Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Tuesday 13 August 2019

“Last Days” Warned Here After England Gives “Gods Throne” To Catholics

“Last Days” Warned Here After England Gives “Gods Throne” To Catholics

A frightening didactic treatise sent to Prime Minister Putin by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia warns that the time foretold about in the Holy Scriptures commonly called the “Last Days” are now upon the world after England “surrendered” this past week the “Throne of God” to the Roman Catholic Church from which it had “liberated” it from in 1558. According to this treatise, a “satanic bargain” agreed to between Queen Elizabeth II and Pope Benedict XVI
this past week, allowing for the first time since the reign of Elizabeth I (1533-1603)

for a Catholic spouse of a monarch to once again ascend to the British throne for the first time in 453 years since the passing in 1558 of the Act of Supremacy that outlawed this “abomination.”

Though British Prime Minister David Cameron stated upon the overturning of this centuries old ban that “Let me be clear, the monarch must be in communion with the Church of England because he or she is the head of that Church,” and the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, said the elimination of the “unjust discrimination” against Catholics would be widely welcomed, Patriarch Kirill warns in his treatise that the “deliberate” forgetting of the past in regards to this shocking move would insure an “apocalyptic” end to everything on this Earth.

To fully understand the past to which Patriarch Kirill refers to one must remember the times Elizabeth I lived in where the Western world was dominated by the all-powerful Roman Catholic Church, who alone decided which monarchs sat upon the great thrones of Europe, the three most powerful of them being Spain, France and Portugal.

To maintain its hold upon the Western world the Roman Catholic Church in the 12th century instituted what is now referred to as the Medieval Inquisition which was series of actions designed to kill and destroy everyone opposed to their rule, and which in 1480 was supplanted by the Spanish Inquisition that extended this reign of brutality against the New World.

Upon her accession to the British throne, at the age of 25, Elizabeth I was beset by chaos and turmoil caused by the Roman Catholic Church who backed her main rival Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-1587), who as the only surviving legitimate child of King James V of Scotland (1512-1542) was considered by the Catholics to be the rightful heir to the monarchy, and intended to bring the Spanish Inquisition to England to destroy “for all time” all those opposed to them.

Elizabeth I eventually had Mary arrested and jailed for 19 years eventually executing her over her involvement in the Ridolfi Plot.” 

The “Ridolfi Plot” was a plot in 1570 to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I and replace her with Mary. The plot was hatched and planned by Roberto di Ridolfi (1531-1612), an international banker who was able to travel between Brussels, Rome and Madrid to gather support without attracting too much suspicion and financed by King Philip II of Spain (1527-1598) who while married to Mary I (1516-1558) was the former King of England and Ireland and was the ruler of one of the largest empires in history known as the Spanish Empire.
 At this point it is important to understand the importance of the British throne as the ancient legends hold that when the true “ruler of this world” returns it is upon that seat he will re-establish his power over the entire Earth and battle against “all of the other kings” who come against him.

Who is JAH?
4:5 Behold, I will send you EliJAH the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful Day of the "I AM" (Sura 43:61): 
4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. 

According to these ancient writings, around 1950 BC the Hebrew patriarch Jacob slept with his head upon a stone whereupon he had a vision of a “stairway to heaven” which revealed to him all of the mysteries of the Universe including all that would happen in the future.
When Jacob awoke his “vision” was “confirmed” by his “god” who changed his name to Israel and promised his people would last until the “end of days” and the throne “he” established would never be overthrown.
The stone which Israel, who used to be Jacob, had his vision upon travelled through time staying with the Israelites until it was rejected as the cornerstone for Solomon’s Temple around 1000 BC after which their nation was destroyed and their people “scattered to the winds” by the Babylonians in 587 BC. 
Though the Babylonians killed the last Israeli King Zedekiah, and his sons, leading many to believe that the rightful lineage to “Gods Throne” was forever extinguished, ancient scriptures and histories prove otherwise due to the Prophet Jeremiah having escaped the destruction of Israel bringing with him the stone Jacob had slept on, his trusted secretary Brach, and the remaining princesses who carried within them “gods blood.”

