Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Sunday 26 May 2019

Illuminati Defector Described Horrifying Satanic Rituals

Illuminati Defector Described Horrifying Satanic Rituals
In 1989, on national TV, a courageous young woman exposed the satanic Jewish forebears of the Illuminati cult that now dominates the world.

Respected members of the community by day, they sacrifice babies at night.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

On May 1, 1989, a "nice Jewish girl", age 29, Vicki Polin appeared on the Oprah Show and said her family was part of a satanic cult that dates back to the 1700's.

Although they appear to be upstanding citizens — lawyers, doctors, police officers etc. — they engage in Satanic ritual human sacrifice, incest and cannibalism, often in synagogues. They drink blood and eat babies.
Titles purposely designed to deceive.
Have you ever taken the time to analyse just how many things in life are designed to deceive us and how many things we have been taught, that just aren't so?

For example:-
The Honourable M.P. for . . . - denotes a politician and everyone knows that most politicians are professional liars and therefore are the opposite of the definition.

Italian Renaissance statesman and political writer, Niccolo Machiavelli, wrote in The Prince, one of the most influential political works of all time, that governments are created 
to lie to the greatest number of people the greatest amount of the time.
And why do governments lie? Why, to cover up their previous lies in order to protect the perpetrators, of course.
Conservatism:- Conservatism in politics denotes a party whose doctrine is runaway consumerism and a disposable and "throw-away" society. Conservatism and Consumerism are by definition opposites. It is impossible to consume and conserve: it is either consumed or it is conserved and it is impossible for one to be the same as the other, so Conservatism is the opposite of its definition.
Labour - Labourism in politics normally denotes people wanting as much pay as possible for the least amount of labour, so Labourism is the opposite of its definition.
National Economy - a national economy in the western world is totally wasteful; where most products are consumed and thrown away as quickly as possible and are actually manufactured to be waste within a very short space of time; so a National Economy is the opposite of its definition.
Feminism - denotes women who want to be men and who act in a totally unfeminine manner, so feminism is the opposite of its definition.
Gay-homosexual - denotes someone who is unhappy with their gender and wants to pretend to be the opposite gender or to have a relationship with someone of the same gender because they are not happy with normality, so gay, which really means happy, is the opposite of its definition.

She is describing the Illuminati which originated in the Frankist Movement in the Eighteenth Century. Jacob Frank, born Jacob Leibowitz (1726-1791) led a major Satanic heresy that shook the Jewish world. They believed that the Messiah would return if the world went over to evil completely, so they encouraged all sexual license and satanic evil as the ultimate good. 

Financed by the Frankist Rothschild banking syndicate, they subverted all religions and national elites by assuming every religious and political hue. They took over Freemasonry and are now in the final stage of establishing their world government, a.k.a "globalization."

The abuse Polin suffered is a textbook example of how Illuminati families — Jews and non-Jews — treat their children.

George W. Bush and Barack Obama may have suffered similar trauma and, (like Polin) have multiple personality disorder. Vicki is from Chicago and there is no telling how many Chicagoans surroundingBarack Obama are part of this satanic cult. Think Rahm Emanuel and Valerie Jarrett.


Polin told Oprah that she witnessed babies sacrificed and consumed for the "power" this gave. These babies are bred within the extended family for this purpose. She said she was raped several times, and elsewhere says she had five abortions due to intercourse with her father.

Polin said her family was "extremely involved" in these practices. Her mother is "on the human relations commission of the town that she lives in, and she's an upstanding citizen. Nobody would suspect her. Nobody would suspect anybody involved in it. There's police officers involved in it. There's, you know, doctors, lawyers...

"I mean, to the outside world, everything we did was proper and right, and then there were the nights that things changed, that things just got turned around. What was wrong was right, and what was right was wrong. That's what helps to create some of them to develop MPD."

Polin's therapist, Tina Grossman was on the show but not the YouTube. She told Oprah she had treated over 40 survivors from many states and Canada. They have never met each other yet say the "identical same things."

Ms. GROSSMAN: They are describing identical rituals, just the same as, since I'm Jewish, you could go to New York or California and describe a seder in one state or another and, as a Jew, you would recognize it. This is the belief system in evil and the power that evil gives you, and so it has these certain rituals, so they are very similar with all of the survivors.

OPRAH: See, but I am very surprised because the Jewish faith is the Jewish faith. and worshiping the devil is not a part of the Jewish faith. I mean, Jewish people do not worship the devil.

