein of the prophecy



They strain when they struggle to explain the anomaly

The Bible is NOT a book for the dead but for the living.


It's our intent to re-implement modesty

Malachi,4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.


Demandin' self-respect be the market's hottest commodity



Regulate the wealth and decimate extreme poverty

During a Jubilee year, The Law requires that:



And educate the kids with every dollar from the lottery



We 'bout to change the mentality




Of old world savagery into a new reality



One where teachers and lawyers will trade salaries



And liquor stores are razed to make way for art galleries-for

God’s favourite hobby is painting pictures of himself in you


With one common thread we weave a global tapestry

Let God paint your Canvas!


Peace will be your motto when you follow the analogy



Down from the mountains to echo throughout the valley



It's the shouts of the soldiers in my cavalry



When the system finally falls – who people gon' call on to show conduct?



Every Last One of Us! Immortal "Beings of Light"


When the new sun rises and we've all survived – who knows it's not just luck?

Malachi, chapter 4 4:2 But unto you that fear My name shall the SUN of Righteousness ARISE with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and GROW UP as calves of the stall.


4:3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in The Day that I shall do [this], saith the "I AM" Lord of hosts.


4:4 Remember ye and return to The Law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, [with] the Statutes and Judgments.


Every Last One of Us! Immortal "Beings of Light"


It's a kingdom that we gotta construct – who's ready to build from the ground up?

THE FREEMEN, THE JEDI KNIGHT WARRIORS WILL, WITH FATHERS WILL POWER by using the "Light" and the "Force", which is the force of love.


Every Last One of Us! Immortal "Beings of Light"


Who's ready to commit? This is it, y'all – people unite and say what?



Matthew 13:47 Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like unto a NET, that was cast into the sea “of mankind”, and gathered of every kind: of inter-NET which is found only at



Every Last One of Us! Immortal "Beings of Light"



Let God Paint your Canvas

Free on



Pictures are made to be put in an Art Gallery.

For when you go into an Art Gallery, you go to see the picture, not the frame. It’s the picture that has the ability to tell the stories. For when you examine the picture you must be able to see it clearly. It must be up high on the wall, where all can see. You don’t hide it under a bush or put it under a mattress, or bury it like a talent under the ground. It must be exposed, or it can never tell a story. Like the eagles in the painting, they were creating to abide high up, under the shadow of thee All-Mighty. To make their nest upon the solid rock, as close as possible to the SON (sun).

Therefore, you are created for greatness and to live on the word and to abide in the presence of the SON (sun) for ever. Amen to that.


Father’s favourite hobby is painting pictures of HIS IMAGE in you.


The picture you now have, are you willing to lift it up in a gallery for all to see!


Father desire for you is to be “ART FOR LIFE”.


If you are willing, allow Father to draw His picture in your life,


For He is the Master Craftsman.


Let God paint your Canvas! For when he paints, He does only one part at a time.


The painting will progress, but there is always conditions attached.


But that is another story for another time.

Today Father would say

 “Let Me paint your Canvas”.

Amen to that.


The Gospel According to Thomas Chapter 1:1-3

1:1 These are the coded words which the Living Jesus spoke and Didymos (twin) Judas Thomas wrote.

1:2 And He said: Whoever finds the explanation of these words will not taste death.

1:3 Jesus said: Let him who seeks [the Truth], not cease seeking until he finds, and when he finds, he will be troubled (by the truth about his "Self" and by the rest of the world, who, like his "Self" are drunk on Satan's lies - Rev. 12:9), and when he has been troubled (overcomes his "Self" and the world),

1:13 Jesus said: Do not lie; and do not do what you hate (keep The Commandments and do God's Will), for all things are manifest before Heaven (God knows it all: He knows what is in the heavens, and what is on earth. And God has power over all things. - Koran Sura 3:29 and He knows everything you have ever done; said and thought). For there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed and there is nothing covered that shall remain without being uncovered.

The Gospel According to Thomas Chapter4:9

 Jesus saw children who were being suckled. He said to his disciples: These children who are being suckled are like those who enter the Kingdom. (El Shaddai -  the Breasted One - God). A baby suckling has only one source of nourishment and can have no other. Those who enter the Kingdom have ONLY God as their supply of Spiritual food and no other.   