Teia Tephi
1:1 Tephi, born in the House of the High Ones - (Pharez - Princes of Zion,
Zion loved of God, - home of the House of the "I AM", our Lord),
Daughter (descendant) of David, shepherd in Judah, - (Tribe of the Lion)
Queen over Bethel (the Stone) and Dan, - where they be scattered abroad.
From the ancient Hebrew writings one then has to follow the ancient writings of the Irish peoples to discover that in 569 BC an elderly, white-haired patriarch, sometimes referred to as a “saint,” came to Ireland from the “Land of David.”  With him was the princess daughter of an eastern king, an “Ark” a sacred stone called “Lia-Fail” and a companion called Simon Brach,

Jeremiah's Tomb.
(The Tomb of Ollamh Fodhla)
by JAH.
Cead Mile Failte
(A Hundred Thousand Welcomes). 

Cairn T, Loughcrew,
nr. Oldcastle, Co. Meath, Ireland.
Copyright © 1998 - JAH.
Revised 2000, 2003 & 2006
All rights reserved.
Welcome to the Tomb of Jeremiah
the Bible Prophet.

Cairn T, at Loughcrew, nr. Oldcastle, Royal Meath in Ireland is the Tomb of Jeremiah the Bible Prophet who was commissioned by God to tear down; uproot (from Jerusalem) and plant (in Ireland) the daughter (the Tender Twig - Teia Tephi), from the line of David (symbolised in Scripture as the High Cedar), of king Zedekiah, in c. 588 B.C.; the Throne of Israel - the Lia Fail / Bethel Stone and The Ark of The Covenant.
Jeremiah 1:10 See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant. The proof of the fact, that this cairn is the tomb of Jeremiah, is "written in stone" in hieroglyphics, on the stones within the cairn itself.
So how did Jeremiah come to, and end up being buried in Ireland, when he was a native of Anathoth near Jerusalem? Jeremiah was the Prophet sent by God to king Zedekiah of Jerusalem, who had broken God's Covenant, to warn him to return to keeping The Covenant or God would send king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon to lay siege to and destroy Jerusalem. Zedekiah did not like God's Message and so decided to punish the messenger and put him in prison. However, that did not prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled; it only made its fulfilment more certain. Nebuchadnezzar sent his army and laid siege to The City, whose inhabitants became so hungry that they ate their own children. The City fell and was burned and Solomon's Temple on Mount Moriah - The Holy Place - was also destroyed.
The princess had a Hebrew name Tephi, a pet name, her full name being Tea-Tephi, and was coroneted as the Queen of Ireland upon a throne which had installed beneath it the “Lia-Fail” stone that Jacob’s vision was had upon, but is now known to history as the “Stone of Destiny.”

Historical Sites In Ireland Related To Teia Tephi, The Lia Fail Stone And The Ark Of The Covenant.

HOWTH: Teia Tephi landed at Howth on the 18th. of June 583 B.C., and was greeted there and carried ashore by Eochaidh Mac Duach, the Ard ri (high king) of Ireland. She spent that night at Howth staying at the palace of Crimthann which was built on the Hill of Howth.

THE HILL OF TARA: The next day Teia Tephi was taken to Cathair Crofinn (now known as The Hill of Tara), where she married Eochaidh, the high king of Ireland, and they gave their pledges of marriage over the Lia Fail Stone (Jacob's Pillar - The Stone of Destiny) that Teia Tephi had brought with her from Jerusalem. She then stood upon the Lia Fail Stone and was acknowledged queen of all Ireland and Eochaidh as Ard ri. Tephi and Eochaidh had four children, her firstborn son, Aedh, died as a teen-ager and was buried in the Mound of The Hostages at Tara. A special subterranean tomb was constructed beneath the Mound of The Hostages and Teia Tephi was buried in it, when she died, along with a number of extremely significant artifacts including David's Harp, which features as the Irish people's national emblem, and The Ark of The Covenant.

SLANE: The Battle of Unna; also known as the battle of the second Moytura (meaning "plain of towers" - the Boyne Valley); was held at Slane. In Irish mythology, Tephi's warriors who were slain in the battle were placed in the Well of Slane and were brought back to life to terrify their enemies on the battle-field the next day.

KNOWTH: There was a total of 6668 people killed in the Battle of Unna, most of whom were buried in the Boyne Valley. The warriors of high rank who fell at the Battle of Unna were buried in the Knowth burial-mound and those of lower rank were buried in the many satellite graves around Knowth and throughout the Boyne Valley.

DOWTH: Bressail, the leader of those who rebelled against Teia Tephi in the battle of Unna, survived the battle. The people never forgot his arrogance, greed and meanness and when he died he was buried in a grave that was made to face the setting sun rather than the sun-rise and his grave was named Dowth which is derived from the ancient Gaelic word "Dubad" meaning darkness.

