He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow.
A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990.
I am of Scottish Origins
He the spirit of truth has revealed unto me that I belong to and come from the "House of Israel". I was born into the Nation of Israel (ten lost tribes) that “I AM” set up from the beginning. All I am saying is that Abraham’s Father, Lord God (Guardian of Divinity) is the same God that I worship and follow.
A Fifeshire Family: The Descendants of JOHN AND THOMAS PHILIP OF Kirkcaldy compiled by Peter Philip 1990.
I am of Scottish Origins
Disowned By Parents For Leaving Jehovah Witness To Christianity, Cynthia Shares Her Story
“Jehovah Witnesses believe that you can get your salvation through works,” Cynthia said. “So the more hours you have in field service the more doors you knock on, the more new converts, the more valuable you are to the kingdom hall.”
Cynthia’s mother and father were Jehovah’s Witnesses. Her father was an elder of the faith and strictly enforced all the rules of his religion.
“No celebration of holidays, birthday, Christmas,” Cynthia said.
Xmas has absolutely nothing to do with God. It was originally called Yuletide, which is a pagan festival from the Babylonian Mystery religion of SUN worship. The Babylonians were merchants (they were the originators of the "Market-system" which is condemned by God) and they used Yuletide to sell their merchandise because, like today, it made them lots of money. Then in the first century A.D. Simon (the Sorcerer) Pater (NOT Peter) stole the name christian, mixed it with the BabylonianMystery religion and formed a new religion called christianity, that teaches the opposite of what Christ taught, and hasSUNdays as its sabbath days, due to its SUN-god worshipping origins (Galatians 1:6-9; 2:4). Simon Pater NOT Simon Peter (Cephas) started the fake religion called "christianity" (Acts 8:9-25). Christ's TRUE followers or disciples called themselves "Followers of The Way" or "Those True to The Covenant" (Nazrim ha-Brit), NOT christians.
Revelation 2:6, 15, where the Nicolaitanes, whose doctrine Christ hates, are the followers of Santa (Ni)-Claus, who celebrate Yuletide (and Easter [Ishtar] a god offertility - eggs are the symbol of fertility not crucifixion).
Verse 6: But this thou hast (in thy favour), that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes which I (Christ) ALSO HATE.Verse 15: So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes (the followers of St.Nicholas - Santa Claus), which thing I (Christ) HATE. The Nicolaitans celebrate Yule-tide (Christmas now) and Santa Claus (st. Nicholas) and decorate trees with silver, which thing Christ HATES, because it is Satanic and NOT from God or Christ, as he makes perfectly clear in the verses above. SANTA CLAUS WEARS SCARLET which Christ has told us is SATAN'S COLOUR (see Revelations chapter 12 verses 3+9 - the great RED dragon - SATAN).
SANTA CLAUS is an anagram for SATAN. SATAN LUCAS/LUCIFER - THE DEVIL.There is nothing Godly about Christmas and Christ HATES it; so how can Christians celebrate it? Who taught them to do so? Certainly NOT Christ or his apostles.
“Jesus Christ was just a prophet who came to the earth. They don’t believe that God is able to talk to you.”
HOLY Bible and the HOLY Quran Verses about Knowing “Allah”
The Bible and the Koran is NOT a book of religion; it has nothing to do with organised religions. Organised religions have turned Fathers word,
the Bible and the Koran into useless rites, customs, creed, doctrines and dogma.
The Bible and the Koran is all about building the broken relationship between “Allah” and mankind.
Father God “Allah” uses His Son Jesus Christ to bring about Fellowship and a relationship once again so we can Know Father God “Allah”personally in a real (reality) and truthful knowledge of the Fathers love.
If you wish to go down the road of rites, customs, creed, doctrines and dogma you will totally miss the whole purpose of what Father “Allah”wants to do in your life.
Organised religions can teach rites, customs, creed, doctrines and dogma but they cannot take the place of knowing “Allah”. Only Father God“Allah” has the right to a personal relationship with you.
As a child, Cynthia was independent and curious. She struggled to understand her father’s religion but he would never answer any of her questions.
“I would ask him questions and a lot of the questions he wouldn’t answer or he would get frustrated with me,” Cynthia said. “and he pretty much his response was ‘because I said so. I felt very left out at school. I felt very isolated. There was really no outside influence or opportunity to be social outside the members of the church,” she told CBN.
Cynthia carried her loneliness, doubts, and questions into her teens. She dreaded the exhausting work required by the religion.