7:5 Jesus said: Become "Passers-by" (do not become attached to anybody or anything other than God; Christ and the Truth).

8:7 Jesus said: Blessed are the solitary and Elect, for you shall find the Kingdom; because you come from it and you shall go there again.

13:5 Jesus said: Many are standing at the door, but the solitary (who are dependent on nobody and nothing except God) are the ones who will enter the Bridal Chamber (the New Jerusalem).

13:6 Jesus said: The Kingdom of the Father is like a man, a merchant, who possessed merchandise (worldly substance) and found a pearl-- pot of gold (the Truth). That merchant was prudent. He sold the merchandise, he bought the one pearl for himself (gave up his worldly possessions to possess the Truth).

13:7 Do you also seek for the treasure which fails not (God's Promise of Eternal Life), which endures, there [in heaven] where no moth comes near to devour and where no worm destroys.

15:18 Jesus said: Whoever drinks [the Water of Life] from My mouth (believes the words I speak) shall become as I am and I myself will become he (My "Self" is crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I [the "Self"], but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God - Gal. 2:20), and the hidden things shall be revealed to him (John 16:7-13).


Isaiah 28:13-17

28:13 But the Word of the "I AM" was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, [and] there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

The Bible, the TORAH is a book of LAW and it is written in such a way that nobody can understand it. Any books of law that are written are always coded so that a Judge, Lawyer or Barrister can clearly understand the meaning or statute or precept that is required in the given situation.

The TORAH is written in the same fashion. For the novice which is you and me, it must be “CODE PLEADED OUT” to bring a clear understanding of FATHER’S WORD, COMMANDMENTS, LAWS AND STATUTES.

All Judges, Lawyers or Barristers always CODE PLEAD OUT a situation so that they can win a case or defend a case as based on the law that they are governed by.


According to the Bible, Christ is the King of kings and His Government is based on the TORAH.

Therefore, we must code plead out FATHER’S WORD, COMMANDMENTS, LAWS, STATUTES AND PRECEPTS so we can LIVE and DO and BE all that our King requires.

Apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists have NEVER

“CODE PLEADED OUT” the Torah and do not understand it.

Therefore, they are blind guides that cause many too full in the ditch-hell fire. Warning, stay away from them, you do not need them.


All you need is in 1 John

2:20 But ye have an anointing from the Holy One (with the "oil" of understanding), and ye know all things.

2:27 But the anointing which ye have received from him abideth in you, and ye need NOT that any MAN teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is Truth, and is no lie, and even like it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

All scripture that is “CODE PLEADED OUT” will keep you on the straight path and lead you into TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS.


28:13 But the Word of the "I AM" was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line;

This is how it works….

28:13 But the Word of the "I AM" was unto them

Law interprets laws,

 Precept interprets precepts;

 Line interprets lines,

Statute interprets statutes,

Scripture interprets scriptures.




From the beginning to the end of the age.

1948 AA------------------------------------------------------------ Abram is born.

1948 AD----14th May 1948. ------------Zionist State of Israel is created.

1948 AD---22/4/1948.-- the "Fig Tree" revived—the return of the King


1988AA----------------- ABRAM   LIVES   WITH   NOAH AND   SHEM WHO


1988 AD------- On The Way to Emmaus Again, On 13/June/1988, in fulfilment of prophecy THE King of kings makes his appearance.


1998AA-------------------------------ABRAM SMASHES HIS   FATHERS   IDOLS


666 X 6 = 1998 which is the number of man/beast. Man, man and man

Now it is time to burn our idols of lust of the eyes and flesh and pride.



1999AA--------------------------------ABRAM   GETS   MARRIED   TO   SARAI

1999AD ------------------------THE King of internet makes his appearance

Quatrain 10,72


L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois

Du ciel viendra un grand Roi d'effrayeur

Rescuciter le grand Roi d'Angoulmois.

Avant apres Mars regner par bon heur.


The year 1999 seven (sept) month (July or Sept-ember)

From heaven will come a great King of Terror/Alarm/Warning (Prophet - Elijah - see the Old Testament Book of Malachi chapter 4)


He will bring back to life the Great King of Israel (Christ from the Tribe of Joseph/Ephraim - Genesis 49:10; 22-24 k.J.A.V. of Bible).