NEWGRANGE: Teia Tephi's third child and second son, Aengus succeeded his older brother Aedh to the Throne and became high king of Ireland after his parents' death. He grew up to be very arrogant and had the grandest tomb in Ireland built for himself to be, in his belief, immortalized in, and was buried there at Bru na Boann (Boyne) which means "The dwelling of Aengus, son of Bo." (Bo or Bovinda meaning "the heifer" - the source of the milk of human kindness - Teia Tephi).

TELTOWN: Teia Tephi and Eochaidh had a palace built at Teltown, near Kells, where they lived and where Teia Tephi wrote her amazing autobiography, "The Book of Tephi, Queen of Tara and Gibraltar." Before she died on the 1st of August 534 B.C., she asked the people to remember her by holding games at Teltown in her honour. The Teltown Games were held to remind people of her and The Torah which is the name given to God's Laws; Statutes and Judgments contained in The First Five Books of The Bible and in The Ark of The Covenant, which she had brought with her from Jerusalem. The games were to help teach the children to behave themselves and rewards were given to those who upheld The Laws of The Torah and were the most humble.

CAIRN T, LOUGHCREW: Jeremiah the Bible Prophet, also known in Irish history as the Ollamh Fodhla (wise teacher), who brought Teia Tephi to Ireland from Jerusalem was buried in Cairn T. The second stone on the left as you enter the tomb depicts the boat journey they made from Taphanes (Tanis) in Egypt to Ireland, changing boats at Gibraltar and stopping at Breogan in Spain and Marazion in Cornwall on the way. The stone also gives astronomical calculations, done in great detail, which give the date when Jeremiah died and also when the Battle of Unna was fought. Jeremiah's Judicial (Judgment) Seat, which he sat upon when he taught the people God's Laws contained in The Torah, is situated on the Northern side of the tomb , just to the right of the entrance, but has in recent times become known as the Hag's Chair.

CIAN ANNUS MOR (KELLS): Ith Cian, the Israelite ruler whom Teia Tephi visited at Breogan in Spain on her way from Jerusalem to Ireland, later came to Ireland to visit his son Lughaidh, but was killed near Kells by three Tyrian men whom he had previously driven from Spain. Ith Cian was buried on the highest point in Kells, which was the mound that Columba's (Columcille's) house is built into the side of, until recently when the Kells Garda Station was built on mechanically raised ground next to it. Kells' original name is Cian Aneas Mor which means Great Cian from the South, referring to Ith Cian, ruler of Spain (Spain is referred to in "The Book of Tephi" as the Sun-lands of the South).

There are many other sites in Royal Meath and surrounding areas in Ireland that are associated with Teia Tephi, but the above are the most relevant ones. Other sites include Tlachtga, Rath Lugh, Navan, Mullagh Hill in Co. Cavan and Navan Fort and Carrickfergus in Northern Ireland. The people at Navan Fort are keen to co-operate with us in linking all of the associated sites to promote tourism in a joint North - South venture to help the peace process.

The teaching of this true history, about the fact that the people of Ireland, of both North and South, who have all been deceived; against Christ's orders to keep The Covenant (The Way); into becoming Catholics or protestants, by the Vatican and British Monarchy respectively, for their own material ends (their own personal wealth and power), when they are all, in fact, racially Israelites and cousins, should finally heal the wounds and bring them together in peace under The Covenant in The Torah; once The Ark of The Covenant is recovered from the Hill of Tara and shown to them all, as proof of their joint Israelite ancestry and The Eternal Covenant that they all made with God. Amen - JAH.

From Ireland the “Stone of Destiny” has travelled to Scotland, then to England, and then back to Scotland where for centuries every monarch of these lands, including the present Queen Elizabeth II, has been crowned while sitting upon a throne this most sacred of stones has lain beneath.

To more fully understand the “power” Elizabeth I had in battling her Roman Catholic enemies, including the miraculous defeat of the Spanish Armada sent against her by King Phillip II, one must also know about her most important advisor John Dee (1527-1608), who remains to this day one of human history’s most important mystical-scientists who guided the Queen throughout her life on the “true path of the Universe” so that at least a “remnant” of the “faithful” would remain intact until the “true ruler” of this Earth returned to claim his “rightful” throne.

The most important act of Elizabeth I was in her following Dee’s advice in asserting the Prince Madog claim upon all of North America which eventually gave birth to the United States that spawned one of the greatest rebirths of human freedom and liberty our world has ever seen.

