Jedi Knight Army

He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow. A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990. I am of Scottish Origins

Friday 12 April 2019


Jehovah Witnesses

(As stated from the New World Translation of the unholy Scriptures, written by a man!!!!!!!)
Deny Him as thee Man:    Tim 2:5. (A Person)?    
       Is He not deity in the flesh????
Deny Him as thee Saviour: Phil 3:20 
(A Saviour)?       No saving ability????
         Deny Him as thee righteous one: 
      John 2:1  Lacks righteousness????
     (Below is quoted from King James Version)
Everlasting life is through Lord Jesus Christ: 
John 5: 37 – 40. Heb 7:25
He is the Saviour: Isa. 43:3, 11 – 13; Hosea 13:4.
Worship God only: Matt 14:33, Phil 2: 9 – 11, Luke 24:52.
He is Prince & Saviour: Acts 5: 30 – 32.
Yahweh “I AM” is the Mighty God: Isa. 9:6
Fellowship of the Holy Spirit: 2 Cor. 13: 14.
No other name under heaven whereby you can be saved: 
Acts 4:12, Rom 10: 9 – 10.
Lord Jesus Christ is the true God & Life everlasting:
 1 John 5: 11 – 13, 20.
Lord Jesus Christ is God & Saviour: 
Jude 24, 25, Luke 1:46,47, Isa. 12:2, 1 Thesis 5:9.
The word of God, King of Kings & Lord of Lords:
 Rev. 19: 13 – 16.
Lord Jesus Christ is the word:
 John 1:1-4, 17
The word became flesh: John 1:14.
The job of the Holy Spirit:, Rom. 8:9,11,14 Rom. 8: 26 – 27,         Acts 10:46,47, 19:6.
Holy Spirit is a person.
Nine times the word He is used
John 15:26,16:8-14.
For there are three witness bearers, in heaven the Father,
The Word & the Holy Spirit, and these three are as one:
 1 John 5:7.
Yahweh “Father” is the great “I AM”: Ex. 3:14
Baptise in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit:
 Matt 28:19.
Reality of Hell: Luke 16:23, 19:27 Mk 9: 43 – 48, Matt 8:12,        Matt 25:41, Rev 20: 11 – 15.

Angels are to worship Father and Son Heb 1:1-8 
Eph 1:3:    Who has blessed us IN CHRIST 
Eph 1:4:    He chooses us IN CHRIST.
Eph 1:7:    IN HIM we have redemption     
Eph 1:9    Good pleasure IN HIM.
Eph 1:10: IN CHRIST, both things in heaven & earth IN Him we have an inheritance.
Eph 1:12: FIRST HOPED IN CHRIST       
Eph 1:13: IN HIM is the word & truth.

Salvation is free; we do not have to work our way into heaven. Eph 2: 8 – 10.
Hebrews 1: 1 – 4: The writer of Hebrews has portrayed the Son of God as: -

1.    The prophet through whom God has spoken.
2.    The Creator who made the universe.
3.    The Heir of ALL THINGS. (Heb. 1:2)
4.    The Representation of God’s being.
5.    The Upholder of all things.
6.    The Priest who provided purification for sins.
7.    The King who sat down at his place of honour.

The Kingdom of God belongs to Christ because He is the King  .Phil.2:9-11; Eph. 1:20 – 21.

                            SEVEN I AM’S 
John 6:35:       I AM the Bread of life.  
John 8:12:       I AM the light of the world.
John 8:58:       Before Abraham was, I AM. 
John 10:11:     I AM the Good Shepherd.
John 11:25:     I AM the Resurrection & the Life .
John 14:6:       I AM the Way, the truth & the life.
John 15:1:       I AM the true vine.           

Genesis 2:7 And the "I AM" God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
 and man became alive and was given a soul
[spirit Being] (human+being).
Gospel of John chapter 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water (human) and then is born from above as his spirit-"Being" (his REAL self which is NOT human), he can NOT enter into the Kingdom of God (Who is a Spirit-"Being").
3:6 That which is born of the flesh is human; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit (a spirit-"Being") - (a human+Being).
3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye MUST be born again.

The Facts on Charles T. Russell
Charles T. Russell (1852 - 1916) founded the JW movement. As a teenager he rejected his Presbyterian roots, joined a more liberal Congregational Church, and then left this group as well.