Cynthia Cooper Shares Her Story With CBN
“Jehovah Witnesses believe that you can get your salvation through works,” Cynthia said. “So the more hours you have in field service the more doors you knock on, the more new converts, the more valuable you are to the kingdom hall.”
Abba Father has revealed to me that we all have two hands. Each hand we have represents the Royal Law. The first hand is the one where we all must love Abba Father with all our hearts “our spirit being”.
The second hand is the one where we all must love our neighbour as thyself. Who is our neighbour; the one next door, the one on the other side of this planet and every one in between? Therefore, about 7.25 billion all up.
As our hands are joined to our body, so is Abba Fathers Royal Law joined to our spirit man and cannot be separated. If I say I love Abba Father and hate my neighbour(s) for any reason. It is not possible.
TO LOVE Abba Father and MY neighbour(s) IS THE Royal Law OF LOVE, GRACE AND MERCY to all mankind forever. AMEN
THE Royal Law is found ONLY in the TORAH….Torah comes from the Hebrew word for "law" and refers to the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy—also known as the Pentateuch. The word Torah is used also to refer to the scroll of parchment on which the Pentateuch is written.
He who lives by good DEEDS is a true worshipper of Yahweh
Luke 6:45-49 (KJV)
A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
Luke 10:30-37 (KJV) “By loving your brother-neighbour is the key to the ROYAL LAW” see below for what Christ really was saying..
The Priest and the Levite who thought they were righteous and holy but when Abba Father tested them they failed to love their neighbour as themselves. Thereby their righteousness and holiness is made void because of the traditions of men. But the Samaritan, who was humble and compassionate, loved his neighbour and took care of him with no thought of reward.
A true worshipper of Father “I AM” is one who loves and takes care of those in need.
The Priest and the Levite failed because they believed that their creed, doctrines and dogma is superior to deed.
But in fact Abba Father says that DEED over creed is superior.
He who lives by good DEEDS is a true worshipper of Abba Father.
In Gods eyes those who live by DOING GOOD DEEDS are truly RIGHTEOUS and HOLY and they shall and will receive eternal life and receive a crown of righteousness because of their righteous ACTS.
We will be judged according to our good deeds or works.
Rev. 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before “I AM”; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
Rev. 22:12-14 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13. “I AM” Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14Blessed are they that DO HIS commandments that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
“The older I got I would play sick every Saturday,” Cynthia said. “Just any little way that I could avoid doing the ‘works’ of the kingdom.
The more work her parents did for Kingdom Hall, the more Cynthia rebelled.
“I pushed the envelope more,” Cynthia said. “I went out and I did what ever I was big and bad enough to do. Sneaking out with my boyfriend, going places I had no permission.”
When Cynthia was 13, her older sister married a man who was not a Jehovah’s Witness. Her sister’s actions and her parent’s reaction finally brought Cynthia to a breaking point with the religion.
“My parents had literally thrown all of my sisters’ clothes out on the front lawn because she had gotten married,” Cynthia said. “I just began to think you know, ‘this is your child, how can you say you love your child and you love God, but you are treating your child this way.’ So I just began to question and it was just something inside of me that just said, this is not the love of God,’ so I began to search for God.
Cynthia secretly prayed to God and asked Him to reveal Himself.
“To talk to God for the first time was foreign because the Jehovah Witnesses had taught me that God doesn’t speak to people, so here I am talking to this God that can’t hear me. I don’t know if he can hear me.”
Then, her junior year in high school, She says she experienced something she’d been taught could never happen; she believes she heard the voice of God.
“I actually had a pinched nerve,” Cynthia said. “I didn’t know what it was at the time. So, I said, Lord if you heal me, I’ll serve you. I don’t know who you are, I don’t know how to serve you but if you will heal me, I will. I remember laying back on my bed and I heard the holy spirit say, ‘Okay’ and so I turned my neck and something snapped in the side of my neck and immediately I was healed.
Have YOU ever wondered why people become sick? Is it just chance or is it something they have done that causes the sickness? Why does it not happen the same to everyone? How do you prevent sickness, or heal yourself, if you are sick already?
You will NOT find the answers to these questions in heathen temples, full of false gods - HOSPITALS, or in small shrines that house one false god - a G.P.'s surgery.
There is only ONE place to find the answer and cure. I say answer and cure in the singular because there is only ONE forALL and ALL for ONE.