According to the Patriarch’s treatise, however, the actions of the current British Queen in overturning Elizabeth I and allowing the Roman Catholic Church to rise to power once again in the land holding the “true Throne of God” is the “final act” of a world entering into its “Last Days.”
These warnings issued by the Patriarch in his treatise are made even more frightening by the recent Russian Security Services reports (FSB) stating that the mysterious suicide death by gunshot of one of the Vatican’s top medical officials at Milan's San Raffaele hospital earlier this month is “more than likely” related to experiments being done under the control of the Roman Catholic Church with what are called “RFID Death Chips” they purchased last year from its Saudi Arabian inventor who was turned down by Germany for a patent on this most insidious of devices.

 The shocking suicde of Milan's San Raffaele Hospital vice-president, Mario Cal received no press coverage in the West, and the invention of new implantable microchip containing cyanide that can be released to kill at a “seconds notice” has, likewise, been virtually ignored too.

As to why the Roman Catholic Church would want to possess and control an implantable microchip able to kill anyone it chooses could almost remain in the realm of science fiction except for the ancient warnings that in the “Last Days” all human beings would have to possess such devices and which the scriptures called “The Mark of the Beast.”

George Gordon's School of Law
Are You a Practicing Communist?

And in a macabre order just issued this week to “celebrate” their new found power over this World the Vatican issued an edict this week to change for the first time in nearly 50 years their Mass liturgy requiring all of their congregations to respond to their Priests saying “May the Lord be with you” not with the words they have said for centuries “And also with you”…but with the new phrase “And with your spirit” in honour of the true “god” they serve who has never cared for humanity, and never will.
Sadly, in a world gone mad with immortality and too many sins of all kinds that are now considered “normal,” the warnings of the Patriarch will undoubtedly fall on deaf ears…but then again...that is exactly how the ancient writings described the “Last Days” would be like.

October 29, 2011 © EU and US all rights reserved.

Ollamh Fodhla
The controversy ends here!
There are many conflicting opinions about who Ollamh Fodhla was and the controversy results from wrong assumptions made because of dates that have been purposely made to seem to be in conflict.

Under the latin dating-system (A.M.), presumably created by the latin catholic church, there are historical accounts of Ollamh Fodhla existing hundreds of years before the known Biblical dates of Jeremiah the Bible Prophet.

The latin dating of Ollamh Fodhla is calculated from the Creation which they date as being 5199 B.C. and they state that in 1828 BC (really c. 633 B.C.) Eochaidh "Ollothair" (all-father) mac Duach, the Daighda, became high-king.

The Bible states that The Creation was in 3996 B.C. and that Jeremiah left Jerusalem (with Zedekiah's daughter - Tea Tephi; the "Stone of Destiny" and The Ark of The Covenant) in c. 588 B.C. The date of Ollamh Fodhla's death is recorded, cut in stone, inside Cairn T, as being the 21st of Sept. in 581 B.C.

British, Irish and Scottish records of the "Stone of Destiny" locate it at Tara, Ireland in circa 500 B.C. and that Eochaidh, the Daighda, married Teia Tephi.

Ollamh Fodhla is reported to have been a king who ruled Ireland for 40 years under just Laws. Jeremiah brought The Torah (God's Laws) to Ireland and taught Eochaidh "Ollothair" to administer it from Tara and so Eochaidh inherited the title "Ollamh Fodhla" from Jeremiah, his teacher, upon his death. Their living at the same time and one continuing the other's work, led to them being confused, as being the same person, in the minds of history students.

The incorrect Latin dating favoured by many catholic historians, some of whom were priests, and by like-minded archaeologists; most of whom like to contradict God and the Holy Bible; has led to this unnecessary confusion and it has been done purposely to hide the Truth that the Irish people are Israelites.

So we are left with the age-old dilemma of: Who do we believe? God or historians; priests; archaeologists and scientists? I recommend you to choose God because, unlike all of them, He is never wrong. Amen - JAH.

Idris/Enoch 102:7 Now will I point out a mystery (Revelation 17:5): Many sinners shall turn and transgress against The Word of Uprightness (Isaiah 33:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12; Sura 32:23).
102:8 They shall speak evil things; they shall utter falsehood; create a great creation (false religions and religious traditions and technology); and compose books of their own words (books of man-made laws; books of the religious traditions of their fathers; novels; etc.; etc.; etc.).
But when they shall write correctly all My words in their own languages,

102:9 They shall neither change nor diminish (Mark 13:31; Matthew 5:17-19); but when all shall be written correctly; ALL, which from the first I have uttered concerning them [shall concur] (Sura 15:9).  JAH - Muad'dib. 

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