Before (warning) after war (Armageddon) reigns in good (God's) time - (the Seventh i.e. the Sabbath Millennium - the third millennium A.D.).


Matthew 13:47 Again, the Kingdom of heaven is like unto a NET, that was cast into the sea “of mankind”, and gathered of every kind: of inter-NET which is found only at


2006 AA---------------------- Noah dies, beginning of a new age with Abraham.

It is Fathers "I AM" desire that we are to follow and live by the religion of Abraham and do and believe all he did for he was "true in faith".

By believing only God, Abraham began to reverse his fall from heaven and then from Eden and started his journey home. He is also regarded as the example to all of his children to follow in order to begin their own journey towards salvation. Abraham proved his faith in God by being willing to sacrifice the thing that he valued the most in the world, which was his 'miracle' son that God gave him when Abraham was a hundred years old. Because Abraham proved that he was willing to go through with it, he was stopped at the last moment and told that it was a test. The forfeit was then not taken and Abraham didn't have to sacrifice his son. Abraham had to pass this test to prove that he was trustworthy and would never doubt or go against God's Will, no matter what the apparent cost to himself or others was.

2006 AD------------ completion of 120 jubilees, beginning of a new age with the KING of kings.

120 x 50 = 6000 years exactly expires from 3996 after Adam to 31/12/2005 is 6000 years expired. NOW WE HAVE THE KING OF kings to contend with.


2008 AA----------- Sodom and Gomorrah rebel against God’s Authority.

2008 AD-----------Sodom and Gomorrah rebel against God’s Anointed One starting with the BBC.


The film “7/7 Ripple Effect” is finished and publicly released electronically on the Internet on the 5th November 2007 (Guy Fawke’s Day – Divine Timing), and goes viral, sending ripples and waking up sleepers across Britain and around the world, as intended.


Muad’Dib also sends out physical DVD copies during May/June 2008, when the first trial of the three men is taking place at Kingston, because He believes those men to be innocent and cannot stand by and do nothing and allow innocent men to spend years in prison for something they did not do. Later, on 1st August 2008, it is reported that the jury in this trial cannot arrive at a verdict after three weeks of consideration, and the judge dismisses them. Perhaps “7/7 Ripple Effect” has something to do with THIS; as you might glean from reading on; ensuring the accused are not wrongfully found guilty and sentenced, yet.


On 19th August 2008, a BBC Conspiracy Files film crew which is preparing a hit-piece on 7/7 Truth, tracks down Muad’Dib’s residence and ambushes Him, cameras rolling, attempting to get Him to reply to evil loaded questions. Muad’Dib doesn’t speak a word to them and walks past them. This takes place AFTER email exchanges between BBC representatives and Muad’Dib, initiated by the BBC, where Muad’Dib states His conditions in order to agree to take part in their programme about His film, which they refused to agree to.


As a direct result of Muad’Dib’s non-compliance with the government propaganda organ called the BBC, in aiding them to produce a hit-piece to smear 7/7 Truth and undo the ripples caused by the film, the authorities are forced to resort to their plan B: His arrest, and (as of now) attempted extradition to face trial in England. Please bear in mind the DVD’s are sent in May/June, and they wait till AFTER the BBC’s failed attempts in August to trump up the charge of “attempting to pervert the course of justice”. Also bear in mind that the film "7/7 Ripple Effect" has already been publicly available for at least six months before Muad’Dib mails copies to the judge and jury.


A European arrest warrant requested by the British authorities is issued on the 17th January 2009, TWO DAYS before the re-trial of the three accused begins at Kingston, on 19th January 2009.


Then, on Tuesday 10th February 2009, Muad’Dib’s home is invaded by policy enforcers known as Gardaí, who broke the peace instead of keeping it. He is arrested and computers, printer, DVD-burner and also documents forming part of His Defence are stolen and remain so to this day. Not even a search warrant is produced. He is treated like a terrorist criminal. His home looked like it had been burgled when the Gardaí had finished turning it over, which is, in reality, what they did - burgle it.