(2). He denied the deity of Christ and the biblical teachings on hell and eternal punishment. Russell had no formal Bible training, but borrowed and built upon various teachings that were popular at the time.
 For example, Adventism influenced his denial of hell, and a splinter Adventist group led by N.H. Barbour aroused his interest in end time prophecies.
From Barbour he borrowed the belief that Christ returned invisibly
to the world in 1874, and that 1914 was the year the world would be destroyed and the Millennium would begin. In 1879 Russell started his own magazine, Zion's Watchtower and Herald of Christ's Presence (now known as The Watchtower), to promote his
 People were drawn to Russell’s sensational end time predictions, and the organization grew.
In spite of his lack of formal training in theology or biblical languages, Russell claimed to be the only one with the truth, and he vigorously condemned all other Christian religions.
As a result, ministers of various denominations began exposing Russell’s false teachings and questionable character.
 Rev. J.J.Ross published a pamphlet that exposed Russell's
false claims and doctrines. He revealed that Russell "never attended the higher schools of learning: knows comparatively nothing of philosophy, systematic or historical theology;
and is totally ignorant of the [biblical] languages
[i.e. Hebrew and Greek]".

(3) Ross concluded that Russell's teaching was "anti-rational, anti-scientific, anti-Biblical, [and] anti-Christian."

(4) Russell unsuccessfully tried to stop circulation of this damaging information by suing Rev. Ross for defamatory libel.
However, he not only lost the suit, but in the process perjured himself in court when he lied under oath about his knowledge of the Greek language. In the end Russell admitted
the statements about him in the pamphlet were true.

 (5) In 1906 Russell's wife successfully sued for divorce because of "his conceit, egotism, domination and improper
conduct in relation to other women," and won a settlement of $6,036.

(6) The court severely censured Russell and called his conduct "insulting," "domineering" and "overbearing" to a degree which made life intolerable to a sensitive Christian woman.

(7) In 1913, Russell unsuccessfully sued The Brooklyn Daily Eagle for libel when that paper exposed his fraudulent attempts to sell ordinary wheat at the exorbitant price of $60 a bushel, claiming it was "Miracle Wheat."

(8)Despite these setbacks, Russell continued to attract people with his fantastic prophetic  interpretations and dramatic warning that Armageddon would strike in 1914.
 When 1914 came and went, he changed the date to 1915.

We continued walking and the Lord showed me a white man whose hands were stretched out and the surprising thing about this man is that he had a very fine sword inside his tongue and this sword crossed through his head and was coming out of his body. His feet were grabbed by chains and his back was full of blades set in different positions in a way that no matter how he moved, he would be cut. When I saw this man in this condition, I told Jesus, “Lord, please help him. Do something Lord Jesus. Look at the horrendous pain that this man is going through.” The Lord asked me- “Do you know who this man is? “No, Lord”, I said. I saw how the knives got through his skin and then through the bones and how they came out of his body.  The man only screamed in agony.
The Lord told me, “judgment against this man has been established. Now I am going to tell you the identity of this man.” Because of that revelation, the Lord said ‘You will have to run from city to city because this will cause you a great persecution but I will be with you.” He went on to say “Rodolfo, this man is Charles T. Russell”. I said “Lord, who is he?” The Lord said that this man was the founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I pleaded “Lord, please help him” and the Lord said: “No, Rodolfo”. And as the Lord moved his hands, immediately I saw that many souls were falling into hell in every way possible: they were falling head first, feet first, stomach first etc.
“Rodolfo, for that cursed man, all these souls are entering into hell. This man taught that God was only a God of love. The Bible says that God is a consuming fire. This man Charles Russell took the word hell from the Bible and he took out all the words sheol and Abaddon. Also, he denied the deity of Jesus Christ and also denied the deity of the Holy Spirit and he put only the Word Jehovah in the Bible. He took out Jesus and the Holy Spirit. For this cursed man, all these souls are falling into hell.”
 (Rev 22:18-19). Then the Lord said: “I curse that man”

