Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Saturday 31 October 2020

America Preparing For War

 Rapidly Looming “Knife Fight In A Phone Booth” Election Sees America Preparing For War

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A thought-provoking new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting spokeswoman Maria Zakharova having stated: “We are not losing hope that common sense will slowly start prevailing after the elections and that Washington will finally realize that betting on further propagation of anti-Russian myths doesn’t hurt us as much as it serves to further fuel political passions and whip up atmosphere of distrust in American society”, says this sentiment longing for peace comes at the same time Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is comparing this election to a “knock-down drag-out knife fight in a phone booth”, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has just made a frightening proclamation saying: “I feel confident Joe Biden will be president…whatever the end count is”—that explains why the leftist publication Atlantic put out their distorted article “Why the 2020s Could Be as Dangerous as the 1850s” depicting this election as being the hinge that will lead to civil war, and why the conservative publication PJ Media put out their article “Democrat-Run Hellholes Prepping for Election Night Violence Because Of Course” that says of this election “it is impossible to avoid thinking or talking about what sort of mayhem will ensue”—all of which has leftist social media giant Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg warning of the potential for civil unrest as votes are tallied in an election he says will be a test for his social network—thus leaving HBO comedy news host Bill Maher as being one of the few voices of sanity being listened to by these leftists—who during his programme, that aired a few hours ago, listened to his deluded leftist guests cheering Biden’s coming victory, then afterwards told them: “You sound like the panels I used to have on right before the last election. ... You guys are whistling past the graveyard”—after which he made up a new rule saying: “No matter which side wins on Tuesday, let's skip the civil war and go right to reconciliation...Thirty-four percent of the voters believe there will be another Civil War within the next five years and I'd like to remind them of one thing: America is a family and the definition of family is people who hate each other without resorting to violence...We have to see each other not as mortal enemies but rather merely as roommates from hell...If we want to simply exist, we're going to have to find a way to work together. ... So let's not have a civil war with the Trumpers...We're no good at war and they're no good at being civil…So please, whatever happens Tuesday, let's find a way to live together…We have to -- because no other country will take us”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]




According to this report, in a nation like the United States where even the time of day has been turned into a political battle, it was unsurprising to see this election battle between President Trump and socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden being summed up in the article “Will Fear Or Hope Win The Chinese Virus Election?”,  which points out the fact that “just how afraid Americans are of the coronavirus will decide the election”—a absurdity noticed by the world’s most respected financial newspaper The Wall Street Journal in their just published article “Joe Biden’s Covid Fairy Tale”—wherein aside from its noting the fact that “Biden’s plan seems to be to wait until a magical sprite waves her wand and makes the virus vanish in a poof”, details the obvious truth by stating: “The first big problem is that President Trump’s handling of the plague has been sensible from the start…Be careful until treatment improves and a vaccine is ready…Pour all the money and resources you’ve got down the throats of America’s best research labs…This scheme is working…Fatality rates are way down, treatment has improved, and several vaccines are almost ready, all in record time...It’s hard to attack a plan that is accomplishing its goals”.

Unlike the successful way President Trump has managed the coronavirus pandemic, though, this report notes, Biden and his socialist Democrats have demanded that America adopt the soul crushing lockdowns and mask mandates leveled against the peoples in Europe by their socialist leaders—but who failed to notice that none of these socialist lockdowns and mask mandates worked in the slightest, and is why the peoples in Europe today are now in open rebellion as their socialist leaders prepare to lock them down again—lockdowns coming at the same time all of the top medical journals in the world are refusing to publish the landmark Danish study on face masks—and whose reasons for refusing to publish this landmark study is to keep hidden from people all of the charts proving that masks don’t work to stop the coronavirus



As to why any sane person would base their election choice on a coronavirus, that in reality is nothing more than a very bad common cold and that humanity has been living with for thousands of years, this report continues, demonstrates the power of the leftist mainstream propaganda media being able to whip the American people into fits of hysteria to achieve a political goal—though fortunately for this nation ready to tear itself apart there does appear to be enough of them able to remember what true facts are, such as viruses can’t be stopped by lockdowns or masks, they can only be dealt with by medicines to lesson their effects or vaccinated against—with the AIDS virus being one of the former, and the Measles being one of the latter—neither of which any nation in history ever destroyed their economies or peoples’ freedoms to stop the spread of.

And whose levels of sane people remaining in America knowing these true things, this report details, is being evidenced by the 89,576,554 of them who’ve early voted in this election as of 31 October—specifically because in this total, of the 20 States that designate who early voted by party affiliation, the number of Democrats who’ve voted is 19,874,713, and the Republicans who’ve voted is 13,028,424—which means this early vote total comprises a Democrat vote of 45.9%, as opposed to Republicans comprising 30.1%--the significance of which is that the Democrats need a nearly 3 to 1 advantage over the Republicans in the early vote they aren’t even close to achieving—and is needed because the Republicans will overwhelm the Democrats on election day by voting in person as they always do in massive numbers—which is why experts have branded as “garbage polls” those predicting a Biden win—and explains why President Trump is up in Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania and tied in Wisconsin—all of which comes at the same time black support for President Trump has reached the astonishingly level of 31%, and powerful Democrat Party leader Congresswoman Debbie Dingell from Michigan has just sounded an alarm warning: “Yesterday, I had some of the autoworkers, who I thought were going to go back to Joe Biden, were very clear with me…they’re voting for President Trump”—an alarm now joined with it further just being revealed: “Despite record early-vote turnout around the country, there are warning signs for Biden…In Arizona, two-thirds of Latino registered voters have not yet cast a ballot…In Florida, half of Latino and Black registered voters have not yet voted”—that upon hearing caused a freak out on CNN as they watched the socialist Democrat Party stronghold of Miami Dade County-Florida fall into President Trump’s hands—and after a Federal Appeals Court yesterday told Minnesota “No! You Are NOT Going To Count Ballots That Arrive Later Than The Cut-Off Date”, saw CNN freaking out even more when Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison told them the truth that President Trump could be the first Republican to win his State since 1972.  