What I am going to tell you next will probably sound simplistic but then the simple things of Life are always the best. The cure for EVERY sickness is in the Bible and the best translation is the new "King of kings' Bible", Authorised by Godto replace the previous earthly-king's Authorised Version, which is known as The king James Bible (KJV). Before you dismiss that statement of FACT and WRONGLY think that the Bible is about churches and Organised-Religions, you should know that the Bible itself CONDEMNS churches; priests and Religions.
“I knew it was Him.,” Cynthia said. “Then immediately the peace that I felt once that came over me. It was awesome.”
Cynthia kept her personal experiences with God a secret until she moved out of her parent’s home. She knew there would be grave consequences. When she was 19 and living independently, she denounced the Jehovah’s Witness religion.
“I wrote a letter to one of the elders of the congregation and I told him that I no longer wish to be a witness,” Cynthia said. “I heard later on that they publicly disowned me at the service.
“When my parents disowned me, it was devastating,” Cynthia said. “I remember my dad calling me out of my name, telling me I was not welcome, and it just crushed me.”
There were so many different emotions but one thing that I kept in the back of my mind was that I had heard the voice of God, so if anything happens, I knew that he talked to me when he healed me. That was what kept me going.” Cynthia said.
A couple of months later, Cynthia met a pastor at her local gym and he invited her to church. Because of his invitation, she attended a Christian church for the first time in her life. At first she was afraid.
“I had been taught that all other churches were tied up with Satan, the devil, and to go in and embrace that would be basically worshipping the devil,” Cynthia said. “But, there was a peace that came over me that I knew it was God and I knew it was him leading me,” Cynthia said. “I didn’t know how, but I knew it was him leading me.”
Her first day at church, Cynthia learned about Jesus and His plan of salvation. That morning, Cynthia gave her life to Christ.
“When I first got saved and I asked Christ into my heart, I felt clean,” Cynthia said. “Going to the altar, it felt like I was being rinsed of everything. It was a freeing experience. It was indescribable.”
“I fell into a deep depression,” Cynthia said. “I can remember having a bottle of pills and I called my friend and I told him goodbye because I was planning on killing myself. Right before that happened he knocked on the door, thank God, and he prayed me out of that depression.”
With the support of her church, Cynthia drew on God’s strength and encouragement. Cynthia’s victory over depression came when she started reading the Bible and memorizing scriptures. Cynthia says her hardships only made her faith stronger.
“I learned so much about who Jesus was,” Cynthia said. “From my provider when I didn’t have money, my comforter when I was lonely…he was my peace when my mind would try to be confused. He has been my mother, my father…he has been everything to me.”
Today, Cynthia says that although she is still estranged from her family she has forgiven them and prays for them. She shares her life changing story in her book, “The Cost of My Salvation.”
“There is definitely a difference between a religion and relationship,” Cynthia said. “I have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I live my life based on the relationship because I want to be pleasing to him and that is so absent from the rituals that come with religion that is no comparison.”
“If there is someone today watching and you want Jesus and maybe you were taught that he is just a prophet, I would encourage you today to just invite him into your heart…
“If you want to seek Him and you diligently seek Him, He will find you.”
Democratic nations refer constantly to the state of their economies, which again is one of Satan their master's deceptions and lies. The TRUTH is that they are actually the opposite of democracies and economies and are, in reality, total extravagances. There is absolutely nothing economic or conservative about a consumer, throw-it-away, society and the two things, conserve and consume, are a contradiction in terms and impossible to reconcile.
It is this modern-day, insanely insatiable, consumerism (of the spice Melange) that is poisoning and thereby bringing sicknessand death to the Earth; its environment and YOU all.
Christ said, "YOU can NOT serve (love) God (good) and mammon (materialism)", because they are opposites. Just as Satan,the destroyer (Revelation chapter 9 verse 11), has taught his children (his followers) the way of materialism and consumerism with his market-system, which he started; originally in the now totally destroyed City of Babylon; and God, Who destroyed it, and Who teaches responsibility and TRUE conservation, are opposites.
The word Satan is Hebrew meaning The Opposer (someone who does the opposite) and, in Satan's case, he is, and does, theopposite from God. Anyone doing the opposite to God is working for Satan.
Christ has already stated, in His Bible Book of Revelation chapter 11, what He is going to do to ALL of those people who are destroying the Earth (which today means almost everyone):-
11:18 And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the Time of the "Dead", that they should be Judged, and that Thou shouldest give reward unto Thy Servants the Prophets, and to the holy people, and them that fear Thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.