Ms. GROSSMAN: But before there was Christ and before there was a system of one God, there was Paganism- and it still exists in the world, and in many cultures, you still find the belief that there is strength and power in the actual consumption of human flesh or animal flesh.

Vicki Polin, Jewish Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor


In spite of the fact that both Vicki and Oprah said many times this behavior was not typical of most Jews, the B'nai B'rith-ADL attacked the show as "anti-Semitic." 

Oprah did her penance and obviously has been forgiven. Vicki was stopped on the street and told her testimony would start "another holocaust." Vicki's response was that denying these crimes was akin to holocaust denial. In July of 1989, she penned this statement and sent it to all concerned:

"Our society believes the myth that Jews can't be pedophiles, or abuse their own children. This is a "MYTH, they do abuse children. There are even those who practice cannibalism and perform human sacrifices. Believe me, I saw it with my own eyes.

"I've come to the point in my life where I feel I need to bear witness. I have and will continue to until I'm sure what I had to endure as a child is believed by you and others like you. I will do whatever is possible so what happened to me doesn't happen to anyone else!"

Vicki became a therapist herself, moved to Baltimore and opened "The Awareness Center" to help other victims of satanic abuse. She has articles about the Frankists on her website. I attempted to contact her without success.

But I found an extensive profile with interviews on Luke Ford's website. There is an Affidavit from a rabbi Vicki contacted in 2004 regarding an exorcism of her cult upbringing. She described their intent to him in these terms:  

"The essence of her story was that there are currently many rabbis involved in this cult who brought their satanic rituals with them to the USA from Europe. That she was born into one of the Jewish families owing allegiance to the cult. 

"She claimed to have been used as part of an organized child sexual abuse ring organized by the rabbi of her synagogue, and that the sexual abuse took place on Sifrei Torah Scrolls laid out on the floor of the synagogue. 


"That the abuse began in early childhood and continued over a period of many years, through her teen years and into adulthood, and that she was only one of the many young children, boys and girls used in this manner. I did not ask for specifics of the rituals but she mentioned cannibalism, defecation and the sacrilege of sacred objects."


A friend believes that the Illuminati want power but he can't believe they worship Satan and eat babies. I certainly wouldn't invent such an implausible scenario. 

Fiona Barnett - Witness of VIP Satanic Ritual in Bathurst, 1985

As J. Edgar Hoover said, 

"We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst." (Elks Magazine, August 1956.)

People like my friend have little knowledge of history. Does he really think over 180 million people could be massacred in the 20th century merely by accident? Hiroshima, the Holodomor, the Holocaust and 9-11 were the products of a single Satanic mindset. 

Does he think the steady decline of popular culture into degeneracy and obscenity is a coincidence?

Does he think the gradual mainstreaming of incest homosexuality, pederasty, and the occult is random? Does he think the destruction of higher education (in the humanities) and the family is coincidence too? 

(Forty percent of US kids were born to single mothers in 2007 compared to 4% in the 1950's.) Mankind is in the thrall of a powerful Satanic cult intent on destroying and enslaving it.

As the therapist Grossman said, Vicki's claims are corroborated by many others. I have reported on them in articles like "Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture;" "The Root Problem: Illuminati or Jews?"  and "Former Satanic Cult Member Exposes the Dark Illuminati Agenda." 

I have an audio interview with Mary Anne on my site which refers to human sacrifices eight times a year. Both Svali and Fritz Springmeier have described Illuminati trauma brainwashing and satanic rituals. These activities are also practiced by high-level Masons and members of intelligence agencies like MI-5 and MI-6.

Cathy O'Brien: Ex-Illuminati Mind Control Victim

Big Banks Whistleblower: I Was Told To Sacrifice Children At An Illuminati Party (minute 24:45)
As long as we deny that society has been subverted by a Satanic cult, that our leaders are dupes or agents, we won't be able to address our predicament. As long as we smear truth tellers like Vicki Polin, we will either implicate ourselves, or continue to be accomplices in our own demise.

The logical outcome of this demented ideology is the destruction of everything we hold dear.

Obviously, society needs a major cleansing but this won't happen as long as the levers of power are in Illuminati hands and the masses remain apathetic. Hopefully, the economic crisis will alert many more people to the danger we all face.

Slaves to "The System."

PLANET EARTH, a Garden of Eden full of life and beauty. Everything a human+Being needs to be able to live and co-exist with other human+Beings, in a caring society, in harmony with the natural environment, where everyone puts others before themselves.

So what went wrong? Why are we living now, in a society in which most people are afraid to walk down the street at night, where we have to lock everything in the 
fear of others stealing from us.