As to what this campaign has become with just three days left before the election, this report concludes, President Trump has scheduled an historic number of 14-events over the next 72-hours—while socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden has closed his events to the public and is keeping their locations secret—that follows Biden’s outburst in Minnesota yesterday when he called Trump supporters ugly for honking horns and drowning out his speech—though of what was heard saw Biden bizarrely speaking a language no one knows saying:  “I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure”—thus explaining why America’s top financial analyst Maria Bartiromo has just written her open letter “Trump’s Already Won” wherein she truthfully says: “Donald Trump doesn’t trample Americans’ rights…He doesn’t start wars; he ends them…And he makes comments that offend people…The cost of supporting Mr. Trump is enduring awkward moments when he says things that presidents shouldn’t say…The benefit is that he champions U.S. liberty and prosperity, and a thriving America is a benefit to the world”—and also explains why globally renowned Stanford University historian Professor-Doctor Victor Davis Hanson has just said: “I think Trump will win the Electoral College. I’m not sure about the popular vote, but the more our experts and pundits reassert that 2016 cannot happen again, the more it seems like it is happening again”—though for one to fully understand the positive and hopeful effect President Trump has had upon the American people of all races, this is best exampled by what happened after Biden Terrorists burnt to the ground the Vietnamese Baptist Church in Philadelphia this past week—a brutal act that was immediately followed by the Vietnamese-American choir releasing a new song and video singing their support for President Trump—and examples that even in the darkest of times, Christian peoples know how to act with love, respect and courage for that which is right.




October 31, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Slaves to "The System."


PLANET EARTH, a Garden of Eden full of life and beauty. Everything a human+Being needs to be able to live and co-exist with other human+Beings, in a caring society, in harmony with the natural environment, where everyone puts others before themselves.

So what went wrong? Why are we living now, in a society in which most people are afraid to walk down the street at night, where we have to lock everything in the 
fear of others stealing from us.

It seems that 
fear is the root of all evil in this world. Our fear of poverty; loneliness; ridicule; war. Where do these fears come from? Why do they control us and make us do the 'Self'-ish things that we do.

It seems that the leaders of the world use 
fear to control us and manipulate us into conforming to their "System" of control. They have made up fraudulent legislation that has made us, the majority of people, slaves to them. We spend our whole lives working, often doing jobs which are destructive to the environment, only to pay excessive taxes to these people, being left with only just enough money over to survive and perhaps have a family of our own, so our children can grow up to become slaves to this evil "System"; just as we are.

So what do we do about it? We can't just refuse to work under their "System" because they control the legislation and simply have anyone who refuses to conform either 
thrown in jail or put in an institution, and labeled insane. The truth is, they are the insane ones who are destroying the planet by having all the trees cut down and are destroying the environment, that we live in, for money for themselves.

There is 
ONLY One Way to stop these people, and that is to prove their evil "System" wrong (which they are already doing by themselves by destroying the planet) and show them The Real Law which is perfectly fair and unbiased; is friendly to the environment and has been there for thousands of years.

The Torah is the name given to The Laws; Statutes; Judgments; Agricultural and Economic Policies that were handed to Moses on top of Mt. Horeb in Sinai by The Ruler of The Universe and is The Perfect System for the world to use, as it was given by a totally independent body (God); so is perfectly fair and un-biased. These Laws are contained in The First Five Books of The Old Testament of The Bible; the originals of which are kept in The Ark of The Covenant, which is buried in a hidden subterranean tomb at The Hill of Tara (Torah) in Co. Meath, Ireland.

When The Ark 
is recovered The Laws that it contains can then be reinstituted into society. This will prove that the people currently in positions of authority, running the "System" we are forced to live under, were never allowed to make up their own legislation and they will be forced to go back to God's Laws and redistribute all of the wealth that they have defrauded from the people and hoarded away. That money should then be redistributed evenly and fairly back to the people that it was taken from in the first place - the lower and middle classes.

The Ark of The Covenant needs to be recovered immediately, before the people who are currently running (ruining) the world totally destroy the planet we are living on in the name of "economic growth". Please help us 
stop the destruction of the planet, by supporting us in our endeavor to excavate a small section of grass (2m. x 2m.) at The Hill of Tara (Torah), Co. Meath, Ireland; to expose the entrance to the hidden subterranean tomb that The Ark of The Covenant is buried in. The recovery of The Ark is the ONLY WAY that we can prove that the evil "System" that we are forced to live under is unlawful and wrong, and in so doing we can permanently put a stop to all corruption and oppression now happening on Planet Earth.

For more details about The Ark of The Covenant; what it contains; how it will put the world right and how it came to be in Ireland please 

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