Biden Plantation Claim That Black People Are Monkeys Shocks World
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today joins the world’s shock after former Governor Alejandro García-Padilla, the co-chair of Joe Biden’s campaign on the island of Puerto Rico, used the Spanish word mono to describe black Americans, that means monkey—a vile claim that followed socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden himself disparaging black people by stunningly saying “Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things”—that joins Biden having already said that if black people support President Trump “they ain’t black”—as well as Biden this past week screaming “are you a junkie” at a black reporter who asked him a question he didn’t like, and instead of apologizing for, yesterday saw Biden’s campaign saying this black reporter deserved this abuse—all of which President Trump responded to by stating: “Sleepy Joe Biden is no longer worthy of the Black Vote!”—but even more forcefully, saw famed American black civil rights attorney Leo Terrell firing back with the scathing words: “Joe Biden is unfit to be president and Joe Biden is a racist…Joe Biden has the mindset of a plantation owner…He thinks he knows how every black person thinks, how we walk, and should eat”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, with the socialist Democrat Party that Joe Biden presides over already being warned that “its biggest threat is Democrat voters”, who are largely comprised of what are called the “disinterested middle”, that don’t vote in primary elections, which is why this party has been pushed to radical leftist extremes—another warning alarm for Biden’s socialist Democrats has flashed revealing that: “It would appear that the black youth in America has become disillusioned with the Democratic party’s attempts to kowtow to them, and as such, their willingness to vote for Democrats is at an all-time low…In fact, most say that they feel the Democrat party takes them for granted…It expects their vote but does nothing to earn it besides claim that it’s “less racist” than Republicans”—and is a warning whose critical significance lies in the fact that without near 90% of the black vote, no socialist Democrat candidate can beat President Trump.
Equally important to notice, this report notes, was this past week watching these socialist Democrats’ worst nightmare come true when black supporters of President Trump marched in Los Angeles—that becomes explainable when further noticing that over 80% of black Americans want police to stay and keep patrolling their communities—and while gun sales in America continuing smashing all records as socialist Democrats continue to defund police as violent riots rage, it’s now being noticed that firearm purchases by black men and women are up 58% from 2019—and explains why lifelong Democrat Party super lawyer Scott J. Street just penned his open letter “Joe Biden’s Capitulation To The Crazy Left Is Alienating Democrats Like Me” saying “Unlike Biden, Trump is delivering a clear and appealing message: Send kids back to school, support police officers, and get people back to work now”—and in whose closing warning section of this open letter states:
It’s No Mystery Why People Prefer Trump
This is already occurring across key states. CNN’s Rich Thau has been conducting focus groups of Obama-Trump voters in the Midwest and found recently that 22 of 33 respondents preferred Trump to Biden. It’s easy to see why. According to Thau:
They think a businessman is best suited to turn the country around economically. They feel COVID-19 was not Trump’s fault, and he’s doing the best he can to contain it. They conflate the Black Lives Matter protesters with the rioters attacking federal buildings and retail shops. They don’t want historic monuments torn down. And they dismiss defunding the police as ridiculous.
These voters tell me they want America finally to be put first; they oppose immigration and trade policies they say give benefits to foreigners at their expense. And they want a non-politician who relentlessly fights back, after witnessing too many officeholders fold in the face of special interests.
These voters cannot be discounted as racists or deplorables who need to be canceled. Their votes matter just as much as the protesters and rioters. They could easily lift Trump to a second term.
If that happens, Democrats will have only themselves to blame. The coronavirus gave them the chance to show what real leadership looks like. So far, they have failed.
Democrats have a small window to come to their senses, reconnect with working people, and fix it.
But that will require them to get out of Washington and stand up to the special interests that are exploiting the virus for political gain — and that seems increasingly unlikely.

Most astonishing to be noticed about this past week, this report continues, was when on Tuesday the Biden campaign unveiled its “Latino Agenda” to the American people in a highly publicized social media event—that a grand total of only 136 people tuned into—thus proving that no one even cares about what Joe Biden says or does—though is a Joe Biden fully supported by the leftist mainstream propaganda media establishment that praises terrorists burning police cars at the same time they mock children wearing MAGA hats—and this past week saw all of these major media outlets totally ignore the bombshell testimony of top Obama-Biden official Sally Yates when she admitted under oath that disgraced former FBI Director James Comey “went rogue”—and is why the famed American journalist David Marcus just penned his article “How Long Can The Media Cover For Biden’s Racial Gaffes?” wherein he notes and asks: “Do not expect this to be the last time Biden makes a gaffe involving race…But do expect the corporate media to use all their power to protect him when he does…The question is, will that power be enough?”.