It seems that 
fear is the root of all evil in this world. Our fear of poverty; loneliness; ridicule; war. Where do these fearscome from? Why do they control us and make us do the 'Self'-ish things that we do.

It seems that the leaders of the world use 
fear to control us and manipulate us into conforming to their "System" of control. They have made up fraudulent legislation that has made us, the majority of people, slaves to them. We spend our whole lives working, often doing jobs which are destructive to the environment, only to pay excessive taxes to these people, being left with only just enough money over to survive and perhaps have a family of our own, so our children can grow up to become slaves to this evil "System"; just as we are.

So what do we do about it? We can't just refuse to work under their "System" because they control the legislation and simply have anyone who refuses to conform either 
thrown in jail or put in an institution, and labeled insane. The truth is, they are the insane ones who are destroying the planet by having all the trees cut down and are destroying the environment, that we live in, for money for themselves.

There is 
ONLY One Way to stop these people, and that is to prove their evil "System" wrong (which they are already doing by themselves by destroying the planet) and show them The Real Law which is perfectly fair and unbiased; is friendly to the environment and has been there for thousands of years.
The Torah is the name given to The Laws; Statutes; Judgments; Agricultural and Economic Policies that were handed to Moses on top of Mt. Horeb in Sinai by The Ruler of The Universe and is The Perfect System for the world to use, as it was given by a totally independent body (God); so is perfectly fair and un-biased. These Laws are contained in The First Five Books of The Old Testament of The Bible; the originals of which are kept in The Ark of The Covenant, which is buried in a hidden subterranean tomb at The Hill of Tara (Torah) in Co. Meath, Ireland.

When The Ark 
is recovered The Laws that it contains can then be reinstituted into society. This will prove that the people currently in positions of authority, running the "System" we are forced to live under, were never allowed to make up their own legislation and they will be forced to go back to God's Laws and redistribute all of the wealth that they have defrauded from the people and hoarded away. That money should then be redistributed evenly and fairly back to the people that it was taken from in the first place - the lower and middle classes.

The Ark of The Covenant needs to be recovered immediately, before the people who are currently running (ruining) the world totally destroy the planet we are living on in the name of "economic growth". Please help us 
stop the destructionof the planet, by supporting us in our endeavor to excavate a small section of grass (2m. x 2m.) at The Hill of Tara(Torah), Co. Meath, Ireland; to expose the entrance to the hidden subterranean tomb that The Ark of The Covenant is buried in. The recovery of The Ark is the ONLY WAY that we can prove that the evil "System" that we are forced to live under is unlawful and wrong, and in so doing we can permanently put a stop to all corruption and oppression now happening on Planet Earth.

For more details about The Ark of The Covenant; what it contains; how it will put the world right and how it came to be in Ireland

Black magic is the force that rules the world, so it is the Satanic black magicians which constitute the true controllers of the world – at least in the human Earthly realm. 

The Satanic black magicians pull the strings, not politicians, corporate bosses, military heads, intelligence chiefs or even international bankers – although they also hold many of those roles. 

The New World Order (NWO) elite fulfill a hidden role and an outer, more respectable public role. While many Satanic black magicians are also businessmen and bankers, their true ruling power comes from Satanism and the twisted use of humanity’s creative power (black magic), which they then use in their secular roles in society.

Symbols Rule the World

Black magicians rule the world, not politicians, bankers or military heads. 
Black magic harnessed through Satanic ritual is the dark force behind the NWO.

Remember the saying of the Chinese sage Lao-Tzu, who said that “symbols rule the world, not rules or laws”? Symbols communicate at a deeper level than words, because they are decoded by the right, intuitive brain, whereas words are decoded by the left, logical brain. 

Symbols are able to penetrate more deeply into our subconscious, which is why the elite are so obsessed with their occult corporate and governmental logos of red crosses, rising suns, all-seeing eyes, pyramids, 666, the rings of Saturn and inverted pentagrams (check out the work of Freeman who has done a great job exposing this). 

Words attempt to rule the world, but they can never be as powerful as symbols.

Likewise, black magic rules the world. Governments and corporations attempt to rule the world, but they can never be as powerful as black magic.

Before looking at the evidence of elite use of black magic, it is worthwhile remembering a defining aspect of Satanism: the inversion of everything. Black is white, bad is good, wrong is right. This is why the inverted pentagram is such a popular Satanic symbol. 

George Orwell touched on this in 1984 when he wrote of the ruling class’ propaganda: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” 

Even mind control, developed by the Nazis first in Germany and later at the CIA, uses Satanic principles to confuse its victims, by telling them that pain is pleasure and pleasure is pain, and eventually breaking down victims so they can no longer distinguish between the two.