Please Jehovah Witness that is listening to me at this moment, I don’t want to offend you. Get out of that sect and come to Jesus quickly. I don’t hate you and I don’t hate your religion either but you are in a farce. Come to Jesus. He is waiting for you with open hands. Charles Russell is in hell because he taught lies!! Don’t follow his lies. When we left this place, these prison doors closed and caught fire and this man Charles Taze Russell cried and screamed and cursed Jesus repeatedly because Jesus said “The judgment has been set for this man”.
In order that we may understand this great Plan, the Bible narrative, first of all, takes us away back in thought to the remote past before ever the Earth or the Universe existed. The opening words of the Bible simply state, "In the beginning God..."Logical thinking demands that there must have been what is known as a ‘first cause’ as the beginning of all things that now are. It is believed that this ‘first cause’ had the power of thought and that it was capable of transmuting thought into action; and, in fact, the power of turning thought into substance. The Bible makes the claim that this ‘first cause’ is the mysterious Personality of God, Who Himself is uncreated and eternal, complete within Himself (self-existing - YHWH - "I AM") and possessing all wisdom. David the Psalmist declared, "Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God" (Ps. 90:2).
Of the substance of His Own Being (Spirit - energy), and from His Own Being, the Father created the Son, who himself is spirit, being of one substance with the Father. There also proceeded forth from the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth. Thus was the Godhead constituted, still one in spirit and unity, but manifested as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The human mind is surely incapable of comprehending the infinite nature of God. Zophar, in the Old Testament - Covenant story, wished to emphasise this fact to Job when he said, "Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection? It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; what canst thou know?" (Job 11:7-8). We can but behold the glory of His handiwork in nature and accept, by faith, the Divine revelation which we have been granted, realising that we may spend all eternity still discovering more of His greatness.
"In the Beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Now follows what the Bible calls ‘Heaven’, which became the abode of God, Who created the angelic host, spiritual beings (of light - energy) whose chief attributes are wisdom and strength (2 Sam. 14:20; Ps. 103:20). They also inhabited Heaven. Among the angels there was a higher order of archangels, amongst whom were Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer. Further creative activity by the Godhead followed, in which the Heavens (Universe) and the Earth were made (Gen. 1:1, John 1:1-5, Heb. 1:1-3). This seems to be the divine order, and the Book of Job declares that the angelic host rejoiced greatly at the creation of the Earth, "When the Morning Star’s inhabitants sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy" (Job 38:7).
While the Son (Michael - Dan. 10:21) sat upon the Throne with the Father in Heaven, the archangel Lucifer (created from energy - Sura 7:12) and his followers were sent to the Earth after the war they had fought against God (Rev. 12:7-9), once it had been created to be the prison for these sinners as a result of the Divine Judgement against them. Isaiah, chapter fourteen, supplies a clue, for here is revealed the story of the great fall of Lucifer who fell through arrogance, and because of his jealousy of the Most High. Thus it is written: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the Morning (Star)! How art thou cut down to the earth, which did weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the North: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like (take the Place of) The Most High. Yet, thou shalt be brought down to hell (Earth), to the sides of the pit (Hell-Fire)." (Isaiah 14:12-15). This passage marks the beginning of evil in the Universe. When Lucifer said, "I will", (his will not God’s Will) sin began.
Here is the beginning of the great controversy (war) that has waged ever since between the forces of good and the forces of evil, involving both Heaven and Earth as its battleground. It is against this background that we must seek to understand the present struggle for world control with all its attendant and varied suffering. Only with this background and knowing our part in it can we understand the great Master Plan, which has as its object, the ultimate defeat of all evil and the complete restoration of the Earth to its former perfection. The first creative act, stated in Genesis chapter one and verse one, refers to the dateless past, and so provides scope for all the geologic ages referred to by the scholar.
Reading from verse two of this chapter, we are informed as to how the earth was renewed and restored from the chaos that had come to it. The only creative acts described here are those of animal life and human life. Thus, man came on the scene as the highest form of creation, being made in unity - human, +being (soul - fallen angel) and spirit to be gradually reformed into the likeness and eventually the image of God (Matt. 5:48). He was placed in the midst of a most beautiful and perfect environment. And God looked upon all He had made, and behold it was good.
The renewed Earth was then marred by Lucifer, now known as Satan ("the Opposer"), seeking to recover his lost control of his followers here on Earth. As a result of Satanic attack, man fell from his perfection and innocency and brought down with him the realm of nature. A death state took the place of eternal youth. A process of change and decay in man and in nature took the place of deathless perfection. Man has had to struggle with death and the curse to this day. After a dreadful run of evil during the first generations of the Adamic race, in which sin multiplied upon the Earth, bringing forth every conceivable form of suffering, the cleansing and correcting measures of the great Master Plan went into action.

"What was buried shall be rediscovered. Truth shall be revealed as being the Seed of Life." - an Aztec prophecy.

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