HOME   IN   SHAME   &   DISGRACE, accept for Abraham. Jasher13:11-16

Jasher 13:16 And Nimrod fled and returned in shame and disgrace to his land, and he was under subjection to Chedorlaomer for a long time.


2013AD-- Likewise, This year the anti- Christ spirit, the beast –system and the false prophet, liars and deceivers Make their appearance (within the churches) and fools every one, accept the elect ones.


Jedi Army is a group of human+beings who support and come under the command of the Lord Jesus+Christ.

Our aim is to recover the Ark of the Covenant and the stone of destiny and in a short while to put our king on His throne.

We are looking for any others who are willing to do the same.

the time is very short and we need your help to overthrow this evil empire and put the real King on the Throne today.


Serious minded people who are working for the good of others. This is the bitter TRUTH!!








Quatrain 2,68 (see Psalm 68) De l'Aquilon les efforts seront grands: Sus l'Ocean sera la porte ouuerte: Le regne en l'Isle sera reintegrand, Tremblera Londres par voille descouuerte.


 The efforts of the King of kings will be great:


The Gate (Gibraltar) on the Ocean will be opened,


The Kingdom on the Isle (Ireland) will be restored:


London will tremble because of the discovered "Veil" (Solomon's Temple Veil in The Ark of The Covenant).



From Abrams conception in 1948AA to when the "Fig Tree" is revived in 1948AD—the return of the King of kings is recognised as the Christ.


IS EXACTLY 3996 YEARS. 666 X 6 = 3996 which represents man trying in his own attempts to reach heaven. Always short of Christ number 777.


You all have to do exactly as Christs says, to get back home.


The disciples asked Christ, the Being within the human body called Yahshua, when he (Christ) would come again and what would be the sign?


Christ replied that when they saw the Fig Tree (Matt. 21:19-21) put forth new shoots, and begin to grow again, they would know that "Summer" (the new age - Sabbath Millennium) was near (Matt. 24:32), after 6 millennia - (6,000 years) of Satan's mis-rule, known as "Winter".


The Fig Tree that was cursed and withered before the disciples eyes because it brought forth no fruit, unto God, was the Jews. The "Fig Tree" is the symbol of the Jews in Scripture. Jesus cursed the Fig Tree and it withered away, symbolizing what was going to happen to the Jews for rejecting their rightful King.


The Jews were kicked out of Palestine, had no homeland and were persecuted for 2000 years as God's punishment for rejecting, persecuting and murdering their Rightful King and rejecting the New Covenant referred to in Ezekiel 34, culminating in the Holocaust under Adolf Hitler (the Anti-Christ - 666 - who was blessed by the Pope and called "the envoy of God").


The Fig Tree then began to awaken from its withered state and began to put forth new shoots in Palestine on 22/4/1948 when the Jewish State in Israel was set up and David Ben-Gurion announced in the Museum Hall in Tel-Aviv to the world, under the umbrella of the United Nations, that the Jews had established a Jewish State in the land of Israel on 14th May 1948. From that year the desolate, cursed land began, through irrigation, to flourish and put forth new shoots, with immigration of Jews from all over the world, the "Fig Tree" revived and put forth new shoots, but will never bear fruit (for God - Matthew 21:19).


The Scriptures confirm that Christ's new body will have a NEW name that he alone would know, until his TRUE followers would recognise his voice, accept his Sovereignty and follow him - "As the Times of Noah will it be, when the Son of Man is revealed" (Matt. 24:37-39)(Sura 52:1) and only a handful of people believed Noah, EVERYONE else DIED (note well Luke 19:27).


Revelation 19:12 His eyes [were] as a flame of fire, and on his head [were] many crowns (King of kings); and he had a NAME written, that NO man knew, but HE himself (ch. 2:17; 3:12).

2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone (Book of TRUTH*) a NEW name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth [it] (metaphorically; "Written in Stone").

3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the Temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, [which is] New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven (a spaceship - see my "Close Encounters of the Gibraltar Kind" Booklet) from my God: and [I will write upon him] my NEW name.


John 10:15

10:15 As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.