Bohemian Grove, Skull ‘n’ Bones and Other Secret Societies

There are some secret societies which are mostly political and economic in nature, such as groups like the Trilateral Commission or the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), who go around convincing the world about the great benefits of globalization(the elite buzzword for centralization of power), global governance and free trade agreements like the TPP

There are others, however, whose purpose is shrouded in more mystery, but seem to involve black magic and Satanic ritual, such as the worshiping of dark gods/entities, the acting out of sexual orgies/fetishes and sacrifice, whether mock or real.

The Bohemian Club, located in San Francisco, is one such group. Every summer in the USA, many key figures of the US elite gather in the tall redwoods of northern California at Bohemian Grove. People such as Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush and other US presidents have attended.
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and it's evil plan to infiltrate, tyrannize the whole World and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism also known as Luciferianism, Satanism or ancient Baal worship.
By Preston James and Mike Harris
An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel

Alex Jones successfully infiltrated the Grove once, and was able to videotape one of the rituals that took place there, known as Cremation of Care, which involved hooded figures performing a mock sacrifice [personally, I'm sure the sacrifices are real] black magic ritual beneath a 40 foot owl.

On the other coast of America, at Yale University in Connecticut, lies an old secret society founded in 1832 by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft, known as the Skull ‘n’ Bones society, and its members as “bonesmen”.

The late professor Anthony Sutton did some great research on Skull ‘n’ Bones. Members have admitted having to undergo strange initiation rituals such as making sexual confessions in a tomb, while outsiders have heard chilling howls and screams emanating from the windowless Skull ‘n’ Bones crypt.

If you think these secret societies are just perverted people messing around, ask yourself: why would the elite, many of whom are obsessed with power, be involved with them? Why would they engage in such black magic rituals unless they were getting something in return – like more power? 

These guys control the printing presses of the world, and some have more money than they could possibly spend. 

It’s power they want, not money. Money is just a means to an end. Is it just a coincidence that in the 2004 US presidential election, where George Bush Jr. and John Kerry were running against each other, that both were bonesmen, with a membership total of around 300 in a country of 300+ million people? 

Did MSM news anchor Tim Russert get bumped off for asking too many questions to Bush and Kerry about the secret society?

Kubrick, Eyes Wide Shut and Secret Elite Rituals of Sex and Sacrifice

The ordinary person will never be initiated into a Satanic secret society, nor get close enough to witness what really goes on in there. It is therefore interesting when someone who does get close to that world decides to spill the beans and show the world what’s going on. 

Such a person was Stanley Kubrick, the late great film-maker who many suspect (with strong evidence) was part of the US Government’s fake Apollo moon landing in 1969. 

Kubrick may have cut a deal with the devil in making a fake moon landing for the elite, because when he handed over the tape for his last film Eyes Wide Shut, he was found dead 4 days later of a heart attack, despite the fact those close to him said he was in fine health and had no history of heart trouble.

Kubrick depicts a black magic scene whether naked women circle a leader, then drop their clothes to become naked, and are later involved in a massive orgy, where all the participants where masks to hide their true identities. 

Kubrick hints in the film that this Satanic-sexual black magic ritual also involves sacrifice and murder, by implying that one of the women/prostitutes was killed during or at the end of the ritual.

At the Heart of Black Magic: Demonic Possession

Black magic at its core is really about demonic possession. Since the world is made of energy, not matter, and since energy moves in waves which have frequencies, the Satanic rituals are designed to entrain the energetic bio-frequencies of the participants with that of other dark entities, so that there is a vibrational match. 

Once there is a frequency resonance or lock, an exchange can then take place: energy, intent or information can go from one being, place or dimension can be transferred into another. This works both ways: the person gets possessed and receives information from certain dark entities, while the dark entities also take something from the person. 

This theme of possession crops up again and again when exposing the worldwide conspiracy, and has been going on a long time, e.g. Hitler was reported to be demonically possessed by his aide Hermann Rauschning.

The Horrific Phenomenon of Missing Children

It is also black magic that is behind the unspeakable and unconscionable phenomenon of missing children

These children are being deliberately kidnapped and taken down into elite controlled underground facilities where they are mind controlled, turned into slaves and where some of them are even sacrificed at Satanic rituals

If that is too difficult to believe, listen to the testimonies of various mind control victims, researchers,Illuminati defectors or ET contactees, such as Cathy O’Brien, “Mary Anne“, “Svali“, Alex Collier and many others.