What the American people to their great peril are still failing to understand, this report details, is that the leftist mainstream propaganda media isn’t actually protecting Joe Biden as an individual, as they are protecting and keeping hidden the agenda that is using the socialist Democrat Party to turn the United States into a communist ruled over tyrannical dictatorship—a massive decades-long plot exposed by former top Soviet Union intelligence officer Yuri Bezmenov—who after defecting to Canada in 1970, revealed the “Psychological Warfare Plan” that’s now playing out in America today—the central parts of which were designed on the pillars of “demoralization”, “destabilization” and “crisis”—and to achieve called for these actions:
Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression…belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history….present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man”.
Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems.

Standing nearly alone against this real plot to destroy the United States and turn into a communist dictatorship ruled over by godless socialist Democrats, this report concludes, is President Donald Trump—who even in the depths of this crisis, has effectively guided his nation’s economy to the point where yesterday it was stunningly announced that black employment rose faster than white employment in July, that brought the black-white jobless gap to an historic low—thus proving, once again, that President Trump must be the worst racist ever, as everything he does keeps helping black Americans—and he wants to keep helping, as evidenced by the 6 promises he made to all of the American people this week should they reelect him—promises President Trump made that are: Defeat The Chinese Virus, Restore Our Country’s Prosperity, Turn America into the Drugstore of the World, Onshore Manufacturing Jobs, Bring Back Factory Jobs and Put American Workers First—promises one would logically think the American people of all colours and races would rejoice in seeing accomplished—but does explain why these demonic socialist Democrat Party forces hate and revile President Trump with every fiber of their being.

August 8, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
Titles purposely designed to deceive. |
Have you ever taken the time to analyse just how many things in life are designed to deceive us and how many things we have been taught, that just aren't so?
For example:-
The Honourable M.P. for . . . - denotes a politician and everyone knows that most politicians are professional liars and therefore are the opposite of the definition.
Italian Renaissance statesman and political writer, Niccolo Machiavelli, wrote in The Prince, one of the most influential political works of all time, that governments are created to lie to the greatest number of people the greatest amount of the time.
And why do governments lie? Why, to cover up their previous lies in order to protect the perpetrators, of course.
Conservatism:- Conservatism in politics denotes a party whose doctrine is runaway consumerism and a disposable and "throw-away" society. Conservatism and Consumerism are by definition opposites. It is impossible to consume and conserve: it is either consumed or it is conserved and it is impossible for one to be the same as the other, so Conservatism is the opposite of its definition.
Labour - Labourism in politics normally denotes people wanting as much pay as possible for the least amount of labour, so Labourism is the opposite of its definition.
National Economy - a national economy in the western world is totally wasteful; where most products are consumed and thrown away as quickly as possible and are actually manufactured to be waste within a very short space of time; so a National Economy is the opposite of its definition.
Feminism - denotes women who want to be men and who act in a totally unfeminine manner, so feminism is the opposite of its definition.
Gay-homosexual - denotes someone who is unhappy with their gender and wants to pretend to be the opposite gender or to have a relationship with someone of the same gender because they are not happy with normality, so gay, which really means happy, is the opposite of its definition.
These groups of people choose a title that is the opposite of what they are or do to try to deceive the world into believing that they are something that they are not. In other words they are a LIE designed to hide the TRUTH and deceive us.
Please feel free to add your own discoveries to this list.
Here's one or two to get you started:-
Holiday - holy-day to worship and serve God; now used to denote the period/s when people often go abroad and spend their time doing many different unholy acts that they would not dare to be seen doing at home, so holiday is now the opposite of its definition.
Joy-riding - the unlawful, "taking without the owner's consent" (TWOCing - theft in the eyes of most sensible people) of another person's motor-vehicle, which often involves damage to, or the "writing-off" of the vehicle and the death and/or injury of innocent third-parties, as well as the perpetrators themselves, causing havoc and distress, not only to the owner, but to everyone concerned. So joy-riding is the opposite of its definition, because, even if there is no damage done to the vehicle, the owner is left distressed, at what he considers to be the theft of his vehicle, and greatly inconvenienced. There is certainly no joy in that.
Diocese - Dio-cese (Dio=God in Italian and ce(a)se, that is a dio-cese is an area of Catholic-priest influence, teaching men to cease communicating effectively with Father/God!)
Jewel - El is Hebrew for God, so JEW-EL or JEW-GOD means that jewels are worshipped as gods by so-called Jews; many of whom are jewellers; whilst claiming to worship God.
Noel - El is Hebrew for God, so so-called Christians who celebrate NO-EL or NO-GOD are actually celebrating there being no God in their Godless pagan Winter Solstice, drunken, gluttonous, sun-festival called No-el/Xmas/Yuletide.