10:16 And other sheep I have (the "Lost" sheep [10 tribes] of the "House of Israel"), which are not of this fold (the "House of Judah" [2 tribes]): them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, [and] ONE Shepherd (Ezekiel 37:22 and Genesis 48:10).


"And he had a new name written that no man knew but he himself" (Rev./Apoc. 19:12). His eyes [were] as a flame of fire, and on his head [were] many crowns; and he had a NAME written, that NO man knew, but HE himself.


3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the Temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, [which is] New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and [I will write upon him] my NEW name.


 [it - the white stone - Book] (Rev. 2:17)" (in which it is written). That white stone/Book is "The Way home or face The Fire" and only the 144,000

 (Rev. 14:3) who hear and recognise his voice, accept his new name and identity and upon whom he writes his NEW name personally and whom he then teaches to overcome will survive, whilst the rest of mankind will be EXECUTED.



Matthew 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth [his] sheep from the goats:

25:33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats (those who "act the goat") on the left.

25:34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

25:35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

25:36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

25:37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed [thee]? or thirsty, and gave [thee] drink?

25:38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took [thee] in? or naked, and clothed [thee]?

25:39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me.

25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into Everlasting Fire, prepared for the devil and his angels (YOU that are not DOING God's Will - John 8:44):

25:42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

25:43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

25:44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

25:45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did [it] not to one of the least of these, ye did [it] not to me.

25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into Life Eternal.


Zechariah 12 v 10

"And they (Jerusalem) shall look upon ME whom they pierced (whilst inside of the son of Mary body) and they (the Jews) shall MOURN for HIM (Jesus) as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for HIS [own] firstborn."


12:11 In that Day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the Valley of Megiddon (as they too are EXECUTED).


The Valley of Megiddon is below the mountains of Megiddo - Har-Megiddo or in English - Armageddon - ARMAGEDDON.


TWO 2 comings NOT one. ME and HIM. The Lord God says so.


Christ number.

Every 7th wave in the ocean is the biggest

All animals and birds give birth in cycles of sevens.

Most birds 3x7 = 21 days

Human+ beings 7 months, 7 weeks and 7 days = 777

Or 39 weeks x 7 = 273 days on average


The layer of the atmosphere closest to Earth is called the TROPOSPHERE. It contains about 90% of the total mass of the atmosphere. The layer above the troposphere is called the STRATOSPHERE. The OZONE LAYER is the part of the stratosphere where absorption of ultraviolet rays occurs. The layer above the stratosphere is called the MESOSPHERE. The THERMOSPHERE lies above the mesosphere. The ionized gases form a layer within the thermosphere called the IONOSPHERE. The outermost part of Earth's atmosphere extends from about 480 km out to 960 km. This part is called the EXOSPHERE.


If we count the number of layers, we see that the atmosphere consists of exactly seven layers, just as stated in the verse.

1. Troposphere

2. Stratosphere

3. Ozonosphere

4. Mesosphere

5. Thermosphere

6. Ionosphere

7. Exosphere


Bible Verses about Knowing God

The Bible is NOT a book of religion; it has nothing to do with organised religions. Organised religions have turned Fathers word, the Bible into useless rites, customs, creed, doctrines and dogma.

The Bible is all about building the broken relationship between God and man.

Father God uses His Son Jesus Christ to bring about Fellowship and a relationship once again so we can Know Father God personally in a real (reality) and truthful knowledge of the Fathers love.

If you wish to go down the road of rites, customs, creed, doctrines and dogma you will totally miss the whole purpose of what Father wants to do in your life.

Organised religions can teach rites, customs, creed, doctrines and dogma but they cannot take the place of knowing God. Only Father God has the right to a personal relationship with you.

Satan is a master of deception and lies. He will try to take the place of Father God and pretend to love you and offer you many pleasures and desires of the heart.

Satan loves to use organised religions to mislead and misguide all of us away from Knowing Fathers love. Like I said before, Only Father God has the right to a personal relationship with you. NO ONE ON THIS PLANET HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE HIS PLACE.

Rites, customs, creed, doctrines and dogma is all to do with a believe system.

Conclusion, in regards to the Bible, It is simply a road map on how to get home to heaven by knowing The Fathers love. Fellowship + relationship = Knowing God


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