Conclusion: Focus on the Deepest Aspects of the Conspiracy

Although it’s important to focus on and expose all aspects of dysfunction in our society – including political corruption, mainstream media consolidation and deceptionsmart metersGMOstoxic vaccinesgeoengineering, the militarization of police, fake terrorism, false flag opsUN Agenda 21,transhumanism and the human microchipping agenda – in order to transform and heal them, it’s crucial to realize that, at a fundamental level, they are all connected

All these issues and more are manifestations of a more primordial evil or unconsciousness in our midst –Satanic black magic. The secretive rituals conducted at Bohemian Grove and elite mansions tell us more about who rules the world than political think tanks or banking cartels, although of course there is an overlap.

If humanity is to rise up and overcome the conspiracy, we must focus our attention on the root of evil (not the branches), and use “white magic” in greater force – the harnessing and funneling of our creative powers to make a world of peace, freedom and love. 

We must continue to expose the deepest aspects of the conspiracy. At the same time, we have to ensure we are not letting the elite siphon off our precious thoughts, emotions and powers to create their nightmarish world, but rather, using those energies within us to create the world we want with positive intention, focus and conscious manifestation.

The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations
One-World-Government Conspiracy
The Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion

Please down-load this document immediately
and distribute it to as many people as possible.

[Please 'click here' to go directly to The Protocols section]



(A Transcript) The Illuminati and CFR

"WHO'S WHO IN THE THEATER" has always been the Bible of the People in the Legitimate Theater. It never played Favorites, it told no lies, it Glorified nobody. It always was an unbiased HISTORY of the men and women in the Theater. It recorded only those who proved their worth in the one - AND ONLY ONE - testing place of the Theater. BROADWAY: That "WHO'S WHO" records the plays Myron C. Fagan wrote, directed and produced ... Dramas, Comedies, Melodramas, Mysteries, Allegories, Farces - many of them the most resounding "HITS" of their years. He arrived on Broadway in 1907, 19 years old, the youngest playwright in the history of the American Theater. In the following years he wrote and directed plays for many of the GREATS of those days ... Mrs. Leslie Carter, Wilton Lackaye, Fritz Leiber, Alla Nazimova, Jack Barrymore, Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., E.H. Southern, Julia Marlowe, Helen Morgan, etc, etc. He directed Charles M. Frohman, Belasco, Henry W. Savage, Lee Shubert, Abe Erlanger, George M. Cohan, etc, etc.. In the 5 years between 1925 and 1930 he wrote, personally directed, and produced twelve plays: "THE WHITE ROSE," "THUMBS DOWN," "TWO STRANGERS FROM NOWHERE," "MISMATES," "THE FASCINATING DEVIL," "THE LITTLE SPITFIRE," "JIMMY'S WOMEN," "THE GREAT POWER," "INDISCRETION," "NANCY'S PRIVATE AFFAIR," "SMART WOMAN," and "PETER FLIES HIGH."
During his early years; Mr. Fagan was also "Dramatic Editor" for "The Associated Newspapers," including the "New York Globe" and various Hearst newspapers. But in 1916 he took a "SABBATICAL" from the Theater and served as "Director of Public Relations" for Charles Evens Hughes; the Republican Candidate for the Presidency - he refused a similar post offered him for the Hoover campaign in 1928; thus, Mr. Fagan's career encompassed the Theater, Journalism and National Politics, and he is a proven expert in all those fields.
In 1930; Mr. Fagan came to Hollywood where he served as "Writer Director" with "Pathe Pictures, Inc.," then owned by Joseph P. Kennedy, father of the late President Jack Kennedy, and also at 20th Century Fox, and other Hollywood Film Studios. But he also continued in the Broadway Legitimate field.
In 1945, at the urgent request of John T. Flynn, the famous author of "THE ROOSEVELT MYTH," "WHILE WE SLEPT," "THE TRUE STORY OF PEARL HARBOR," etc.; Mr. Fagan attended a meeting in Washington D.C. where he was shown a set of micro-films and recordings of the SECRET meetings at Yalta attended only by Franklin Roosevelt, Alger Hiss, Harry Hopkins, Stalin, Molotov, and Vishinsky when they hatched the plot to deliver the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Berlin to Stalin. As a result of that meeting; Mr. Fagan wrote two plays: "RED RAINBOW" (in which he revealed that entire plot) and "THIEVES PARADISE" (in which he revealed how those men plotted to create the "UNITED NATIONS" to be the "housing" for a so-called Communist One-World Government).

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